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Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 11:36
by temari
The regional government says things are beyond its capacity. It seems things are getting out of hand in the Amhara region thanks to the incompetency of the PM. Sad!

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Re: Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 11:43
by Revelations
ወታደር አስገብተው ጦርነት ላይ መስለውኝ?! ወይንስ አብይ ኑክሌር ቦምብ ያፈነዳላቸዋል? ገተቶች በላቸው!

Re: Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 11:51
by Za-Ilmaknun
ANDM has never represented the Amhara people in its entire life. The Amhara region has always been administerd by whoever is controlling Minilik Palace. This time around however, the Amhara people has risen to break the chain that put them under slavery for the last 50 plus years. The TPLF/OLF political ideology, which is borne of hate and the lust for domination, is about to be crippled once and for all. Stay tuned for the events that are happening in the next few days!!

Re: Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 11:58
by temari
Revelations wrote:
03 Aug 2023, 11:43
ወታደር አስገብተው ጦርነት ላይ መስለውኝ?! ወይንስ አብይ ኑክሌር ቦምብ ያፈነዳላቸዋል? ገተቶች በላቸው!
exactly! ENDF is operating in large numbers for 4 months already and failed to disarm even one fano brigade. This is may be an attempt to impose military command post in the whole amhara region. I don’t know.

Re: Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 12:22
by Wedi
Revelations wrote:
03 Aug 2023, 11:43
ወታደር አስገብተው ጦርነት ላይ መስለውኝ?! ወይንስ አብይ ኑክሌር ቦምብ ያፈነዳላቸዋል? ገተቶች በላቸው!
ኦነግ/ኦህዴድ በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ የወረራ ጦርንት ከከፈት 6 ወራት አለፈው!!

Re: Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 12:22
by tolcha
At least to make it constitutional. Ayee Galla; ewinetim Galla. Well, finally the inept Galla controlled 4 Killo palace could be forced to negotiation after another 1 million loss and billions of economic damage; taking the country back to 50 yrs state

Re: Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 12:25
by Assegid S.
Revelations wrote:
03 Aug 2023, 11:43
ወታደር አስገብተው ጦርነት ላይ መስለውኝ?!
እውነታው ያ ነው። ነው ወይንስ ቀድሞ ክልሉ ውስጥ ገብቶ ያለው የኦሮሚያ ክልል ልዩ ኃይል ስለሆነ 'የፌደራሉ ሠራዊት' እንዲያግዝ ተፈልጎ ነው?

ነገሩ ግን ... አሽከሩ ብኣዴን መሰሪውን እና ህገ ወጡን ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ከተጠያቂነት ለመታደግ በትዕዛዝ ያወጣው መግለጫ (መጠይቅ) ነው የሚመስለኝ። ከጥቂት ቀናት በፊት የኣማራ ክልል ምክር ቤት በአቶ ቧ ያለው በኩል 'መከላከያ ኃይሉ በምን የህግ አግባብ ነው ክልሉ ውስጥ የገባው? ክልሉ ጠይቆ ነው ወይንስ ...' ሲሉ ጥያቄ ማቅረባቸውን ልብ ይሏል። በእውነት የብኣዴን አመራሮች ተገቢ ፍርድ 'እስር' ሳይሆን እንደ ጥምቀት ሸንኮራ ኣራት ቦታ መሰንጠቅ ነው። ሰው እንዴት ለኣንድ ሆዱ በዚህ ደረጃ እራሱን ያዋርዳል?

Re: Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 12:48
by kibramlak
It is expected call for support from these sellouts. Under normal task execution, they could have opposed military intervention in the region in the first place. They have once again proved their anti-amhara role and they have been selling the people in exchange for their unstable appetite for power.

The military intervention is already there for over four months , which proved to be a complete failure. Because truth and justice are against the regime. What is remaining is to declare state of emergency or to try to put in place military administration. But that would radicalize more and more, which would fire back. This time around, the whole country would be on fire

temari wrote:
03 Aug 2023, 11:36
The regional government says things are beyond its capacity. It seems things are getting out of hand in the Amhara region thanks to the incompetency of the PM. Sad!

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Re: Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 12:52
by Noble Amhara
Stupid..the answer is not violence nor imposition. I stand with hizbawi fano and voiceless amhara people

Re: Breaking - Amhara region requests emergency military support from the federal government

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 18:22
by Abere
I think Yilikal Kefyale is just telling Abiy Ahmed he is going to flee Bahir Dar. Other than that "ENDF " has been in Amhara region with its 100% full force since last April/May 2023, but been defeated. There is no unique "ENDF" in store to deploy to Amhara region. It tells also how much stupid Yilikal is for putting the crime of Abiy Ahmed on himself. Well, everyone knows Abiy Ahmed is the #1 criminal in the genocide of Amhara although Yilikal tries to provide false cover.