Amhara Muslims Should form their own regional council!
Posted: 19 Feb 2023, 23:22
How can Mufti Haji Omar Endris defeat the sabotage by 4kilo?
1. Form Sufi Muslim council in Amhara region centered in Dessie not Addis to represent 4-5 Million Amhara Muslims
2. Continue demonstrations against the act of the gov
3. Breakaway...
4. Freedom and Empowerment of Amhara Muslims....
How can Mufti Haji Omar Endris defeat the sabotage by 4kilo?
1. Form Sufi Muslim council in Amhara region centered in Dessie not Addis to represent 4-5 Million Amhara Muslims
2. Continue demonstrations against the act of the gov
3. Breakaway...
4. Freedom and Empowerment of Amhara Muslims....