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Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 10 Mar 2022, 01:08

Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?  

According to Dr. Leenco Lataa, Amhara elites' politics is led by the plan for upward ho*mogenization of Ethiopia in to Amhatigna speaking country. This process is going on since 1270 of Yekuno Amlak’s rule. All nations in the empire are still used as row material to be processed and transformed into a finished good of Amharigna speakers. It is an effective method of Amharinization. In this way, about 90% of Agaws, 40% of Oromos and many other nations lost their priori identity and became Amhara. In such way, Amharanet and Amharigna could dominate Ethiopia and the whole country is considered as de facto Amharia. Oromo elites tried to resist this process and envisioned to foster Gadaa republic of Oromia. They planned to liberate the rest Afaan Oromo speaking region, call it Oromia and with that excluded the already Amharanized Oromo regions in north Shoa, east Wallo, south Gojjam as well as parts of  Gondar and Tigrai. Thus, their move is considered to ba a downward ho*mogenization. Ethnic federation is considered as a compromise solution balancing these two phaenomena. I would like to suggest a role exchange of Amhara and Oromo elites. The Oromo better opt for upward ho*mogenization by promoting Afaan Oromo to its legitimate primary position as federal working language. Then, slowly but surely, re-Oromization of the whole country can take place and Ethiopia will be transformed to Great Oromia by erasing Great Amharia. This Great Oromia is definately more beneficial than the smaller Gadaa Oromia. Of course, then, Amhara elites will be compelled to try the downward ho*mogenization mechanism to resist this Oromo’s upward process.
Read more: ... ation-uno/

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 10 Mar 2022, 08:37

Oromo politics in particular and that of Ethiopia in general is again on cross road. The fake ethnofederalist prosperity party of Abiy Ahmed is losing ground. Two forces are competing to replace the incumbent regime: the con-federalists and the geo-federalists. Con-federalist bloc led by OLF and TDF is fighting intensively to replace the prosperity regime. Geo-federalists led by Ezema and Nama are desperately trying to manipulate Abiy Ahmed to persuade him to fight for them and “save Ethiopia from disintegration” and finally foster geo-federation. Both camps are at war against each other now. It is clear that confederalists are aiming for establishment of Gadaa Oromia. Not clear is Abiy Ahmed’s and his prosperitan Oromo supporters’ goal. Are they fighting for geo-federation under domination of Amharanet/Amharigna or under leadership of Oromummaa/Oromiffaa? If they prefer domination of Amharanet, no Oromo should support them; in case they opt for leadership of Oromummaa, no question that geo-federation with Afaan Oromo as primary language of Ethiopia will be de facto Great Oromia. The Oromo can also consider such Great Oromia as alternativ vision to Gadaa Oromia.

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 10 Mar 2022, 09:11

But, it is already over due; the game is over! Both Amhara Naftagnas and Tegaru Hegemonists lost the battle for Finfinne palace! I think Dr. Abiy is not as such naive to disappoint the Oromo and to empower the Abesha. His prosperitan party is yet pro-Amharanet in contrast to the pro-Oromumma nationslists, but better than Amhara’s Derg and Tegarus Woyane regarding development of Oromiffa/Oromummaa. It is the matter of time, surely the OLF mindset of bilisummaa shall infiltrate the pro-Amharanet Biltsigina party and convert it to pro-Oromummaa. The OLF mindset will struggle in form of both the incumbent Prosperitans (OPP) and the opposition Republican (ORP = Oromo republican party) to be fostered by OFC and OLF. In either way, the OLF mindset will consolidate Oromo’s power in Finfinne palace checking both the hegemonists and the naftsgnas at bay. Either the future converted OPP (from pro-Amharanet to pro-Oromummaa) or the ORP shall realize either Gadaa Oromia or Great Oromia in the UN

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 10 Mar 2022, 09:56

This is an issue once raised by, and we were invited to give our opinions. Here is my short view about the future destiny of Oromia. I started to write in cyber-world in 1999 as I observed Oromo nationalists in OLF fighting each other based on the “different” goal they envisioned for the Oromo and Oromia. The Galaasa-group claimed to pursue Kaayyoo-ganamaa (original goal) and accused the Daawud-group for allegedly striving for “democratization of Ethiopia” instead of “decolonization of Oromia”. The Daawud-group, on other side, claimed to take the geopolitical situations into consideration and demanded “only self-determination” of the Oromo instead of an exclusive and explicit “Oromia’s independence.” The argument between the two views was going on for many years, even though it was milder lately than it was at the beginning of OLF division.

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 10 Mar 2022, 11:42

I personally tried to show that there is no difference of  goal per se between the two, but only difference of the rout to it, i.e difference of ‘tactical and strategical means to the end’. Here I don’t want to go into detail for it is already discussed adequately in my hitherto articles. But in short, I would like to say that OLF mindset, which is leading Oromo nationalists individually or institutionally, has got two mid-term goals on the way of moving to our final goal. As OLF was established in 1973, Oromo and Oromia were under complete subjugation. No question Oromo nationalists started this liberation movement to lead Oromo people to its destiny, i.e. to freedom of Oromo people and to sovereignty of Oromo land.

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 10 Mar 2022, 12:56

This is an issue once raised by, and we were invited to give our opinions. Here is my short view about the future destiny of Oromia. I started to write in cyber-world in 1999 as I observed Oromo nationalists in OLF fighting each other based on the “different” goal they envisioned for the Oromo and Oromia. The Galaasa-group claimed to pursue Kaayyoo-ganamaa (original goal) and accused the Daawud-group for allegedly striving for “democratization of Ethiopia” instead of “decolonization of Oromia”. The Daawud-group, on other side, claimed to take the geopolitical situations into consideration and demanded “only self-determination” of the Oromo instead of an exclusive and explicit “Oromia’s independence.” The argument between the two views was going on for many years, even though it was milder lately than it was at the beginning of OLF division.

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by Abere » 10 Mar 2022, 13:23

Which Hell-way is better for Oromo, the Burning Hell-way of OLF or the Chilliest Hell-Way of OLF? Unless someone is a sub-human or an animal, it is a naked truth that the universe is hell for Oromos with OLF.

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by AbebeB » 10 Mar 2022, 13:35

You may consider Abers’s advice because reportedly he receives his knowledge from Hades, although he is irrelevant to the issue of Oromo.

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 10 Mar 2022, 15:10

The two mid-term goals, which are gradually found to be necessary in process of the hitherto liberation struggle, are:

– limited cultural autonomy in a partially designated present Oromia, which we could achieve till now. The OLF mindset in genuine and politically-conscious Oromo individuals doing their jobs being organized in the ruling party OPDO tries to keep this status.

– complete cultural, economic and political autonomy of Oromia in union Ethiopian context, which seems to be more feasible to achieve in the near future. OLF mindset operating in opposition parties like OFC tries to achieve this.

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 10 Mar 2022, 15:51

When we look at position of OLF factions nowadays, the mindset seems to support the move of OFC and then wants Oromo public to decide on the issue of freedom (within union vs without union of nations). The two main differences between OFC and OLF are the fact that OFC struggles peacefully while OLF uses armed struggle, and OFC uses the rhetoric of ‘unconditional unity’ while OLF emphasizes self-determination of Oromo nation per referendum. The mindset in other OLF faction as well as in other liberation movements like ULFO and FIO stresses the importance of an independent Oromia as an end-goal, and as far as I know they are not against the possible union with other liberated nations, that is why I don’t see difference of these groups. In Oromo’s unique case, their common goal is Tulluu Daalatti (freedom), then one of the three post-freedom types of souvereignty will q1prevail based on the involved peoples’ will: an independent Gadaa Oromia of Ob. Galaasa or a federal union Oromia (language based Ethiopian federation) of Ob. Leencoo or an integrative Great Oromia (geography based Ethiopian federation) of Ob. Andargachew.

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 11 Mar 2022, 01:52

As I repeatedly pointed out, there is no contradiction between the goals of all of these OLF mindsets which are only different rhetorically. Oromo liberation movement is like a journey of a person from Djibouti (symbol for colony) through Diredhawa (limited cultural autonomy) and through Adaama (complete political autonomy) to the end destiny, Finfinne (symbol for freedom and one of the above mentioned types of sovereignty based on self-determination per referendum). So, hopefully, the OLF mindset will synchronize the liberation movement in all organizations mentioned above to make them understand each other and help them move from the status quo (first mid-term) through second mid-term to the final destiny

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by TGAA » 11 Mar 2022, 02:27

The self looping nutjob OPFirst posts and responds to himself endlessly . what is messing is proportionality. Only God can create man on his image but the OPFIRST nutjob wants to revers back events back to 12 century and recreate Ethiopia in his own image . One Daring mission he is aspired to accomplish . Got to give it for that. If it is a consolation The Frog and the Ox Bedtime Stories for Kids in English might give some opportunity for learning. enjoy OPfirst;)

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 11 Mar 2022, 06:36

Coming back to’s initiative, let’s have a common resolution for our destiny in the next decade. Last decade was the decade of unproductive division of our liberation vanguard, the OLF. I hope, next decade will be the decade of unity and merger among OLF factions and even including other liberation organizations to forge only one very strong liberation front. Then, we can plan first to achieve genuine self-administration in a form of Oromia’s autonomy, and then we can move together towards self-determination per referendum to achieve Oromia’s independence, be it within or without union based on our public verdict. By coordinating the struggle of OFC as an opposition and that of OLF as an armed front, we can achieve our end goal (freedom of Oromo people and sovereignty of Oromo land) in the next decade

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 11 Mar 2022, 10:16

Whether being member of UNO as only nation-state of the Oromo or as a new union of liberated peoples in the region in form of supranational region-state is part of our goal will be decided by the public during self-determination per referendum. By the way, when we talk about union of liberated nations, it can be union of only the oppressed nations, excluding the hitherto colonizer Abyssinia or it can be inclusive of the two Habehsa nations after they have accepted God-given right of all oppressed nations to self-determination. Whether Habesha nations will be part of future union or not will also be decided by the public after a necessary debate and discussion. But, first Oromia and other oppressed nations must be free from Abyssinian domination, and the two Habesha nations also need to be free from their colonial and dominating mentality. Our freedom from colony and their freedom from being colonizer are the two very essential prerequisites for the possible future union between Oromia and Abyssinia, if such a union is favoured by the respective public from both sides.

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Re: Which Way Oromo: through Downward Ho*mogenization to Gadaa Oromia or through Upward Ho*mogenization to Great Oromia?

Post by OPFist » 11 Mar 2022, 10:52

That is why, it would be nice if we plan to have Oromia as a member of UNO and then opt for union of free peoples when the time will be suitable and the public decide to have a supranational regional union instead of only national independence. In order to achieve this noble destiny of the next decade, we need the necessary instruments like unity for freedom, commitment, dedication, pragmatism, cooperation and coordination of our moves, etc. Otherwise, I know that Waaqa will help us, if and only if we help ourselves. So let’s now start to work towards this decade’s destiny envisioned by

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