What are the concerns of Amhara ellities and how to address them?
Posted: 29 Dec 2022, 19:47
Amhara political ellities and activists are sharing their concerns loudly and playing victim in the ongoing reconcilation between TPLF and PP.
( A) What are their concerns:
(1) Most of them were supporting the war against Tigray to see TPLF dead and Tigray weakened so that one road block is removed on their their journey to come to power at Arat Killo. They fear the unexpected reconcilation between TPLF and PP could make their ambition impossible in the foreseeable future .
(2) The Issue of Welkait and Raya. They know the majority of people who live in both regions are Tigrayans( Welkait more than 90 % and Raya more than 70 to 80 % ). They expect, if referendum is conducted as per the constitution they will be loosers and they want the support of the government so that they contuinue to occupy them. The fact on the ground have been, the Amhara militia and the Amharas government officials have committed crime on Tigrayans through killings, ethinic cleansing,
, rape , looted both Welkait and Raya but as the same time they settled new Amharas to bring demographic change and gave some the land for investors, including the Amhara in the diaspora.
(3) They also feel Amharas are marginalized and they have to be part of the TPLF and Ethiopian government peace negotiation as stakeholders.
( 4) Some of them are also being used by Isaias to spoil the peace.
( B) How Amhara ellities concerns could be addressed
( 1) Amharas have to be united and establish at least two or three strong parties that represent them in the Ethiopia government. So far the Amhara PP and እብን have failed to give independent leadership for Amharas. The Amhara parties have to also accept the existing Constitution of Ethiopia and work toward it's refinement and amendment rather than pushing unconstructive ideas & actions against the constitution. Amhara politicians have to earn respect by the job they do on ground so that the Ethiopian people give them an an opportunity to lead Ethiopia, rather than complaining, finger pointing and playing victim.
( 2) Welkait & Raya
No option but to resolve issue as per the existing constitution . The Amhara government and the Ethiopian government have to compensate for the wealth that was looted under their watch both in Welkait and Raya. Other border related issues between Benshangul and Amhara( Metekel ), between Amhara and Oromia, Somalia and Afar, Somalia and Oromia etc have to be resolved as per the constitution.
( 3) Amharas have to establish two or three political parties that represent them independently within the Ethiopian government. Though the complaint of marginalization is true , the Amhara ellities have to blame themselves prior to finger pointing to TPLF of PP
( 4) Those who are being used by Isaias will contuinue to be used as spoilers until Isaias is removed from power and Ethiopia/ Tigray friendly government is installed in Asmara.
As a conclusion , the Amhara ellities have some genuine concerns but no one is going to address their concerns until they get united, establish & elect independent parties to be parts of the Ethiopian government and address their concerns.
Last but not least , join the campaign " Abiy Bring Back Our Access to Red Sea!
( A) What are their concerns:
(1) Most of them were supporting the war against Tigray to see TPLF dead and Tigray weakened so that one road block is removed on their their journey to come to power at Arat Killo. They fear the unexpected reconcilation between TPLF and PP could make their ambition impossible in the foreseeable future .
(2) The Issue of Welkait and Raya. They know the majority of people who live in both regions are Tigrayans( Welkait more than 90 % and Raya more than 70 to 80 % ). They expect, if referendum is conducted as per the constitution they will be loosers and they want the support of the government so that they contuinue to occupy them. The fact on the ground have been, the Amhara militia and the Amharas government officials have committed crime on Tigrayans through killings, ethinic cleansing,
, rape , looted both Welkait and Raya but as the same time they settled new Amharas to bring demographic change and gave some the land for investors, including the Amhara in the diaspora.
(3) They also feel Amharas are marginalized and they have to be part of the TPLF and Ethiopian government peace negotiation as stakeholders.
( 4) Some of them are also being used by Isaias to spoil the peace.
( B) How Amhara ellities concerns could be addressed
( 1) Amharas have to be united and establish at least two or three strong parties that represent them in the Ethiopia government. So far the Amhara PP and እብን have failed to give independent leadership for Amharas. The Amhara parties have to also accept the existing Constitution of Ethiopia and work toward it's refinement and amendment rather than pushing unconstructive ideas & actions against the constitution. Amhara politicians have to earn respect by the job they do on ground so that the Ethiopian people give them an an opportunity to lead Ethiopia, rather than complaining, finger pointing and playing victim.
( 2) Welkait & Raya
No option but to resolve issue as per the existing constitution . The Amhara government and the Ethiopian government have to compensate for the wealth that was looted under their watch both in Welkait and Raya. Other border related issues between Benshangul and Amhara( Metekel ), between Amhara and Oromia, Somalia and Afar, Somalia and Oromia etc have to be resolved as per the constitution.
( 3) Amharas have to establish two or three political parties that represent them independently within the Ethiopian government. Though the complaint of marginalization is true , the Amhara ellities have to blame themselves prior to finger pointing to TPLF of PP
( 4) Those who are being used by Isaias will contuinue to be used as spoilers until Isaias is removed from power and Ethiopia/ Tigray friendly government is installed in Asmara.
As a conclusion , the Amhara ellities have some genuine concerns but no one is going to address their concerns until they get united, establish & elect independent parties to be parts of the Ethiopian government and address their concerns.
Last but not least , join the campaign " Abiy Bring Back Our Access to Red Sea!