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Who do Eritreans prefer to rule Ethiopia? Oromo?tigrea?amara?

Post by Jaegol » 19 Nov 2023, 12:49

It really doesn’t matter who rules Ethiopia, what matters is that Eritrea is armed to the teeth, stable and respected since any sign of weakness will be not good for it and its envious poor neighboring tribes.
Or Eritrea needs to do like what djibooty is doing, give base to the Egyptians, Saudis,Israeli ,Chinese, Russians, Americans, anybody who can pay and guarantee security of the country.

Eritrea has many options and make it clear with sovereignty respect, Ethiopian brothers can use our ports just as an Eritrean would…

Example: If Zmeselo imports a car through the Assab port that he will pay port service and if Horus imports a car, he pays a port service fee, like any other port in the world.

It’s just silly to go to a foreign sponsored conflict for no reason … vicious conflict zone for the interests of the arabs

Digital Weyane
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Re: Who do Eritreans prefer to rule Ethiopia? Oromo?tigrea?amara?

Post by Digital Weyane » 19 Nov 2023, 13:13

በጌታችን ብሊንከን እየተመራን ነው። ኢትዮጵያን እና ሰላምን የሚወድ መሪ እስክናገኝ ድረስ በቻይናው ፕሬዚዳንት ሺ ጂፒንግ ብንመራ ጡሩ ነበር እላለሁ። :roll: :roll:

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Re: Who do Eritreans prefer to rule Ethiopia? Oromo?tigrea?amara?

Post by kerenite » 19 Nov 2023, 14:56

Jaegol wrote:
19 Nov 2023, 12:49
It really doesn’t matter who rules Ethiopia, what matters is that Eritrea is armed to the teeth, stable and respected since any sign of weakness will be not good for it and its envious poor neighboring tribes.
Or Eritrea needs to do like what djibooty is doing, give base to the Egyptians, Saudis,Israeli ,Chinese, Russians, Americans, anybody who can pay and guarantee security of the country.

Eritrea has many options and make it clear with sovereignty respect, Ethiopian brothers can use our ports just as an Eritrean would…

Example: If Zmeselo imports a car through the Assab port that he will pay port service and if Horus imports a car, he pays a port service fee, like any other port in the world.

It’s just silly to go to a foreign sponsored conflict for no reason … vicious conflict zone for the interests of the arabs
Zaagol the bigot,

You scribbled above "... For the interests of arabs" :roll:

Clarify it!

Dark Energy
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Re: Who do Eritreans prefer to rule Ethiopia? Oromo?tigrea?amara?

Post by Dark Energy » 19 Nov 2023, 15:20


You are missing the point. Abbiy is paying some two billion dollars to Djibouti for its port services. What he is demanding is that Assab is not equipped to serve Ethiopia hence, Ethiopia has the right to confiscate the port in order to feed its 120,000 size population. He has the backing of the West and Emirates to bring it back to Ethiopia’s fold. Now, another scenario is that the West is behind this to change the regime in Eritrea. Why was Assab neglected for the last twenty years ? Why is Isaiah always blabbering stuff about the West. Why is he still in office for the last thirty years ? Do you remember the mantra
. ዓሰብ ኣበይ ኣላ ባጽዕ ኣበይ ኣላ

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Re: Who do Eritreans prefer to rule Ethiopia? Oromo?tigrea?amara?

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 19 Nov 2023, 17:11

Don't lump all Eritreans together.

We know who you Tigrinyas prefer to rule Ethiopia, just three week ago you were crying about habesha blood, we habesha shouldn't kill each other, we are the same people, blah, blah, blah.

The goatherder Tigrinyas want Amharas and Tigrayans to rule Ethiopia but that is not gonna happen, they will never rule Ethiopia again, Not in a million years, and you nappy headed Tigrinyas will be destroyed, Eritrea will be free from you, Guarantee.

In the meantime, find a cure for your jealousy of Djibouti.

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Re: Who do Eritreans prefer to rule Ethiopia? Oromo?tigrea?amara?

Post by Asmara » 19 Nov 2023, 17:50

Dark Energy wrote:
19 Nov 2023, 15:20

You are missing the point. Abbiy is paying some two billion dollars to Djibouti for its port services. What he is demanding is that Assab is not equipped to serve Ethiopia hence, Ethiopia has the right to confiscate the port in order to feed its 120,000 size population.
Abiy, the child-minded PM, could say anything he wants but he needs to realise that dreams and realities are two completely different things.

Eritrea is also demanding the Abay dam be half owned by Eritrea as it is, regretablly, not being utilised to its fullest capacity.


I second you on the point you raised regading Eritrea having to arm itself to the teeth which undoubtly be the best deterrence policy it will have at its disposal for current or future expansionist ideas coming from Ethiopian leaders.
However, I disagree with opening bases for other powers on our shores to do our bidding. Don't forget they always come with lots baggages. We are more than capable to safeguard our sovereignity and territorial integrity on our own.

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Re: Who do Eritreans prefer to rule Ethiopia? Oromo?tigrea?amara?

Post by Jaegol » 19 Nov 2023, 19:15

Jeberti gual shire, I didn’t know you were defender of the arabs who are sponsors of the wars in the horn Africa. Dedebu when I said arabs, I meant to say the uae rulers who are arming PM abyss to slaughter amaras and oromo farmers with drones… is it clear enough :?:

kerenite wrote:
19 Nov 2023, 14:56
Jaegol wrote:
19 Nov 2023, 12:49
It really doesn’t matter who rules Ethiopia, what matters is that Eritrea is armed to the teeth, stable and respected since any sign of weakness will be not good for it and its envious poor neighboring tribes.
Or Eritrea needs to do like what djibooty is doing, give base to the Egyptians, Saudis,Israeli ,Chinese, Russians, Americans, anybody who can pay and guarantee security of the country.

Eritrea has many options and make it clear with sovereignty respect, Ethiopian brothers can use our ports just as an Eritrean would…

Example: If Zmeselo imports a car through the Assab port that he will pay port service and if Horus imports a car, he pays a port service fee, like any other port in the world.

It’s just silly to go to a foreign sponsored conflict for no reason … vicious conflict zone for the interests of the arabs
Zaagol the bigot,

You scribbled above "... For the interests of arabs" :roll:

Clarify it!

Posts: 4680
Joined: 16 Nov 2013, 13:15

Re: Who do Eritreans prefer to rule Ethiopia? Oromo?tigrea?amara?

Post by kerenite » 20 Nov 2023, 11:52

Jaegol wrote:
19 Nov 2023, 19:15
Jeberti gual shire, I didn’t know you were defender of the arabs who are sponsors of the wars in the horn Africa. Dedebu when I said arabs, I meant to say the uae rulers who are arming PM abyss to slaughter amaras and oromo farmers with drones… is it clear enough :?:

kerenite wrote:
19 Nov 2023, 14:56
Jaegol wrote:
19 Nov 2023, 12:49
It really doesn’t matter who rules Ethiopia, what matters is that Eritrea is armed to the teeth, stable and respected since any sign of weakness will be not good for it and its envious poor neighboring tribes.
Or Eritrea needs to do like what djibooty is doing, give base to the Egyptians, Saudis,Israeli ,Chinese, Russians, Americans, anybody who can pay and guarantee security of the country.

Eritrea has many options and make it clear with sovereignty respect, Ethiopian brothers can use our ports just as an Eritrean would…

Example: If Zmeselo imports a car through the Assab port that he will pay port service and if Horus imports a car, he pays a port service fee, like any other port in the world.

It’s just silly to go to a foreign sponsored conflict for no reason … vicious conflict zone for the interests of the arabs
Zaagol the bigot,

You scribbled above "... For the interests of arabs" :roll:

Clarify it!
Gwal torserawit zaAgol,

Anti terogabit:

Why did you generalize by blubbering arabs then? Why didn't you pinpoint to the UAE as you alleged above.

Anti lekhbat gwal komarit, few months ago, you were claiming that you are an Ethio. Have your asz forgot that or were you intoxicated or drugged when you scribbled it? Pardon, perhaps you are andinetawi wediza komarit.

Getskum tirHaq ilfi iriray deQalu amharu. Sadly, Eritrea is ruled by your types as we speak. :twisted:

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