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Adwa Genocide Private Limited Company

Posted: 17 Jan 2023, 20:41
by Cartmann
Adwa malelits have opened a new Genocide Private Limited Company. They have started selling ‘genocide stocks’ under the guise of genocide registration fee. Thus, traders can buy for example 3 ‘genocide stocks’ and in case money comes from donors, it is promised you will be rewarded based on the number of ‘genocide stocks’ you buy. Adwa’s TPLF invented the genocide narrative and now they have turned it into business forcing people to pay.

ጀኖሳይድ ናብ ጨረታ ወሪዳ። ኣየ ዓድዋ ማለሊት :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Adwa Genocide Private Limited Company

Posted: 18 Jan 2023, 02:20
by Digital Weyane
ብሕልመይ ድዩ ብውነይ? :shock: :shock: :shock: