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Colonel Biniam tells Agames the Unvarnished truth: "We have become liars. We have to be born again"

Posted: 04 Jan 2024, 18:08
by sesame
    This is what Agames need, one of their own telling them the truth. But will they listen? I have my doubts. Agames hate the truth.

    Re: Colonel Biniam tells Agames the Unvarnished truth: "We have become liars. We have to be born again"

    Posted: 04 Jan 2024, 21:17
    by euroland
    I didn’t know Agames have some honest people among them. This is shocking. This guy and the girl really exposed the lies of “ትግራይ ትስዕር" gangs who lied to their people about them winning the war. It is one the most interesting interviews that I watched from Agame medias

    Re: Colonel Biniam tells Agames the Unvarnished truth: "We have become liars. We have to be born again"

    Posted: 05 Jan 2024, 14:25
    by kebena05
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Re: Colonel Biniam tells Agames the Unvarnished truth: "We have become liars. We have to be born again"

    Posted: 05 Jan 2024, 15:01
    by Fiyameta
    It is often said that, if an agame stops lying for one day, his family and friends treat it as an emergency and call an ambulance. So, every time I hear sirens, I say "Here goes another agame, Get well soon!" :P :P

    Re: Colonel Biniam tells Agames the Unvarnished truth: "We have become liars. We have to be born again"

    Posted: 05 Jan 2024, 22:11
    by quindibu
    I don't remember who said it- Ask No Questions, and You Will Hear No Lies.......

    Unfortunately, social media is the equaliser..........Every low IQ, every mentally-unstable, every under-achiever and failures lurk in this maze, finding their own niche, spewing their swill 24/7, and .........retiring to their own little world at the end of the day, feeling lonely, angry at the World and at anyone whom they assume is superior to them........The impetus is the same psychological need- to be acknowledged, to be recognised, the desire not to be invisible- not by doing the hard work, but by dragging others down with them!

    And God bless Tigray.........who never had, nor will have any scarcity of these kinds of people.

    Re: Colonel Biniam tells Agames the Unvarnished truth: "We have become liars. We have to be born again"

    Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 00:39
    by Fiyameta

    Re: Colonel Biniam tells Agames the Unvarnished truth: "We have become liars. We have to be born again"

    Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 01:15
    by Fed_Up
    euroland wrote:
    04 Jan 2024, 21:17
    I didn’t know Agames have some honest people among them. This is shocking. This guy and the girl really exposed the lies of “ትግራይ ትስዕር" gangs who lied to their people about them winning the war. It is one the most interesting interviews that I watched from Agame medias
    Euro bro,
    Don't be surprise he is አስመራ እባይ አጋም'ዩ::

    Re: Colonel Biniam tells Agames the Unvarnished truth: "We have become liars. We have to be born again"

    Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 02:18
    by Fiyameta
    quindibu wrote:
    05 Jan 2024, 22:11
    I don't remember who said it- Ask No Questions, and You Will Hear No Lies.......

    Unfortunately, social media is the equaliser..........Every low IQ, every mentally-unstable, every under-achiever and failures lurk in this maze, finding their own niche, spewing their swill 24/7, and .........retiring to their own little world at the end of the day, feeling lonely, angry at the World and at anyone whom they assume is superior to them........The impetus is the same psychological need- to be acknowledged, to be recognised, the desire not to be invisible- not by doing the hard work, but by dragging others down with them!

    And God bless Tigray.........who never had, nor will have any scarcity of these kinds of people.
    :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

    Re: Colonel Biniam tells Agames the Unvarnished truth: "We have become liars. We have to be born again"

    Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 03:32
    by Fiyameta