Ata chenawi guhafe wedi guhafe you and other cowards on this have being posting few unconfirmed picture for the past one year and half that tells us that if you had true Tigray fighters killed pictures you would have posted here on every day basis.
The Truth is the Tigray People fighters casualties are very very small because they have being conducting their notorious guerilla Warfare's, urban warfare,etc etc killing more than 60 thousands Eriteans soldiers,and killed hundreds of thousands Ethiopian, Amhara, Galla,Africa , Somalian soldiers,8 Regions Special Forces just in Tigray before they chased , killed the invaders in fake Amhara region,fake Afar Region,and the outskirt of Addis Ababa.
Meanwhile keep on posting the few pictures you got while the Tigray landscape is full of dead Eriteans, Ethiopian, Somalian soldiers bodies waiting for you to pick them up.
So far the Tigray People Liberation Front have not released the video of hundreds of thousands Ethiopian and Eriteans Soldiers killed by Heroic Tigray People.Be patient.
Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!!