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ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2022, 14:17

እወነት ኤርትራኖች እንደዚህ አንድ ሁቴሌ አላቸው ወይ፣ ያንን ሁሉ የቀይ ባህር ኖራቸው አንድ ሁቴሌ የሌለበት ሀገር ፣ኢትዬዽያ ግን አንድ ባለሀብታም ታሪክን የሚቀይርበት ሀገር

ይህ ስው ቪዥነሪ ነው። የክረምት ቤት መግዛት ዲያስፕሪያወ ቤት ይገዛና እሱ በሌለበት ይከራይለታል ፣ ባለግዜ ደግሞ ቤቱን ከፍቶ ይገባል ማለት ነው። ከተማ መስራት ነው ባለሀብቱ አመስራት የሚፈልገው። አማሮች የመንግስት ቤት ተስግስገው መስላክል ባይሆኑ ይላል በለሀብቱ
Last edited by Ethoash on 02 Aug 2022, 14:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2022, 14:33

lil kogne
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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by lil kogne » 02 Aug 2022, 14:51

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ethotrash, if this Hotel is not in the cursed land Chigray , Just shut the F... up ! You are not Ethiopian, you're from the sell-out band land and you have no right to brag about things you do not have and would not own in your life time.
hope you're heeding my advice to attend ESL class like I told you before.
Good Luck Chigaram !!!

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2022, 15:14

lil kogne wrote:
02 Aug 2022, 14:51
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ethotrash, if this Hotel is not in the cursed land Chigray , Just shut the F... up ! You are not Ethiopian, you're from the sell-out band land and you have no right to brag about things you do not have and would not own in your life time.
hope you're heeding my advice to attend ESL class like I told you before.
Good Luck Chigaram !!!
everything in Ethiopia built under Golden u give u permition to build the golden who allowed u to make money the golden who keep your peace and order so that u can invest your hard currency the golden everything belong to Golden ......

Atranos Fantasy Hotel and Spa #ንተወለድትን ፈተውትን ትግራይ አፍታ ውቅብትን ድምቕትን ከተማ አኽሱም ናይ ወጻኢ ዜጋታት ዘስደመመ

Planet Hotel, #1 Rated Luxurious Hotel In Mekelle, Ethiopia: Interview & Review

Best Hotels of Mekelle City_part one

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by @Red » 02 Aug 2022, 15:38

From my trip to Eritrea three years ago:
I was amazed to find out that Eritrea built only one 5 star hotel in Asmara, I learned that it was originally called intercontinental hotel, now under local brand Asmara palace hotel, stayed there three years ago, and not bad.
In massawa the best hotel was dahlak hotel, nice but May be three star hotel, no resort at all, it was sad, Issu is a hero to us for helping us with the terror group tplf but I was shocked to learn he doesn’t allow people to build even residential houses in Asmara, let alone resorts and hotels.
Great people but their government reminded me of derg era Ethiopia that everything is owned by the government.
The potential is definitely there for the future but not under the current government which is too militaristic but zero economic vision for the place

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by ZEMEN » 02 Aug 2022, 16:09

@Red wrote:
02 Aug 2022, 15:38
From my trip to Eritrea three years ago:
I was amazed to find out that Eritrea built only one 5 star hotel in Asmara, I learned that it was originally called intercontinental hotel, now under local brand Asmara palace hotel, stayed there three years ago, and not bad.
In massawa the best hotel was dahlak hotel, nice but May be three star hotel, no resort at all, it was sad, Issu is a hero to us for helping us with the terror group tplf but I was shocked to learn he doesn’t allow people to build even residential houses in Asmara, let alone resorts and hotels.
Great people but their government reminded me of derg era Ethiopia that everything is owned by the government.
The potential is definitely there for the future but not under the current government which is too militaristic but zero economic vision for the place
I was shocked to learn he doesn’t allow people to build even residential houses in Asmara, let alone resorts and hotels.
Great people but their government reminded me of derg era Ethiopia that everything is owned by the government.
You are right no one is allowed to build anything. The reason is, Eritrea believes in social justice. Eritrea do have many nomads who circles Eritrea and following rainy seasons and the Eritrean government wanted to end the nomadic nature of those Eritrean. To do that the Eritrean government must build dams to hold water year around. Once they have done that the nomad Eritrean use the dam water year around and they are permanently stay put in place around the dams. So, build this dams, cement and any constriction material must go to the dam project. You got to understand, Eritrea was/is under endless sanctions and resources are limited and what ever is available, it went to the dam projects. I do believe social justice is the key to any nation in the world, with out it, there is peace nor prosperity.

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by sarcasm » 02 Aug 2022, 17:49

ZEMEN wrote:
02 Aug 2022, 16:09
@Red wrote:
02 Aug 2022, 15:38
I was shocked to learn he doesn’t allow people to build even residential houses in Asmara, let alone resorts and hotels.
Great people but their government reminded me of derg era Ethiopia that everything is owned by the government.
You are right no one is allowed to build anything. The reason is, Eritrea believes in social justice. Eritrea do have many nomads who circles Eritrea and following rainy seasons and the Eritrean government wanted to end the nomadic nature of those Eritrean. To do that the Eritrean government must build dams to hold water year around. Once they have done that the nomad Eritrean use the dam water year around and they are permanently stay put in place around the dams. So, build this dams, cement and any constriction material must go to the dam project. You got to understand, Eritrea was/is under endless sanctions and resources are limited and what ever is available, it went to the dam projects. I do believe social justice is the key to any nation in the world, with out it, there is peace nor prosperity.
So the logic is to encourage cultures that prefer a nomadic lifestyle to accept a sedentary lifestyle, you deny housing / house building and repairs for almost 20 years and counting . . . to those who already practice sedentary lifestyle.

Re: Equality by Subtraction (Equality Shaebia Style) - By Yosief Gebrehiwot
sarcasm wrote:
01 Aug 2013, 17:08
One of Yosief Ghebrehiwet's masterpieces written 10 years ago in July 2003 but more relevant than ever.

Equality by Subtraction
Yosief Ghebrehiwet

The story, as it was told then, goes as follows: The first time Keren was liberated by Shaebia, a certain medical doctor was offered a bed by grateful and overjoyed residents. The doctor graciously declined the offer by saying, “I cannot sleep in that comfortable bed while right at this moment tens of thousands of teghadelti are sleeping on hard ground all over Eritrea.” A charitable person would point to this as proof of the egalitarian and austere culture of sacrifice that has evolved within the front during those long and arduous years of struggle. A less charitable interpreter might draw a different lesson from it; he might detect the early seeds of a phenomenon that I am calling “equality by subtraction.” In both interpretations “equality” would be upheld, but in the latter one it would have mutated into a detrimental one.

The gist of the principle of “equality by subtraction” goes as follows: within a given population group, one attains equality NOT by adding anything to the individual members within that group but by subtracting from each one of them – all in the name of sacrifice that supposedly benefits the “group,” a fictional entity that is made to exist above and over the individuals. This zero-sum game, once started, is unstoppable in its down-sizing [the Tigrigna word “mitsiltsal” would be a more apt description]. The far-reaching consequences of this principle could be grasped when one takes into consideration this sobering fact: in the name of equality, it intends to level off not only the economic field, but also the psychic field. So, in its ultimate and pervasive form, the principle aims at nothing less than the leveling-off of that uniqueness that defines the individual, with the intention of producing a mass of look-alike clones; or rather, dispensable creatures that would be easily manipulated to fit into the greater design of a totalitarian system.

In the above given example, equality is maintained not by adding anything to those who were deprived of beds, but by denying beds to those who could have easily gotten them. Within such a world, one's sacrifice would add nothing to those for whom the sacrifice has been made: the doctor's sacrifice not to sleep on a bed would add nothing at all to all those who were sleeping on hard floors. When pushed to its logical limit, the principle of equality by subtraction culminates into mass deprivation: if everyone was to follow the doctor's abstemious behavior, then no one among that population group would be made to sleep on bed.

The last point could be made poignant by looking at another example that belongs to the same era; an era where this misguided mutation began to take root. A certain teghadalay, who hadn't been to his village for years – that is, since the day he had joined the front – made a conscious decision not to see his mother when his battalion was passing by very close to his village. Later, when he was asked why he would let such an opportunity that might never come up again slip him by [his mother was old], he is believed to have said words to this effect: "She is not better than the rest of Eritrean mothers. My concern should be directed towards all Eritrean mothers, and not to my mother in particular." And we have to remember that these kinds of reactions were the norm, and not the exception.

The fallacy that underlies the principle of equality by subtraction is made poignantly clear in the latter example because the deprivation that comes as a result of it is as tangible as it could possibly get, for it attempts to maintain the love that we ought to have for all the mothers of Eritrea by withholding the love that we have for each and every mother. But we know that the realty happens to be just the opposite: if each of us doesn't visit his own mother, then no mother in Eritrea would be visited; and if each of us fails to love his own mother, then no mother in Eritrea would be loved. Simply put, the principle has gotten the natural order of things reversed; the love that we develop for all the mothers of Eritrea could only take place by extrapolating from the experience that we get from the love of our individual mothers. But if someone would insist that we should attain love at a general level (that is, at the communal level) by bypassing love at a particular level (that is, at the individual level), then the result would be mass deprivation: surely there would be equality, but it would be an equality that would leave all mothers unloved. The moral of the story is this: that anything that is experienced takes place at an individual level; a communal experience that bypasses the individual is no experience at all. Hence the necessity for all kinds of civil liberties to be tailor-made to fit the individual.

Continue reading at Asmarino ... ew=article

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Ethoash » 03 Aug 2022, 19:50

Equality by Subtraction (Equality Shaebia Style)

this Zamen actually said there is no cement to build house in city because his dear leader building dam.. ( don't think now dam as big as Gibe 1,2,3 )we r talking small village size dam

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by @Red » 04 Aug 2022, 10:02

I understand if you are a nomadic tribe for self interest to advocate for your tribes settlement at the cost of the city but I think they could develop both Asmara / massawa and the nomadic regions at the same time…
I don’t understand the logic Asmara has to be punished to settle or build a dam for the nomads? :roll:
ZEMEN wrote:
02 Aug 2022, 16:09
@Red wrote:
02 Aug 2022, 15:38
From my trip to Eritrea three years ago:
I was amazed to find out that Eritrea built only one 5 star hotel in Asmara, I learned that it was originally called intercontinental hotel, now under local brand Asmara palace hotel, stayed there three years ago, and not bad.
In massawa the best hotel was dahlak hotel, nice but May be three star hotel, no resort at all, it was sad, Issu is a hero to us for helping us with the terror group tplf but I was shocked to learn he doesn’t allow people to build even residential houses in Asmara, let alone resorts and hotels.
Great people but their government reminded me of derg era Ethiopia that everything is owned by the government.
The potential is definitely there for the future but not under the current government which is too militaristic but zero economic vision for the place
I was shocked to learn he doesn’t allow people to build even residential houses in Asmara, let alone resorts and hotels.
Great people but their government reminded me of derg era Ethiopia that everything is owned by the government.
You are right no one is allowed to build anything. The reason is, Eritrea believes in social justice. Eritrea do have many nomads who circles Eritrea and following rainy seasons and the Eritrean government wanted to end the nomadic nature of those Eritrean. To do that the Eritrean government must build dams to hold water year around. Once they have done that the nomad Eritrean use the dam water year around and they are permanently stay put in place around the dams. So, build this dams, cement and any constriction material must go to the dam project. You got to understand, Eritrea was/is under endless sanctions and resources are limited and what ever is available, it went to the dam projects. I do believe social justice is the key to any nation in the world, with out it, there is peace nor prosperity.

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Ethoash » 04 Aug 2022, 10:22

@Red wrote:
04 Aug 2022, 10:02
I understand if you are a nomadic tribe for self interest to advocate for your tribes settlement at the cost of the city but I think they could develop both Asmara / massawa and the nomadic regions at the same time…
I don’t understand the logic Asmara has to be punished to settle or build a dam for the nomads? :roll:


Zemen, was defending his boss without logic.. what he said doesn't make sense. if u don't have cement then build brand new cement factory, if u have no money and u dont want to borrow just call an African investors

ABOUT settlement for nomadic people .... This is the wors one can do.. settlening the nomadic peolple do u understand the sicence behind nomadic life. they setteled in one place as long as the land is green when the water season finished they left to other region to feed their cattle while the frist place have time to regenerate this way they keep the balance of nature .. this people never listen about overgrazzing followed by drought

Why would cattle ranchers move their cattle from one pasture to another?

This is part of what is called rotational grazing. If the rancher moves the cattle before the grass is grazed to short then the grass is healthy. By not grazing the grass into the ground, the grass will prosper and continue growing. If the grass is grazed into the ground then over time, the good grasses die out and are replaced with less desire able invader species of grass which do not yield the quality nor the quantity of grass which was originally present

lil kogne
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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by lil kogne » 04 Aug 2022, 18:00

To Ethotrash and the Agame boy Sarcu .
Zemen did not make his explanation clear Plain and simple.... Eritrea is not in a business of building hotels and resorts as well as remodeling cities at this juncture. We are building society that is impoverished and lost it's fabric for decades d/t occupancy and colonialism. You Imbeciles, do not compare APPLES AND ORANGES. When you have imbalance of socio economic, Building capitals and concentrating growth only in the urban area only causes chaos as in your case where the population especially the Chigray society flooding towards Addis swamping it with over a million homeless, beggars, prostitutes and thieves. also joblessness is rampant. It is not good to the paring eye to see these homeless Ugumes relieving themselves on the side of the so called sky scrapers side wall. And the alley has become stinking d/t the ugum beggars defecating anywhere in public. It is so sad to see the Agame lost young boys waiting for the dumpster trucks to arrive so they can eat out of the trash and garbage.
So Kuenti brain Imbecile Trash ( Ethotrash), Eritrea is building, free medical, free Education, providing clean drinking water, child immunization as well as healthy live stocks . Ugume, although you are challenged, look at the UNDP millennium development goals and how much Eritrea achieved. It also is teaching collective farming and building villages and as your Kuenti brain think One big Dam is good, no all the small dams that will collect enough water to sustain the nomad society to live in a town or village. remodeling Asmara or other city is not a big issue, it is the spreading the wealth and having well balanced society is what is upfront mother f...ers. eat shi't and die haters. by the way, You qomalat Chigray, when it comes to braging, your qosal meakor braggs of Ethiopian property as you are Ethiopian more than the real Ethiopians themselves. And then when the Ethiopians include you as Minorities, you start bragging about your qomalat Chigray Abay . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Selam/ » 04 Aug 2022, 20:18

Wow! Isn’t that your Abraham Tekeste before he was pulled out of a hyena cave? Did he take the hotel into the hole with him?

Ethoash wrote:
02 Aug 2022, 15:14
lil kogne wrote:
02 Aug 2022, 14:51
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ethotrash, if this Hotel is not in the cursed land Chigray , Just shut the F... up ! You are not Ethiopian, you're from the sell-out band land and you have no right to brag about things you do not have and would not own in your life time.
hope you're heeding my advice to attend ESL class like I told you before.
Good Luck Chigaram !!!
everything in Ethiopia built under Golden u give u permition to build the golden who allowed u to make money the golden who keep your peace and order so that u can invest your hard currency the golden everything belong to Golden ......

Atranos Fantasy Hotel and Spa #ንተወለድትን ፈተውትን ትግራይ አፍታ ውቅብትን ድምቕትን ከተማ አኽሱም ናይ ወጻኢ ዜጋታት ዘስደመመ

Planet Hotel, #1 Rated Luxurious Hotel In Mekelle, Ethiopia: Interview & Review

Best Hotels of Mekelle City_part one

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Ethoash » 05 Aug 2022, 15:26

Selam/ wrote:
04 Aug 2022, 20:18
Wow! Isn’t that your Abraham Tekeste before he was pulled out of a hyena cave? Did he take the hotel into the hole with him?

lil kogne

u r saying Eritrean going to wait until everyone become rich ...okay how many years u need to make the mass rich .31 years is not enough? what kind of people r u ...

there is 100 of irrigation project small to mega project in i don't know which one to show u they r 100 of them if not 1000

lil kogne
As Eritrean is jr. to Ethiopia u should have know Ethiopia is the water tower of Africa if not the world. Eritrea might have one river .. where else Ethiopia have 1000 of river small and big river .. it is surprise me when Eritrea compere their jr. nation with Ethiopia

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Eripoblikan » 06 Aug 2022, 03:54

Ethoash wrote:
05 Aug 2022, 15:26
.. it is surprise me when Eritrea compere their jr. nation with Ethiopia
Ethiopians recently told you to bugger off with your barren-land region.

Stop boring us with nonsensical data from the past.

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Selam/ » 06 Aug 2022, 08:16

ድንብርብር ወያኔ - ሰላምን ጠቅሰህ፣ ስለ ልዑል ቆኜ ትጽፉለህ? መቼ ይሆን የምትጸዳው? ሌባ!

Ethoash wrote:
05 Aug 2022, 15:26
Selam/ wrote:
04 Aug 2022, 20:18
Wow! Isn’t that your Abraham Tekeste before he was pulled out of a hyena cave? Did he take the hotel into the hole with him?

lil kogne

u r saying Eritrean going to wait until everyone become rich ...okay how many years u need to make the mass rich .31 years is not enough? what kind of people r u ...

there is 100 of irrigation project small to mega project in i don't know which one to show u they r 100 of them if not 1000

lil kogne
As Eritrean is jr. to Ethiopia u should have know Ethiopia is the water tower of Africa if not the world. Eritrea might have one river .. where else Ethiopia have 1000 of river small and big river .. it is surprise me when Eritrea compere their jr. nation with Ethiopia

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by LeeVanCliff » 06 Aug 2022, 12:11

What is good having resorts and big hotels if you can not walk freely without getting mugged or jumped by thieves or criminals? Try to walk in Mexico City or Rio at night from point A to B and you will see if all the resorts will come and save you. I traveled thru out Eritrea in day time and night as well, with my iphone, digital camera, wallet full of money, gold chain... Not a single person tried to much me rob me. That is how safe it is. Try to do that in Mekelle or Addis Ababa so you know safety and security is much worth than the all expensive resorts you built.

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Ethoash » 06 Aug 2022, 12:23

LeeVanCliff wrote:
06 Aug 2022, 12:11
What is good having resorts and big hotels if you can not walk freely without getting mugged or jumped by thieves or criminals? Try to walk in Mexico City or Rio at night from point A to B and you will see if all the resorts will come and save you. I traveled thru out Eritrea in day time and night as well, with my iphone, digital camera, wallet full of money, gold chain... Not a single person tried to much me rob me. That is how safe it is. Try to do that in Mekelle or Addis Ababa so you know safety and security is much worth than the all expensive resorts you built.
በናት ህ አታስቀኝ፣ ሌባው ባዶ ቀፎ iphone ምን ይስርለታል ያንተን የሚስርቀው ምን ሊያረግበት ነው። ማን ይገዘዋል ማን ገንዘብ አለው በዚያ ላይ there is no smarphone service u guys using landline what is the point Robbery if there is no resale value to it. money also have no use what r u going to buy with money u have nothing to buy..

Eritrean are over 77 years old who is going to robe u.

anyhow under Golden time the Golden try to reduce poverty by creating million of job .. even in USA and many other rich counties no one building public housing but the golden were buiilding public house to sheltter the poor and rent control got talents got housing under Golden ,.. guess what the Abiy government anouce they going to stop the public housing project even the oromo activist and the Amhara were fighting over the housing project which they never built no housing built for the last 4 years so Golden are exceptional they r golden people ... u can't compere them with Amhara or Eritrean they r cut above

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Selam/ » 06 Aug 2022, 12:43

Here you go ሌባ አመዶ! You brought your thievery expertise to the table. Which phone is profitable to steal these days? :lol:
የትኛው የባህል ምጣኔ ሀብት ስልጠና ነው መንግስት በቂ ደሞዝ ካልከፈለህ፣ ዝረፍ ብሎ ያስተማረህ? ነፍሱ አትማር፣ እርጉም መለስ ዜናዊ፣ የማፍያ ባህል አስተምሯችሁ ነው የሄደው።
Ethoash wrote:
06 Aug 2022, 12:23
LeeVanCliff wrote:
06 Aug 2022, 12:11
What is good having resorts and big hotels if you can not walk freely without getting mugged or jumped by thieves or criminals? Try to walk in Mexico City or Rio at night from point A to B and you will see if all the resorts will come and save you. I traveled thru out Eritrea in day time and night as well, with my iphone, digital camera, wallet full of money, gold chain... Not a single person tried to much me rob me. That is how safe it is. Try to do that in Mekelle or Addis Ababa so you know safety and security is much worth than the all expensive resorts you built.
በናት ህ አታስቀኝ፣ ሌባው ባዶ ቀፎ iphone ምን ይስርለታል ያንተን የሚስርቀው ምን ሊያረግበት ነው። ማን ይገዘዋል ማን ገንዘብ አለው በዚያ ላይ there is no smarphone service u guys using landline what is the point Robbery if there is no resale value to it. money also have no use what r u going to buy with money u have nothing to buy..

Eritrean are over 77 years old who is going to robe u.

anyhow under Golden time the Golden try to reduce poverty by creating million of job .. even in USA and many other rich counties no one building public housing but the golden were buiilding public house to sheltter the poor and rent control got talents got housing under Golden ,.. guess what the Abiy government anouce they going to stop the public housing project even the oromo activist and the Amhara were fighting over the housing project which they never built no housing built for the last 4 years so Golden are exceptional they r golden people ... u can't compere them with Amhara or Eritrean they r cut above

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Re: ሁቴሌን መርቁልኝ: an honest question is there a resort hotel in Eritrea?

Post by Ethoash » 06 Aug 2022, 12:54

Selam/ wrote:
06 Aug 2022, 12:43
Here you go ሌባ አመዶ! You brought your thievery expertise to the table. Which phone is profitable to steal these days? :lol:
የትኛው የባህል ምጣኔ ሀብት ስልጠና ነው መንግስት በቂ ደሞዝ ካልከፈለህ፣ ዝረፍ ብሎ ያስተማረህ? ነፍሱ አትማር፣ እርጉም መለስ ዜናዊ፣ የማፍያ ባህል አስተምሯችሁ ነው የሄደው።

i feel very sorry for you , i know what u said about your father in his death bed. i forgive u. so why r u pushing me to remind you what u said .. i know your regretted, i didn't hold against you so just forget it ... ስለሌብነት ባህል አታንሳ አያምርብህም ፣ እኔ ስረቁ አላልኩም አንተ በስረቁት ስዎች ጫማ ውስጥ ሆነህ ነገሮችን እንድታይ ብዬ ነው ምሳሌውን ያመጣሁት እናም ምሳሌው በጣም ስርቶዋል በአንተ ላይ፣ ስለዚህ እኔ ለማስተማር እንጂ አንተን ለመጉዳት ምንም አሳብ ስለሌለኝ ለምን አትተወኝም ለምን አሁን በምንነጋገርው ነገር መልስ ካለህ መልስ ህን አት ስጠኝም ። እኔ እንደሆነ አንተ ከመወደድ በፍፁም አላቆምም። ስታናድ ደኝ ብቻ ነው ኤርትራዊ የምልህ እንጂ ወሽቴን ነው በጣም ነው አንተንና አቡዋሯውን የምወዳቹሁ፣ አቃለሁ ኢትዬዽያን ወዳቹሁ ነው እዚህ ግዜያቹሁን የምታጠፉት ምንም የተሳሳታቹሁ ብሆንም እናንተ ትክክለኛ ነው ብላቹሁ ነው ሽንጣቹሁን ይዛቹህ የምትከራከሩትና ለዚህም ትልቅ አድናቆት አለኝ።

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