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Where are Misraq and alcoholic Deqi?

Posted: 09 Apr 2023, 14:27
by Hawdian
Btw why is Mereja so slow like Amhara people? Amhara struggle to learn new things.

It's your turn.

Re: Where are Misraq and alcoholic Deqi?

Posted: 09 Apr 2023, 18:01
by DefendTheTruth
Misraq has finally got a gut to get his Kalashnikov and join the "resistance" to dismantle Oromuma government. He has no time for discussion here.

Re: Where are Misraq and alcoholic Deqi?

Posted: 10 Apr 2023, 08:12
by union
Agame tplf hawdien,

You evil, you are showing your frustration and hate on Amara people.

I don't blame you, we told you there is a reason why God made Amara people the guardian of Ethiopia and all her people.

The mighty Amara will save Ethiopia! And will send abiy to hell where he belongs! You tplf are already done!!

Hawdian wrote:
09 Apr 2023, 14:27
Btw why is Mereja so slow like Amhara people? Amhara struggle to learn new things.

It's your turn.

Re: Where are Misraq and alcoholic Deqi?

Posted: 10 Apr 2023, 08:43
by Hawdian
DefendTheTruth wrote:
09 Apr 2023, 18:01
Misraq has finally got a gut to get his Kalashnikov and join the "resistance" to dismantle Oromuma government. He has no time for discussion here.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Misraq Bantu is feeling the heat. I warned him years ago, the Cushitic plan is in full motion.