by union » 30 Jan 2024, 01:47
"Deep poverty has become the reason making the poor poorer and rich richer. That is digging a deeper divide where many of our young people fall and turn to prostitution; to drugs, to depression and to suicide if they ever make it to reach shore of any country along the Mediterranean. For now, we in the diaspora, are living with the rule of “out of my sight out of my mind” such motto might make us land at Asmara airport soon, only to take the first flight out again and forget for good this land so much in need of each of us. Many of us know distressingly little about life at the smelly bottom level of society. If we do not get ready from now, poverty in Eritrea will only retrocede into the contextual abysses of the bottom line.
Social structure needs to be prepared, or at least discussed closely by our sociologists and our media! How to work on a macro-level, avoiding racisms of class, of faith, of education, of income and avoid marginalizing our people further is something our so called “opposition groups” need to include in their agendas and make it a main line of their top page! Poverty and miseries in Eritrea are the outcome of Ethiopian occupation for four decades, and the lack of assistance from our very first government.
Poverty is not a state of minds. Prostitution is the child of poverty and lack of a land one can call “my own”! There is no simplistic way to analyze poverty; poverty is a social and complex phenomenon. Let us not minimize or despise our youth dying from AIDS; from drug overdose or simply opt for suicide. They belong to us and without them in a state of a healthy life, we will never exists!
Victim blaming should not exist among Eritreans; we all have been victims at one time. If we agree that poverty and prostitution are born from inequality and wars, perhaps accepting that immediately, would be the beginning of a solution we all agree upon!
“Martyr Berhane Tesfamariam