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Why Amhara need Gmatam Abiy Amhara to be inclusive, you need Addis Ababa talk to TDF and you control it
Posted: 22 Oct 2022, 17:12
by Halafi Mengedi
We know from history that you have to tell Amhara million times to get it. Amhara does not need Abosanjo or Gmatam Abiy, talk TDF and TDF will hand you over Addis Ababa the next day without exaggeration, do you think Gmatam will stop TDF, TDF will enter Addis Ababa and hand over the city to Amhara, that is the simplest thing for the Amhara. Bologna maid is not the cure for the Amhara cancer, TDF has it and will cure Amhara not in months but one week to march from Wollo to Addis Ababa, no one will stop them and will clean all the Gimatams if they can wait them as men but we know they will flee before TDF reaches the city. Amhara is absolutely moron talking Ethiopia than Amhara.
Re: Why Amhara need Gmatam Abiy Amhara to be inclusive, you need Addis Ababa talk to TDF and you control it
Posted: 22 Oct 2022, 17:19
by ethioscience
go to hell hadgi Halafi!!!
Re: Why Amhara need Gmatam Abiy Amhara to be inclusive, you need Addis Ababa talk to TDF and you control it
Posted: 22 Oct 2022, 19:36
by Sadacha Macca
Halafi, if tdf can take addis ababa, but can't take welkait; what's going on here? Is addis ababa easier to capture? If so, then why not tell tdf to do it?
Re: Why Amhara need Gmatam Abiy Amhara to be inclusive, you need Addis Ababa talk to TDF and you control it
Posted: 22 Oct 2022, 20:09
by nizzy
The 5 stages of grief:
Shire landscapes are encircled in many pieces of Bologna maids Meerkats and Ye Ahiya zers with gmatams. You can enter but there is no exit, goodbye.
Tigrayans if you keep a leader cannot hold the 17th years struggle victory and TDF victory to Debrebrhan then what you got you deserve it. The difference between TDF and the 17 years fighters is the previous fighters were uneducated but totally free mind, nationalists, non-opportunists and they were challengers and they speak their feelings freely and there was a democratic system until Meles took everything from them after the split of the leadership. Had the previous fighter known the Diqalu then, they would have killed them before even came to power but TDF knows everything and doing nothing except to be loyal wardiya Diqalu giving their lives for nothing, TDF must ask for the removal of all Diqalu from all positions and let able Tigrayans take over.
We know from history that you have to tell Amhara million times to get it. Amhara does not need Abosanjo or Gmatam Abiy, talk TDF and TDF will hand you over Addis Ababa the next day without exaggeration, do you think Gmatam will stop TDF, TDF will enter Addis Ababa and hand over the city to Amhara, that is the simplest thing for the Amhara. Bologna maid is not the cure for the Amhara cancer, TDF has it and will cure Amhara not in months but one week to march from Wollo to Addis Ababa, no one will stop them and will clean all the Gimatams if they can wait them as men but we know they will flee before TDF reaches the city. Amhara is absolutely moron talking Ethiopia than Amhara.
Next two stages coming soon
Re: Why Amhara need Gmatam Abiy Amhara to be inclusive, you need Addis Ababa talk to TDF and you control it
Posted: 22 Oct 2022, 20:13
by Za-Ilmaknun
አከርካሪውን ፥ ሰብረነው ፥ እንዳይነሳ አድርገን ቀበርነው ፥ ያልከው አማራ፥ ዛሬ ፥ በጭንቅ ጊዜ ድረስ ብትለው ፥ ይሰማል ብለኽ ነው?
አዲስ አበባ ወይም እናንተ እንደምትጠሩት ፊንፊኔ፥ የ ብሄር ብሄረሰቦች ከተማ ስለሆነ፥ አማራ፥ ለብቻዬ ልጠቅልል፥ ይሚል አባዜ የለውም። ዓማራው የራሱን ግዛት አስከብሮ፥ ያልተወከለበትን ህገ አራዊት ፥ እንዲሻሻሽል ና ወደ ህገ መንግስትነት እንዲያድግ፥ ይታገላል እንጂ፥ የሌላውን የመቀማት ፍላጎት የለውም።
የጎሳው ፌደራሊዝም፥ በተግባር መተርጎም ከተቻለ፥ እንደተጻፈበት መንፈስ ስራ ላይ ይውላል፥ አለበለዛም፥ ተሻሽሎ፥ ለሁሉም በሚበጅ መልኩ ይሰራል። በተረፈ ፥ እየመረጡ መተግበር ከዚህ በሁዋላ ፥ ለማንም አያዋጣም።