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A group of lawyers in Ethiopia file lawsuit against PM Abiy and his generals over war crimes

Posted: 28 Nov 2023, 09:55
by temari
My guess is that these lawyers will soon be jailed or killed.

Re: A group of lawyers in Ethiopia file lawsuit against PM Abiy and his generals over war crimes

Posted: 28 Nov 2023, 10:09
by tolcha
temari wrote: ā†‘
28 Nov 2023, 09:55
My guess is that these lawyers will soon be jailed or killed.

Hi temari,
Hope you are doing fine, long time since we talked about this guy. It seems now you got it and distancing yourself from this psycho. I am sure these lawyers live abroad, right?

Re: A group of lawyers in Ethiopia file lawsuit against PM Abiy and his generals over war crimes

Posted: 28 Nov 2023, 10:40
by Axumezana
Happy to see today's Martin Luther Kings are born in Ethiopia. Non-violence struggle with action!

Until individual freedom and democracy are enshrined in Ethiopia power hungry leaders like Abiy and his enablers shall contuinue to commit genocide on our people with out being accountable to their crime. I individual freedom and democracy are God given rights for every citizen!

Re: A group of lawyers in Ethiopia file lawsuit against PM Abiy and his generals over war crimes

Posted: 28 Nov 2023, 11:21
by Fed_Up
My take on this
There is a growing sense that the Western powers are gearing up to remove the current Ethiopian government aka Oromuma under Abiy Ahmed, which is deemed to be corrupt, genocidal, and dishonest. This move is seen as a preemptive measure to prevent the freedom fighters Amhara group known as the Fanos from taking matters into their own hands. The situation is thus becoming a race between the West and the Fanos to see who will be the first to effect change in Ethiopia.

Re: A group of lawyers in Ethiopia file lawsuit against PM Abiy and his generals over war crimes

Posted: 28 Nov 2023, 11:56
by Tiago
The diaspora community must help these lawyers by approaching the ICC.

As usual, Abiy and his gang are already planning to round up these lawyers and put them behind bars.

Re: A group of lawyers in Ethiopia file lawsuit against PM Abiy and his generals over war crimes

Posted: 30 Nov 2023, 03:30
by temari
tolcha wrote: ā†‘
28 Nov 2023, 10:09
temari wrote: ā†‘
28 Nov 2023, 09:55
My guess is that these lawyers will soon be jailed or killed.

Hi temari,
Hope you are doing fine, long time since we talked about this guy. It seems now you got it and distancing yourself from this psycho. I am sure these lawyers live abroad, right?
Selam brother Tolcha, nice to hear from you.
My understanding is that the lawyers are indeed in Ethiopia but Iā€™m not sure what the psychopath will do to them after this. Thanks to the incompetent psychopath, the country is in a very sad state. Abiy is turning into one of the worst leaders of Ethiopia. What a mess!