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ትግሬ የሆንክ ይህን ስማ

Posted: 10 Feb 2024, 01:27
by Kara

Re: ወያኔዎች ይህን መስማት አለባቸው

Posted: 10 Feb 2024, 01:55
by Axumezana
We call these type of people "ultra extremists from Amhara" . I guess this guy was one of the Derg officials.
We have also same type of extremists from each ethnic group in Ethiopia.

Re: ወያኔዎች ይህን መስማት አለባቸው

Posted: 10 Feb 2024, 03:05
by union

I told you that every time you bad mouth Amara you are setting yourself up for a much BIGGER disaster than the 1.5 million agames you lost.

Keep lying to yourself this guy is an extremist and does not represent other Amaras. The crimes you have done and the hate your are showing now is creating a monster Amara!

I told you that the old Amara don't exist. We are out to forgive but revenge on those that want to perpetuate the hate on us!

Trust me, we are coming!

Your only way to deal with us should be through peace, love and respect. Anything other than that will COST you huge!

We will deport you just like what you did to ascaris. That is the least we will do! Be very careful!!
Axumezana wrote:
10 Feb 2024, 01:55
We call these type of people "ultra extremists from Amhara" . I guess this guy was one of the Derg officials.
We have also same type of extremists from each ethnic group in Ethiopia.

Re: ትግሬ የሆንክ ይህን ስማ

Posted: 10 Feb 2024, 03:16
by Axumezana
Ascari Union you are not Amara but trying to blackmail Amharas.No Amhara thinks the way you think.