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የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 15:59
by DefendTheTruth
የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound or Injury) ምን ማለት ነዉ? ስብራት እዉነት አለ? ምን ይመስላል?

ትልቅ ስብራት አለ፣ ኢትዮጵያን መግዛት አቅቶዋቸዉ፣ ኢትዮጵያ የነፃነት አርማ ሆና ለዘላላም ኑራለች፣ የነፃነት ተመስሌት ናት፣ የነፃነት እናት ተብላ በመለዉ የጥቁር አፍሪካ አህጉር ና በተቀረዉ የአለም ጥቁሮች ዘንድ ኢትዮጵያ ማለት የነፃነታቸዉ ፈር ቀዳጅ ናት፣ ተመስሌት ናት። Ethiopia is the mother of our freedom, said former Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta.

እሷን ልያንበረክኳት መጥቶ አፍሮ ና የሽንፈት ቅሌት ተሸክሞ ወደ መጡበት ተመልሶዋል። ተቆጭቶዋል፣ አፍሮዋል፣ እስከ ዛሬ ድረስ ይህን ዉርደት መቋቋወም አልቻሉም። የኢትዮጵያ ስም ስነሳ ያንገበግባችዋል። ለመበቀል ሁሉን አጋጣሚ እንዳያመልጣቸዉ ይጣደፋሉ። ቅሙ ምን ጊዜም አይራሳም።

ኢትዮጵያ የተፈጥሮ ሃብቷን እንኳን ተጠቅማ ራሱዋን እንድትችል በፍፁም አይሹም። ራሱዋን እንድትችል ሳይሆን በእነሱ ብጣሽ እርዳታ ላይ ተቀጽላ እንድትኖር ይመኛሉ። የሆነ ነገር ኮሽ ባለ ቁጥር የእርዳታቸዉን ካርድ ቶሎ ይስቡና እስክ እኛ ከልነዉ ዉጭ ፍንክች በሉ ብለዉ ማስፋራራቱን ይያዙታል። ሆን ብሎ የተቀናጀ ና የስራ መመሪያቸዉ ነዉ።

በቅርቡ ያሳዩን ይህንኑን ነዉ። ሶማሊላንድ ለ3 አስር-አመታት ራሷን ችላ የራሷን ጉዳይ ስታስጨርስ ነበረች፣ ማንም ዞሮ ብሎ ይህ ጉዳይ አይሆንም ያላት አልነበረም።

EU ተብዬው የጨቋኞች ስብስብ ና የቅኝ ገዢዎች ልጆች ስብስብ ኢትዮጵያ ከሶማሊ ላንድ ጋር ስምምነት ተፈራረመች የምባል ወሬ ስ ሰሙ ለአንድ ቀን እንኳን መታገስ አልቻሉም፣ ስለ ሶማሊያ ሉኣላዊነት ተቆርቋሪዎች ሆኖ ወድያዉ ድርግቱን መገሰፅ ታያያዙት፣ እፍረት የለሽ መግላጫም አወጡ። ኢትዮጵያን አስጠነቀቁዋት፣ አርፈሽ እኛ በወስንልሽ ልክ መኖር አልብሽ የምል አይነት ትዕዛዝ የመስጠት ያህል ሸነጣቸዉ።

ኢትዮጵያን ቆልፈንባታል ና ከዚያ ቁልፍ ዉስጥ የለ እኛ ፍቃድ መዉጣት የለባትም የምል መልዕክት ነዉ የነሱ መግለጫ ተብዬዉ። ለዚህ ነዉ ለሰላሳ አመት ና ከዚያ በላይ ስለ ሶማሊያ ሉኣላዊነት ምንም ነገር ትንፍሽ ሳይሉ፡ አሁን ደግሞ በአንዴ ተነስቶ ያሳስበናል የሉት፣ በመግለጫቸዉ።

የተከፈለዉ መስዋዕነት ተከፍሎ ኢትዮጵያ ከተቆለፈባት እስር ማላቀቅ አለባት። ሌላ ምርጫ የላትም፣ የተጣለባትን የታሪክ ስብራት ማካም አለባት፣ ማንንም ሳትጎዳ ና ማንንም ሳትገብር።

የተቆለፈባት ኢትዮጵያ ና ታላቋ ኢትዮጵያ አንድ አካል ሆኖ መኖር አይችሉም። የታሪክ ስብራቱ መታከም አለበት!

(Land-)Locked Ethiopia and Great Ethiopia can never go hand in hand, we have the choice to take one and drop the other!

We have inherited the Great Ethiopia from our forefathers, who crushed the colonizing power of Europe before they even knew what modern day technology means. The current generation shall never come into terms with the humiliating attribute of land-locked (የተቆለፈባት), as if we have a nation that is in prison. Indeed we are currently in a geographic prison. We should look for our escape route, without harming anybody or succumbing to anyone!

It is time to remediate our historical wound as a nation!

Re: የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 16:10
by @Red
The deal with Somaliland has been done brilliantly. It was done peacefully based on mutual respect for both countries, and Somalia plus others are jealous and nothing they can do…
I am sure Djibouti and Eritra missed big opportunity for their development with us. They will be begging us pretty soon to use their ports instead or beg to join the federation … mark my word… don’t believe the empty bravado… it will take them nowhere…

Re: የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 17:24
by DefendTheTruth
No where did PM Abiy used the word "force" but they have to put it into his mouth, or they would like to speak for him.
Prime Minister Abiy last year described access to the sea as an existential issue.

Ethiopia lost its ports when Eritrea seceded in the early 1990s. With more than 100 million people, it is the most populous landlocked country in the world.

Mr Abiy's statement raised fears that Ethiopia could try to achieve its goal by force.

Re: የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 17:39
by DefendTheTruth
On the second of January, 2024, a day after the MoU was signed between ET and SL, EU issued the following "reminder":
On 1 January, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi signed a Memorandum of Understanding on granting Ethiopia access to the sea.

The European Union would like to remind the importance of respecting the unity, the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Somalia pursuant of its constitution, the Charters of the African Union and the United Nations. This is key for the peace and stability of the entire Horn of Africa region.
One more question that struck me here is if the said "Somalia constitution" also stipulates a part of its sovereign nation could conduct elections legally on multiple occasions, successfully?

If it doesn't, did the same EU also issue such a statement? On all occasions of the elections?

Well, double standard is the norm and belongs to the standard tool.

Ethiopia/Somalia: Statement by the Spokesperson on the territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Somalia

Re: የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 18:24
by DefendTheTruth
"There are still aid organisations in China", said one of the participants of this discussion.

It is interesting, take a time and listen to, it helps you.

Re: የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 19:20
DefendTheTruth wrote:
08 Jan 2024, 15:59
የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound or Injury) ምን ማለት ነዉ? ስብራት እዉነት አለ? ምን ይመስላል?

ትልቅ ስብራት አለ፣ ኢትዮጵያን መግዛት አቅቶዋቸዉ፣ ኢትዮጵያ የነፃነት አርማ ሆና ለዘላላም ኑራለች፣ የነፃነት ተመስሌት ናት፣ የነፃነት እናት ተብላ በመለዉ የጥቁር አፍሪካ አህጉር ና በተቀረዉ የአለም ጥቁሮች ዘንድ ኢትዮጵያ ማለት የነፃነታቸዉ ፈር ቀዳጅ ናት፣ ተመስሌት ናት። Ethiopia is the mother of our freedom, said former Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta.

እሷን ልያንበረክኳት መጥቶ አፍሮ ና የሽንፈት ቅሌት ተሸክሞ ወደ መጡበት ተመልሶዋል። ተቆጭቶዋል፣ አፍሮዋል፣ እስከ ዛሬ ድረስ ይህን ዉርደት መቋቋወም አልቻሉም። የኢትዮጵያ ስም ስነሳ ያንገበግባችዋል። ለመበቀል ሁሉን አጋጣሚ እንዳያመልጣቸዉ ይጣደፋሉ። ቅሙ ምን ጊዜም አይራሳም።

ኢትዮጵያ የተፈጥሮ ሃብቷን እንኳን ተጠቅማ ራሱዋን እንድትችል በፍፁም አይሹም። ራሱዋን እንድትችል ሳይሆን በእነሱ ብጣሽ እርዳታ ላይ ተቀጽላ እንድትኖር ይመኛሉ። የሆነ ነገር ኮሽ ባለ ቁጥር የእርዳታቸዉን ካርድ ቶሎ ይስቡና እስክ እኛ ከልነዉ ዉጭ ፍንክች በሉ ብለዉ ማስፋራራቱን ይያዙታል። ሆን ብሎ የተቀናጀ ና የስራ መመሪያቸዉ ነዉ።

በቅርቡ ያሳዩን ይህንኑን ነዉ። ሶማሊላንድ ለ3 አስር-አመታት ራሷን ችላ የራሷን ጉዳይ ስታስጨርስ ነበረች፣ ማንም ዞሮ ብሎ ይህ ጉዳይ አይሆንም ያላት አልነበረም።

EU ተብዬው የጨቋኞች ስብስብ ና የቅኝ ገዢዎች ልጆች ስብስብ ኢትዮጵያ ከሶማሊ ላንድ ጋር ስምምነት ተፈራረመች የምባል ወሬ ስ ሰሙ ለአንድ ቀን እንኳን መታገስ አልቻሉም፣ ስለ ሶማሊያ ሉኣላዊነት ተቆርቋሪዎች ሆኖ ወድያዉ ድርግቱን መገሰፅ ታያያዙት፣ እፍረት የለሽ መግላጫም አወጡ። ኢትዮጵያን አስጠነቀቁዋት፣ አርፈሽ እኛ በወስንልሽ ልክ መኖር አልብሽ የምል አይነት ትዕዛዝ የመስጠት ያህል ሸነጣቸዉ።

ኢትዮጵያን ቆልፈንባታል ና ከዚያ ቁልፍ ዉስጥ የለ እኛ ፍቃድ መዉጣት የለባትም የምል መልዕክት ነዉ የነሱ መግለጫ ተብዬዉ። ለዚህ ነዉ ለሰላሳ አመት ና ከዚያ በላይ ስለ ሶማሊያ ሉኣላዊነት ምንም ነገር ትንፍሽ ሳይሉ፡ አሁን ደግሞ በአንዴ ተነስቶ ያሳስበናል የሉት፣ በመግለጫቸዉ።

የተከፈለዉ መስዋዕነት ተከፍሎ ኢትዮጵያ ከተቆለፈባት እስር ማላቀቅ አለባት። ሌላ ምርጫ የላትም፣ የተጣለባትን የታሪክ ስብራት ማካም አለባት፣ ማንንም ሳትጎዳ ና ማንንም ሳትገብር።

የተቆለፈባት ኢትዮጵያ ና ታላቋ ኢትዮጵያ አንድ አካል ሆኖ መኖር አይችሉም። የታሪክ ስብራቱ መታከም አለበት!

(Land-)Locked Ethiopia and Great Ethiopia can never go hand in hand, we have the choice to take one and drop the other!

We have inherited the Great Ethiopia from our forefathers, who crushed the colonizing power of Europe before they even knew what modern day technology means. The current generation shall never come into terms with the humiliating attribute of land-locked (የተቆለፈባት), as if we have a nation that is in prison. Indeed we are currently in a geographic prison. We should look for our escape route, without harming anybody or succumbing to anyone!

You might not comprehend it, but your stance is riddled with contradictions. The triumphs you credit to the previous generation did not materialize out of thin air. Despite the shortcomings of the feudal society, our for fathers accomplished one crucial feat that every generation of Ethiopians aspires to achieve: Strengthening the unity of the Ethiopian people. The victories you glorify are simply the outcome of exceptional leaders who prioritized national interests over internal tribal disputes.

Let's take a realistic look at Abiy's inept leadership. While external threats aim to dismantle Ethiopia, he is engaged in a reckless pursuit of conflicts, undermining the nation and eroding the strength of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) and the unity of the people. Instead of focusing on bolstering internal cohesion and enhancing economic, political, and military power, Abiy has created a nation in disarray. Furthermore, he has needlessly antagonized a neighboring country by entering into agreements that have raised tensions and enmity .

If Ethiopia maintains internal harmony and concentrates on its development, surrounding nations would naturally align with Ethiopia for their own interests and our deadly enemies would have backed off . However, the incompetence of this leadership while it is weakening Ethiopia internally it turns around and reigniting historical animosities with neighboring countries unnecessarily.

Re: የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 09 Jan 2024, 03:48
by DefendTheTruth
TGAA wrote:
08 Jan 2024, 19:20
DefendTheTruth wrote:
08 Jan 2024, 15:59
የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound or Injury) ምን ማለት ነዉ? ስብራት እዉነት አለ? ምን ይመስላል?

ትልቅ ስብራት አለ፣ ኢትዮጵያን መግዛት አቅቶዋቸዉ፣ ኢትዮጵያ የነፃነት አርማ ሆና ለዘላላም ኑራለች፣ የነፃነት ተመስሌት ናት፣ የነፃነት እናት ተብላ በመለዉ የጥቁር አፍሪካ አህጉር ና በተቀረዉ የአለም ጥቁሮች ዘንድ ኢትዮጵያ ማለት የነፃነታቸዉ ፈር ቀዳጅ ናት፣ ተመስሌት ናት። Ethiopia is the mother of our freedom, said former Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta.

እሷን ልያንበረክኳት መጥቶ አፍሮ ና የሽንፈት ቅሌት ተሸክሞ ወደ መጡበት ተመልሶዋል። ተቆጭቶዋል፣ አፍሮዋል፣ እስከ ዛሬ ድረስ ይህን ዉርደት መቋቋወም አልቻሉም። የኢትዮጵያ ስም ስነሳ ያንገበግባችዋል። ለመበቀል ሁሉን አጋጣሚ እንዳያመልጣቸዉ ይጣደፋሉ። ቅሙ ምን ጊዜም አይራሳም።

ኢትዮጵያ የተፈጥሮ ሃብቷን እንኳን ተጠቅማ ራሱዋን እንድትችል በፍፁም አይሹም። ራሱዋን እንድትችል ሳይሆን በእነሱ ብጣሽ እርዳታ ላይ ተቀጽላ እንድትኖር ይመኛሉ። የሆነ ነገር ኮሽ ባለ ቁጥር የእርዳታቸዉን ካርድ ቶሎ ይስቡና እስክ እኛ ከልነዉ ዉጭ ፍንክች በሉ ብለዉ ማስፋራራቱን ይያዙታል። ሆን ብሎ የተቀናጀ ና የስራ መመሪያቸዉ ነዉ።

በቅርቡ ያሳዩን ይህንኑን ነዉ። ሶማሊላንድ ለ3 አስር-አመታት ራሷን ችላ የራሷን ጉዳይ ስታስጨርስ ነበረች፣ ማንም ዞሮ ብሎ ይህ ጉዳይ አይሆንም ያላት አልነበረም።

EU ተብዬው የጨቋኞች ስብስብ ና የቅኝ ገዢዎች ልጆች ስብስብ ኢትዮጵያ ከሶማሊ ላንድ ጋር ስምምነት ተፈራረመች የምባል ወሬ ስ ሰሙ ለአንድ ቀን እንኳን መታገስ አልቻሉም፣ ስለ ሶማሊያ ሉኣላዊነት ተቆርቋሪዎች ሆኖ ወድያዉ ድርግቱን መገሰፅ ታያያዙት፣ እፍረት የለሽ መግላጫም አወጡ። ኢትዮጵያን አስጠነቀቁዋት፣ አርፈሽ እኛ በወስንልሽ ልክ መኖር አልብሽ የምል አይነት ትዕዛዝ የመስጠት ያህል ሸነጣቸዉ።

ኢትዮጵያን ቆልፈንባታል ና ከዚያ ቁልፍ ዉስጥ የለ እኛ ፍቃድ መዉጣት የለባትም የምል መልዕክት ነዉ የነሱ መግለጫ ተብዬዉ። ለዚህ ነዉ ለሰላሳ አመት ና ከዚያ በላይ ስለ ሶማሊያ ሉኣላዊነት ምንም ነገር ትንፍሽ ሳይሉ፡ አሁን ደግሞ በአንዴ ተነስቶ ያሳስበናል የሉት፣ በመግለጫቸዉ።

የተከፈለዉ መስዋዕነት ተከፍሎ ኢትዮጵያ ከተቆለፈባት እስር ማላቀቅ አለባት። ሌላ ምርጫ የላትም፣ የተጣለባትን የታሪክ ስብራት ማካም አለባት፣ ማንንም ሳትጎዳ ና ማንንም ሳትገብር።

የተቆለፈባት ኢትዮጵያ ና ታላቋ ኢትዮጵያ አንድ አካል ሆኖ መኖር አይችሉም። የታሪክ ስብራቱ መታከም አለበት!

(Land-)Locked Ethiopia and Great Ethiopia can never go hand in hand, we have the choice to take one and drop the other!

We have inherited the Great Ethiopia from our forefathers, who crushed the colonizing power of Europe before they even knew what modern day technology means. The current generation shall never come into terms with the humiliating attribute of land-locked (የተቆለፈባት), as if we have a nation that is in prison. Indeed we are currently in a geographic prison. We should look for our escape route, without harming anybody or succumbing to anyone!

You might not comprehend it, but your stance is riddled with contradictions. The triumphs you credit to the previous generation did not materialize out of thin air. Despite the shortcomings of the feudal society, our for fathers accomplished one crucial feat that every generation of Ethiopians aspires to achieve: Strengthening the unity of the Ethiopian people. The victories you glorify are simply the outcome of exceptional leaders who prioritized national interests over internal tribal disputes.

Let's take a realistic look at Abiy's inept leadership. While external threats aim to dismantle Ethiopia, he is engaged in a reckless pursuit of conflicts, undermining the nation and eroding the strength of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) and the unity of the people. Instead of focusing on bolstering internal cohesion and enhancing economic, political, and military power, Abiy has created a nation in disarray. Furthermore, he has needlessly antagonized a neighboring country by entering into agreements that have raised tensions and enmity .

If Ethiopia maintains internal harmony and concentrates on its development, surrounding nations would naturally align with Ethiopia for their own interests and our deadly enemies would have backed off . However, the incompetence of this leadership while it is weakening Ethiopia internally it turns around and reigniting historical animosities with neighboring countries unnecessarily.
ህድ ና ያን ለአለቃህ ኢሱ ዘ መርዙ ንገረዉ፣ ተላላኪ!

Re: የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 09 Jan 2024, 04:15
DefendTheTruth wrote:
09 Jan 2024, 03:48
TGAA wrote:
08 Jan 2024, 19:20
DefendTheTruth wrote:
08 Jan 2024, 15:59
የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound or Injury) ምን ማለት ነዉ? ስብራት እዉነት አለ? ምን ይመስላል?

ትልቅ ስብራት አለ፣ ኢትዮጵያን መግዛት አቅቶዋቸዉ፣ ኢትዮጵያ የነፃነት አርማ ሆና ለዘላላም ኑራለች፣ የነፃነት ተመስሌት ናት፣ የነፃነት እናት ተብላ በመለዉ የጥቁር አፍሪካ አህጉር ና በተቀረዉ የአለም ጥቁሮች ዘንድ ኢትዮጵያ ማለት የነፃነታቸዉ ፈር ቀዳጅ ናት፣ ተመስሌት ናት። Ethiopia is the mother of our freedom, said former Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta.

እሷን ልያንበረክኳት መጥቶ አፍሮ ና የሽንፈት ቅሌት ተሸክሞ ወደ መጡበት ተመልሶዋል። ተቆጭቶዋል፣ አፍሮዋል፣ እስከ ዛሬ ድረስ ይህን ዉርደት መቋቋወም አልቻሉም። የኢትዮጵያ ስም ስነሳ ያንገበግባችዋል። ለመበቀል ሁሉን አጋጣሚ እንዳያመልጣቸዉ ይጣደፋሉ። ቅሙ ምን ጊዜም አይራሳም።

ኢትዮጵያ የተፈጥሮ ሃብቷን እንኳን ተጠቅማ ራሱዋን እንድትችል በፍፁም አይሹም። ራሱዋን እንድትችል ሳይሆን በእነሱ ብጣሽ እርዳታ ላይ ተቀጽላ እንድትኖር ይመኛሉ። የሆነ ነገር ኮሽ ባለ ቁጥር የእርዳታቸዉን ካርድ ቶሎ ይስቡና እስክ እኛ ከልነዉ ዉጭ ፍንክች በሉ ብለዉ ማስፋራራቱን ይያዙታል። ሆን ብሎ የተቀናጀ ና የስራ መመሪያቸዉ ነዉ።

በቅርቡ ያሳዩን ይህንኑን ነዉ። ሶማሊላንድ ለ3 አስር-አመታት ራሷን ችላ የራሷን ጉዳይ ስታስጨርስ ነበረች፣ ማንም ዞሮ ብሎ ይህ ጉዳይ አይሆንም ያላት አልነበረም።

EU ተብዬው የጨቋኞች ስብስብ ና የቅኝ ገዢዎች ልጆች ስብስብ ኢትዮጵያ ከሶማሊ ላንድ ጋር ስምምነት ተፈራረመች የምባል ወሬ ስ ሰሙ ለአንድ ቀን እንኳን መታገስ አልቻሉም፣ ስለ ሶማሊያ ሉኣላዊነት ተቆርቋሪዎች ሆኖ ወድያዉ ድርግቱን መገሰፅ ታያያዙት፣ እፍረት የለሽ መግላጫም አወጡ። ኢትዮጵያን አስጠነቀቁዋት፣ አርፈሽ እኛ በወስንልሽ ልክ መኖር አልብሽ የምል አይነት ትዕዛዝ የመስጠት ያህል ሸነጣቸዉ።

ኢትዮጵያን ቆልፈንባታል ና ከዚያ ቁልፍ ዉስጥ የለ እኛ ፍቃድ መዉጣት የለባትም የምል መልዕክት ነዉ የነሱ መግለጫ ተብዬዉ። ለዚህ ነዉ ለሰላሳ አመት ና ከዚያ በላይ ስለ ሶማሊያ ሉኣላዊነት ምንም ነገር ትንፍሽ ሳይሉ፡ አሁን ደግሞ በአንዴ ተነስቶ ያሳስበናል የሉት፣ በመግለጫቸዉ።

የተከፈለዉ መስዋዕነት ተከፍሎ ኢትዮጵያ ከተቆለፈባት እስር ማላቀቅ አለባት። ሌላ ምርጫ የላትም፣ የተጣለባትን የታሪክ ስብራት ማካም አለባት፣ ማንንም ሳትጎዳ ና ማንንም ሳትገብር።

የተቆለፈባት ኢትዮጵያ ና ታላቋ ኢትዮጵያ አንድ አካል ሆኖ መኖር አይችሉም። የታሪክ ስብራቱ መታከም አለበት!

(Land-)Locked Ethiopia and Great Ethiopia can never go hand in hand, we have the choice to take one and drop the other!

We have inherited the Great Ethiopia from our forefathers, who crushed the colonizing power of Europe before they even knew what modern day technology means. The current generation shall never come into terms with the humiliating attribute of land-locked (የተቆለፈባት), as if we have a nation that is in prison. Indeed we are currently in a geographic prison. We should look for our escape route, without harming anybody or succumbing to anyone!

You might not comprehend it, but your stance is riddled with contradictions. The triumphs you credit to the previous generation did not materialize out of thin air. Despite the shortcomings of the feudal society, our for fathers accomplished one crucial feat that every generation of Ethiopians aspires to achieve: Strengthening the unity of the Ethiopian people. The victories you glorify are simply the outcome of exceptional leaders who prioritized national interests over internal tribal disputes.

Let's take a realistic look at Abiy's inept leadership. While external threats aim to dismantle Ethiopia, he is engaged in a reckless pursuit of conflicts, undermining the nation and eroding the strength of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) and the unity of the people. Instead of focusing on bolstering internal cohesion and enhancing economic, political, and military power, Abiy has created a nation in disarray. Furthermore, he has needlessly antagonized a neighboring country by entering into agreements that have raised tensions and enmity .

If Ethiopia maintains internal harmony and concentrates on its development, surrounding nations would naturally align with Ethiopia for their own interests and our deadly enemies would have backed off . However, the incompetence of this leadership while it is weakening Ethiopia internally it turns around and reigniting historical animosities with neighboring countries unnecessarily.
ህድ ና ያን ለአለቃህ ኢሱ ዘ መርዙ ንገረዉ፣ ተላላኪ!
ቀለበት ኢሱ ጣት ካላገባሁ ብሎ ሲፋተግ የነበረው አሽቃላጩ አብይም አልተመረዘም... ጭ ንቅላተ ቢስ ካድሬ. 🙄

Re: የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 09 Jan 2024, 12:27
by Right
DDT aka Axumezana

You are busted

Re: የታሪክ ስብራት (Historical Wound)

Posted: 09 Jan 2024, 17:48
by DefendTheTruth
Here an excerpt from what I said yesterday under this thread.
Many centuries ago, chroniclers conjured what was in antiquity called Ethiopia as a realm at the heart of global trade. The treasures of Rome and India all flowed through its ports along the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Merchants and pilgrims made their way to the Middle East and Mediterranean world via its caravan routes and docks. A 6th-century Byzantine historian described a kingdom with a vast fleet of wooden boats. The ancient Greeks even named the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, thousands of miles away from the Ethiopian highlands, the Ethiopian Sea.

But modern-day Ethiopia is famously landlocked. Apart from a few decades in the 20th century when Ethiopia had annexed neighboring Eritrea, Africa’s second-most populous nation has never had a coastline. It maintains a meager, mostly riverine navy and pays tiny Djibouti some $1.5 billion a year for the privilege of accessing its ports and coastal infrastructure.
I enlarged for you to see and read, more importantly understand, what that may mean. Afterwards explain to me how somebody could be "famously landlocked"?

I also never cared that much about the meaning of the term before I met someone before perhaps couple of years and we exchanged few conversations and he expressed to me how that should feel, if you (my country as a nation) are landlocked to me, in a way that felt something like down looked on.

It sounded to me and the conversation partner tried to depict it as some sort of a derogative designation. Somebody who is not free, locked (down) as if in prison.

Ethiopia can never be called fully free unless she can reclaim her freedom to access (which correctly called access right) the world's most important trade of maritime.

And then please tell me also what could be dubbed "a geopolitical bombshell" for what has been exercised for over 30 years?
And last week, in what was a geopolitical bombshell in the Horn of Africa, Abiy appeared to achieve his goal. Alongside Muse Bihi Abdi, president of the self-declared breakaway Republic of Somaliland, Abiy announced that the two parties had reached a memorandum of understanding that would see Somaliland lease to Ethiopia some 12 miles of its coastline by the port of Berbera. In return, the autonomous entity that exists within the internationally recognized territory of Somalia may win something altogether more valuable: diplomatic recognition from Addis Ababa.
They know very well that this deal will bear fruition but until then they have to defame Ethiopia by anything possible. That is the message I understand.

He also quoted Ambassador John Peter Pham, whom BBC interview I posted on this forum before few days
J. Peter Pham, a former U.S. ambassador and Washington envoy to the region, shrugged off concerns that a potential pact could stoke a wider crisis. “It’s a real win-win, and it respects the reality of what’s on the ground in the Horn of Africa and not notional theories,” he told the BBC.
Knowing that very well that is what is going to happen, in which case it is not Ethiopia or Somaliland who should be defamed, rather EU, US, UK and others who knowingly took a different posturing on issue of justice. The will of the people of Ethiopia and that of Somaliland is the ultimate decision maker on this issue.

They knew and know that!

Washington Post will come back and explain about its "famously landlocked" and "a geopolitical bombshell" in few months time, when the dust gets settled. ... omaliland/