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by Meleket » 21 Feb 2023, 05:06
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
UK Foreign Secretary: Crimea is Ukraine, we will not forget that
20.02.2023 23:17

On the day of the 9th anniversary of the beginning of the temporary occupation of the territory of Ukraine by Russia, UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly underscored that Crimea is part of Ukraine.
“Today marks 9 years since Russia illegally annexed Crimea and began the oppression of its people. We will soon mark a year since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine,” Cleverly posted on Twitter.
Crimea is Ukraine and we will not forget that, he noted.
The minister added that “Putin could stop this war at any time by withdrawing his troops.”
On February 20, 2014, Russian troops began the occupation of Crimea. Trucks without number plates and "little green men" – armed soldiers in unmarked uniforms – appeared on the peninsula. At the same time, irregular armed formations of mercenaries from among local residents led by officers of the Russian special services and armed forces were created and armed.
Already on March 16, on the occupied peninsula, Russia held a "referendum" on the status of Crimea, and two days later, on March 18, the so-called Agreement on the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation was signed in the Kremlin.
To date, all influential international organizations have recognized the occupation and annexation of the peninsula as illegal and condemned Russia's actions. In particular, nine UN resolutions on Crimea have been already adopted. Western countries imposed economic sanctions on the Russian Federation.
Photo: Wikipedia
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 27 Feb 2023, 10:07
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Crimea Platform Statement: We will never recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea, other territories
26.02.2023 19:34

On February 26, 2023, when Ukraine marks Day of Resistance to Russia’s Occupation of Crimea, the Participants in the International Crimea Platform issued a Joint Statement, reiterating their unwavering support to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.
The relevant document was published on the website of the Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Ministry, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
“We, the Participants in the International Crimea Platform reiterate our unwavering commitment to the policy of non-recognition of the illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and of attempted illegal annexation of other territories of Ukraine and reconfirm our readiness to continue diplomatic and restrictive pressure on the Russian Federation aiming to counter its illegal actions,” the statement reads.
The Participants also expressed willingness to stand for as long as necessary by Ukraine’s commitment to end the temporary occupation of Crimea and the efforts to restore its territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.
They also confirmed readiness to deepen political, diplomatic, financial, humanitarian and other support for Ukraine until the complete restoration of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, within its internationally recognized borders.
“We stress once again that we do not and will not recognize any alteration by the Russian Federation of the status of any of the territories of Ukraine, including the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, and urge other countries to stand with us against those who threaten the internationally held principle of the inviolability of borders, and join our efforts in supporting the full restoration of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders,” the Participants noted.
The Joint Statement of the International Crimea Platform was supported by the following countries and organizations: Council of Europe, EU, GUAM, Australia, Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Sweden, Japan.
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 24 Mar 2023, 06:53
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Dzhankoy… Of Course!!
Will Morris
I've been reading about some of the Ukraine military operations recently, hopeful and excited to see signs of their upcoming offensive. Just yesterday I noticed reports of substantial drone and missile attacks on a city in northern Crimea: Dzhankoy.
Apparently the immediate aim was to destroy Kalibre missiles in rail transit and to strike an existing arms depot. The stories I read pointed on the key transportation that Dzhankoy was, and how Russia had been using it for munitions storage, as all road and rail traveling from the North went through this town.
A quick look at a map of Crimea revealed the truth:

It's easy to find Dzhankoy, it's the city in the north where all the road and rail intersect.
I expected Ukrainian military to be smart, they certainly have been so far. But striking Dzhankoy was so smart and so obvious, I feel like a dunce for not seeing it earlier!
With the Kerch Bridge in degraded condition, Russia must be using the roads and rail to move material/troops through Northern Crimea. And Dzhankoy is the transport nexus. It's also been used to depot arms/munitions too. Striking it would deny the use of those arms, as well as degrade any transport north and south.
I think Dzhankoy will be getting a lot of attention!!
And for the Russians occupying Crimea…don't wait until the last minute to flee to Russia. Very soon that bridge is going to be jammed with traffic. And who knows, maybe something will make the bridge completely unusable.
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 08 Apr 2023, 04:42
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Zelensky shares Iftar with Muslim soldiers and leaders
From CNN's Mariya Knight

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky honors Muslim soldier Ilimdar Khodzhametov with The "Defender of the Motherland" medal before sharing Iftar with Ukrainian Muslim soldiers in a front of a mosque in the outskirts of Kyiv on April 7. (Alina Yarysh/Reuters)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shared Iftar with Ukrainian Muslim soldiers observing Ramadan, along with representatives of the Muslim clergy and leaders of the Mejlis — the single highest executive-representative body of the Crimean Tatars.
The Ukrainian President said that as of 2023, the Iftar dinner will be held annually and called it "a new tradition of respect." Iftar is the breaking of the fast after sundown.
Zelensky said the month of Ramadan "is respected everywhere in Ukraine, and even at the frontline, even in combat conditions."
"Russia's attempt to enslave Ukraine and other people of Europe began precisely from the occupation of the Ukrainian Crimea, precisely from repressions in the Crimea against Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar freedom, against Crimean Muslims," Zelensky said in his address to the Iftar participants earlier Friday.
"The liberation of Crimea has no alternatives not only for Ukraine, but also for the whole world," he said.
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 20 Apr 2023, 09:43
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Stoltenberg: Ukraine's rightful place is in NATO
20.04.2023 15:19

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has expressed support for Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and a multi-year initiative to help the country move to NATO standards.
He said this at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on Thursday, April 20, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.
"Let me be clear: Ukraine's rightful place is in the Euro-Atlantic family. Ukraine's rightful place is in NATO. And over time, our support will help you make this possible. Today, the President and I discussed a multi-year support initiative. This will help you to transition from Soviet-era equipment and doctrines to NATO standards and ensure full interoperability with the Alliance," Stoltenberg said.
He added that this step is a testament to NATO's long-term commitment to Ukraine.
Stoltenberg also noted that since last February, NATO Allies have delivered more than 150 billion euros of support, including 65 billion euros of military aid.
"Allies are now delivering more jets, tanks, and armored vehicles. And NATO's Ukraine fund is providing urgent support, including medical supplies, mobile satellite systems, and pontoon bridges. All of this is making a real difference on the battlefield every day," he said.
According to Stoltenberg, he and President Zelensky agreed on the importance of a just and sustainable peace. In this context, he strongly welcomed President Zelensky's peace plan and stressed the need to continue strengthening Ukraine's armed forces.
Stoltenberg arrived in Ukraine on April 20.
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
- Member
- Posts: 3994
- Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08
by Meleket » 24 Apr 2023, 05:10
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Explosions in Sevastopol as Russians report sea drone attack
24.04.2023 06:23

Overnight Monday, April 24, blasts were heard in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol, Crimea, as the “authorities” said the Russian fleet "was repelling the attack of surface drones"
This was stated by the "governor" of temporarily occupied Sevastopol, Ukrinform reports with reference to Espreso.
At 4:08, he reported that the Russian fleet was "repelling an attack by surface drones in an outer harbor" and that all emergency services were put on alert.
"Today, starting at 03:30 in the morning, there was an attempt to attack Sevastopol. The situation now is as follows: one surface drone was destroyed by anti-subversion forces and the other one exploded on approach. Everything happened in an outer harbor, no objects were damaged. Now it’s quiet in the city. But all the forces and agencies remain on alert," he added.
Previously, in the temporarily occupied Crimea, near the city of Kerch, Russian troops installed a radar station to detect air, sea, and land objects.
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 24 Apr 2023, 10:58
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
If Crimea is last piece of land retaken from Russia, this will be end of war - Budanov
24.04.2023 11:42

If the Crimean peninsula is the last swath of land to be recaptured from Russia, it will be the end of the war with this country.
Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, said this in an interview with RBC-Ukraine, according to Ukrinform.
"If Crimea is the last to be taken [from Russia], this will be the end. If Crimea is taken first and Donbas is not taken yet, then this is not the end. There is only one way to end this war - by returning the borders in any form, but our borders of 1991. It is impossible and unrealistic to end this war without solving territorial problems," he said.
In his opinion, Ukraine will never give up any part of its territories.

Budanov said that Ukraine reaching its borders of 1991 is a completely achievable task this year.
Separately, he said that there would be no nuclear strike if the Ukrainian Armed Forces enter Crimea.
When asked what kind of reaction the entry of Ukrainian troops into Crimea might cause in Russia, particularly its military and political leadership, he specified that it would be painful for them, but bearable.
Budanov noted that the Russian propaganda machine showed itself as effectively as possible during the loss of Kherson.
"They showed the loss of Kherson - and it was the biggest achievement of the so-called 'special military operation' – just as an everyday matter. Moreover, they showed this so that it was, in principle, a good thing for them. That is, they have already worked out everything. They already have the models of how to cover the news during the events in Crimea, they are well known to us", Budanov said.
According to him, in the case of Crimea, as with the loss of Kherson, this loss will be a "forced step" for the Russians and "in general, almost happiness."
"Believe me, the propaganda machine there works like a model, it really is a model. They 'fool' their population like no one else in the world can do," he said.
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 03 Jun 2023, 05:17
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Ukraine can retake Crimea already this year – UK defense secretary
02.06.2023 19:36

British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace has said that it is likely that Ukraine will regain control over occupied Crimea in 2023.
According to Ukrinform, he said this in an interview with The Washington Post.
"Contrary to the private ruminations of some other NATO officials, Wallace said there was a real possibility Ukraine could successfully retake Crimea, the peninsula Putin illegally annexed in 2014, this year as Russian forces run out of needed equipment," the article reads.
According to the paper, Wallace "voiced a more optimistic view about Ukraine's current battlefield effort than that described by U.S. intelligence officials, who in leaked intelligence documents earlier this year said that personnel and equipment challenges probably would result in Kyiv notching only modest gains once it begins a highly anticipated offensive to retake Russian-held territory."
Read also: Reznikov, Wallace discuss prospects of Ukraine’s accession to NATO
"What we've seen on the battlefield is that, if you punch Russian forces in the wrong place, they'll actually collapse. You can send young men to die in their tens of thousands, which is what they do, but you can't magic up tanks and weapons systems that they need," Wallace said.
Asked about the prospects for Ukraine joining NATO, Wallace cited persisting differences about Kyiv's path toward accession. He said that NATO — like the EU — should not repeat the mistakes of the past in overpromising to aspirants such as Ukraine.
"We have to be realistic and say, 'It's not going to happen at Vilnius; It's not going to happen anytime soon,'" he said, referring to a NATO leaders summit scheduled for this summer in Lithuania's capital.
At the same time, he pointed out that a number of nations were ready to forge bilateral or multilateral "mutual defense pacts" with Ukraine and commit to longer-term plans to build the country's military capability "to make sure it's a very expensive opportunity for Russia or anyone else to invade Ukraine in the future."
Wallace said Western countries remain supportive of providing weapons and funding to Ukraine without pressuring leaders in Kyiv to negotiate with Russia or make concessions.
"But we have seen reality, which is that we are all running out" of defense equipment that can be donated, Wallace said, meaning that Britain and other countries are being forced to buy more weapons than donate them from national stockpiles.
Wallace said the scale of Russian losses suggests Putin still believes he can prevail if he pours more troops into the war. He suggested Putin may not be getting accurate information about the military effort and "might not realize the extent of his country's military challenges until a moment of collapse or internal challenge."
If that happens, he said, "NATO and the West have to be ready for whatever happens."

መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 12 Jun 2023, 11:00
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Russian radar station damaged in Crimea – social media
12.06.2023 16:58

A Russian radar station, which was used to control the southern coast of Ukraine and a large part of the Black Sea, was damaged in the temporarily occupied Crimea.
As the Telegram channel "Crimean Partisans" reports, satellite imagery of a Russian radar station located on the Tarkhankut Peninsula on the western coast of Crimea appeared. The pictures show a hole in the station’s dome.
"These are, in fact, the eyes that controlled the entire southern coast of Ukraine and a significant part of the Black Sea," the post reads.
It is clarified that to destroy these "eyes" means to significantly weaken the Russian troops, their aviation, and air defense.
As reported, on June 11, an explosion took place on the Dzhankoy – Kerch railway section in the temporarily occupied Crimea.
ክብር ለሃቀኛ ካርቱኒስቶች . . . ተዝናኑ እስቲ ጐበዝ!
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 01 Jul 2023, 04:11
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
What is the significance of the Chonhar road bridge connecting Crimea with Russian-held parts of the southern Kherson region?
Elena Gold

Chonhar bridge connects Kherson region with Crimea. It was the main bridge used to deliver supplies to the Russian troops there: 70% of military and civilian cargo to Crimea was going by that route.
The new route for the Russian military through Chaplynka is within closer reach of the Ukrainian artillery: The land corridor to the Crimea, which Russia was so proud to have created, is effectively cut off.

22 June 2023: Damages to Chonhar bridge after the rocket strike.
The entire flow of Russia’s military and food cargo, military equipment, fuel, lubricants and shells towards the occupied Crimea went through the so-called “land bridge”.
The cargo was moving via the road from Rostov-on-Don (Russia) through occupied Melitopol (Ukraine) and further to the Crimean peninsula, through the Chonhar bridges.
There is a train bridge in Chonhar, as well as 2 automotive bridges.

The distance from the Ukrainian-controlled territory on the right bank of Dnieper to this road is 110 km at its closest point.
Now that the bridges of Chonhar cannot be used as before because of damages, the flows of Russian military cargo are turning to another checkpoint - Armyansk - and will have to go through Chaplynka, which isn’t equipped for civilian traffic.
The distance to the Ukrainian-controlled territory there is only 50 km. The road can be hit by many weapons.
The quality of that road is also poor. It adds 100 km to the trip. The distance from the side of Ukraine is only 15-20 km at certain parts of the road. Even "Grad" rockets can reach it.
Previously, the supply of the occupied Crimea went along the Kerch bridge, but after a truck exploded there in October 2022, causing extensive damages to the bridge, trucks are no longer allowed on the Kerch bridge. The Kerch bridge connects mainland Russia to Crimean peninsula over the sea, from the side of Krasnodar region.
Tendar compiled a map of recent missile strikes by AFU in the rear of Russian troops.

A blow up of the railway bridge in Yakimovka, yesterday’s attack on the bridge across the Chonhar Strait, repeated explosions in the port of Berdyansk and at bases in the vicinity of Henichesk, in particular, in a huge storage warehouse in Rykovo.
All this is reminiscent of the campaign to retake Kherson in October-November 2022, but on a much larger scale.
Russian-occupied areas of the Zaporizhzhia region are systematically cut off from supplies.
And when Russia’s military logistics are sufficiently disturbed, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will start advancing.
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 19 Jul 2023, 08:51
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Rolling explosions at reported Russian ammunition dump in Crimea force thousands to evacuate
From CNN's Olga Voitovych and Mick Krever

Smoke and flames rise from an explosion during a fire at a military training ground in Crimea’s Kirorvsky district, on Wednesday, July 19. Stringer/Reuters
Explosions at a reported Russian ammunition dump in occupied Crimea have forced thousands of people to evacuate and prompted leaders there to redirect traffic away from a local highway.
Videos on social media show cascading explosions at the site near Stary Krym in Crimea’s Kirorvsky district.
The Russia-backed leader of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, said on Telegram that “a fire occurred at a military training ground.”
The original cause of the fire is not known. The well-known Grey Zone Telegram channel suggested that a Ukrainian Storm Shadow missile was responsible for the strike, but there is no official corrobration of that claim. An insurgent Ukrainian group in Crimea, Atesh, celebrated the fire but said that it was not responsible.
The Rybar Telegram channel said that the first explosions were heard in the 4 a.m. local time (Tuesday 9 p.m. ET).
Explosions continue to be heard six hours after the original reported explosions, a correspondent for Russian state media TASS reported. The head of Crimea’s parliament said that it could take two days to fully extinguish the blaze, according to Russian state media.
Both the Grey Zone Telegram and Atesh referred to the site as an ammunition dump. That claim is supported by the cascading explosions that can be seen in the social media videos.
Askenov said that residents of four surrounding villages – more than 2,000 people – were being evacuated.
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ! 
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by Meleket » 25 Jul 2023, 08:52
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! 
ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። 
ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]
“ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Chubarov: Explosions in Crimea are part of plan to bring liberation of peninsula closer
25.07.2023 03:30

The explosions in the temporarily occupied Crimea are part of a plan to bring the de-occupation of the peninsula closer.
Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov said this in a video address on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.
Chubarov noted that from July 17, Russian military targets in the temporarily occupied Crimea have been attacked daily.
"Two explosions that occurred on the night of July 17 severely damaged the Kerch Bridge. Even then, we assessed them as part of a holistic plan to bring the liberation of Crimea closer. As you can see, we were right. A few days later, powerful ammunition depots were destroyed at the Kirov district training ground. And this morning, explosions continue at the ammunition depot in the village of Vilne, 25 kilometers from Dzhankoi. Also, a number of other attacks on military facilities in Crimea have been carried out these days," noted Chubarov.
In his opinion, there is not a single person left on the peninsula who does not realize that the liberation of the peninsula is inevitable.
Read also: Ukrainian intelligence: Damage to Crimean bridge a significant blow to Russia ... ussia.html
Chubarov called on Crimeans who are loyal to the Ukrainian state to take care of themselves and support each other.
"If you live in a rural area, fortify cellars and basements, prepare food, water, and medicines. You may need it for some time. The main thing is not to be afraid. The liberation of Crimea is coming soon," Chubarov emphasized.
Head of the Mejlis said that the colonists who illegally settled in Crimea "should not tempt fate".
"You see, the bridge is very damaged, but it is still standing. It is very difficult for you to leave, you are being sent via an 'alternative route'. Soon, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will also cut this corridor. For now, the ferry is still running, so you can cross the bridge, but you have to wait in line. Do not delay. Pack your things and leave Crimea for the places you came from," he advised.
Chubarov added that collaborators should do the same.
"By leaving Crimea, you will relieve the Ukrainian special services and Ukrainian courts of their worries. We will find you, but later, when Russia capitulates to Ukraine and its partners. But it is better for you to leave Crimea now. Otherwise, no one will deal with you in the first days. Tomorrow it will be too late. The bridge will collapse, the ferry will be sunk, the corridor will be cut. You will be left in a sack," he said.
Read also: Blasts in occupied Crimea indicate advance of Ukrainian forces deep into enemy’s rear – Humeniuk ... eniuk.html
As reported, on the night of July 24, drones hit an ammunition depot of the Russian invaders in the Dzhankoi district of the temporarily occupied Crimea.
On July 20, explosions were heard near the airfields in the villages of Hvardiisk and Novofedorivka in the temporarily occupied Crimea.
On the night of July 17, a section of the bridge across the Kerch Strait collapsed. It was preceded by explosions.
መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች
የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም
ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!
ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!
ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ!