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Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airlines

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 17:21
by Axumezana
Assab port could have been the alternate best port for the Air-Sea operation signed between Ethiopian Airlines and Air Djibouti. This is a big strategic loss for Eritrea! It looks Isaias role is limited to the supply of mercenary half starved Eritreans soldiers to prolong the life of Abiy and archaic unitary Ethiopia dreamers. ... rtnership/

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 17:25
by sesame
The price of potash which jumped about 50% with the Ukraine crisis is expected to double within a short time as Eritrea is about set to export a million tons per year.

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 17:27
by tarik
Axumezana wrote:
08 Mar 2022, 17:21
Assab port could have been the alternate best port for the Air-Sea operation signed between Ethiopian Airlines and Djibouti Airlines. This is a big strategic loss for Eritrea! It looks Isaias role is limited to the supply of mercenary half starved Eritreans soldiers to prolong the life of Abiy and archaic unitary Ethiopia dreamers. ... rtnership/
Don't worry about our Eritrean ports, we r fine, worry about ur Cursed-Land-Tigray parasite ppl dying everyday from hunger u idiot moran. Who made u an economic or geopolitical relationship expert? [deleted] agame qomal :mrgreen:

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 17:29
by sebdoyeley
there is no single machinery in that place so call Denkeli.
all we have told or we have seen was a theoretical assessment.
so stop lying man, this useless propaganda is embarrassing us.
sesame wrote:
08 Mar 2022, 17:25
The price of potash which jumped about 50% with the Ukraine crisis is expected to double within a short time as Eritrea is about set to export a million tons per year.

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 17:33
by Axumezana
That is good but you do not build your economy on one economic sector. Diversification is the way forward ! Eritrea could repeat the success of Dubai and Singapore in the Horn of Africa once the Eritreans are free from Isaias destructive and confrontational mentality and start to leave with their neighbours in peace based on mutual respect and equitable share of benefits.

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 18:25
by sesame
sebdoyeley wrote:
08 Mar 2022, 17:29
there is no single machinery in that place so call Denkeli.
all we have told or we have seen was a theoretical assessment.
so stop lying man, this useless propaganda is embarrassing us.
ዕጉም፡ ኣቐንዝዩካ'ዶ:: That is how we detect the qomalat Agame by noting what disturbs them.

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 19:50
by Fed_Up
Meanwhile, in chigaray aka chigaram Tigray enda ugumsh economy doing perfectly fine. As we all know, Fano warriors successfully decapitate the tiny agamewoch rapeists dïck and left them few so they mount their own agamtwytieee for 1 birr.

Shame shame

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 20:01
by Tiago
ትግራይ ምንም አስተዋጾኦ የሌላት የችጋራም አገር ናት so why put your noses in Eritrean affairs. ቅናት? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 21:50
by Fed_Up
Tiago wrote:
08 Mar 2022, 20:01
ትግራይ ምንም አስተዋጾኦ የሌላት የችጋራም አገር ናት so why put your noses in Eritrean affairs. ቅናት? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tiago bro

ክልል ተብሎ ቢስተካከል?

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 09 Mar 2022, 00:57
by Axumezana
Tigray was, is and will be the center, engine , soul and spirit of the Horn Africa specially Ethiopia and Eritrea. Eritrea foundation is Tigray and same is true for Ethiopia.
Tigray is blessed by various natural resources specially with it's mighty people who have been the shakers and movers of the Horn Africa. Refer to Isaias chapter 18 for more information.

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 10 Mar 2022, 20:10
by Axumezana
Axumezana wrote:
09 Mar 2022, 00:57
Tigray was, is and will be the center, engine , soul and spirit of the Horn Africa specially Ethiopia and Eritrea. Eritrea foundation is Tigray and same is true for Ethiopia.
Tigray is blessed by various natural resources specially with it's mighty people who have been the shakers and movers of the Horn Africa. Refer to Isaias chapter 18 for more information.

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 04:46
by Meleket
ብምኽንያት እምነቶም ካብ ኣዅሱም ተሰዲዶም ኣብ ኤርትራና ብወገን ሰራዬ ‘ኣዛርና’ ኣብ ዝተባህለት ዓዲ ዕቝባ ዚሓተቱ ገለ ተጋሩ ዜጋታት ዝፈረዩዎም ኣቶ ወልደኣብ ወልደማርያም ዝተባህሉ ትግራዋይ ምሁር ኤርትራዊ ኬንሻ፣ ጸሓፊ፣ መምህር፣ ቦለቲከኛን ጋዜጠኛን፡ ብዕለት 3 ነሐሰ 1944 ዝተሓትመት “ናይ ኤርትራ ሰሙናዊ ጋዜጣ ቍጽሪ 101” ትግራይ-ትግርኚ ዲዩ ሃገረ ኣግኣዝያን ደልዮም ኔሮም መስልና ‘ሓደ ኤርትራዊ’ ብዚብል ጉልባብ ተሸፊኖም ከምዡይ ቢሎም ነቢሮም ያኢ ኪበሃል ንሰምዕ፡ ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን። :mrgreen:
ናይ ኤርትራ ሰሙናዊ ጋዜጣ ቍጽሪ 101 ዕለት 3 ነሐሰ 1944 wrote:“. . . እዙይን እቲ ኣብ ሰሜናዊት ኢትዮጵያ ዚቕመጥ ሕዝብን ብዓልየትን ብሃይማኖትን ብያታን ብዛንታን ብትምህርትን ብልማድን ሓደ ወገን ከም ዝኾነ ኣጸቢቑ እተፈልጠ ኢዩ። እቲ ትግራዋይ (ትግሬ) ዚበሃል ህዝቢ፡ እቲ ንምልእቲ ኢትዮጵያ ስልጣንን ጭውነትን ዕብየትን ስርዓትን ዝሃበ ሕዝቢ፡ ኣብ ክልተ ኪምቀል ከኣ ከቶ ዘይግባእ ኢዩ። . . .

ኣዅስም፡ እታ ናይ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ መናገሻ ዘልዓለማዊት ከተማ ናይ’ቲ ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ዚዛረብ ሕዝቢ፡ መንፈሳዊት መደበር ወይስ ብልጽቲ መዝገብ ኢያ። ናይ ምሉእ ሕዝቢ ትግርኛ፡ ሃይማኖታውን ፖለቲካውን ሃረርታን ናፍቖትን ከኣ ኣብኣ ኢዩ ተዓቝሩን ተዓቂቡን ዚነብር ዘሎ።

ሕዝቢ እስራኤል ትንሳኤ “ጽዮን” ከም ዚኣምንን ከም ዚጽበን፡ ሕዝቢ ትግርኛ’ውን ትንሳኤ ኣዅሱም ይኣምንን ይጽበን ኢዩ።

እምበአርከስ፡ እዛ ናይ ኢጣልያ ምስራቃዊት ሃገር እትብሃል ዝነበረት ክፍሊ፡ ካብዚ ዝብሎ ዘሎኹ ዚሓይሽ ካልእ ምምሕዳር እትረክብ ኮይኑ ኣይስመዓንን። እዚ ማለት፣ እቲ ደጋን ወይነ ደጋን ዚብሃል ክፍልታት ሃገር ኤርትራ፡ ምስ’ቲ ኣብ ሰሜናዊት ኢትዮጵያ ዚቕመጥ፡ ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ዚዛረብ ዘበለ ሕዝቢ ተጸንቢሩስ ሓደ ሕዝብን ሓንቲ መንግስትን ኪኸውን’ሞ ካብ ዓባይ-ብሪታኒያ ድማ ሓገዝን ረዲኤትን ኽቕበል። . . .”

ዓርኽና ኣዅሱመዛና ድማ ከምዡይ ኣብ ታሕቲ ዛምጻናዮ ዓይነት አተሓሳስባ፡ ካብቶም ወለድኻ ካብ ኣዅሱም ዘሳጐጉዎም፡ ካብ እንዳ ኣይተ ወልደማርያም ዲኻ ሰሚዕካዮ፧ :mrgreen: ወዳጄ Axumezana እዡይ ጊንጢ ዝዀነ ብህሎካ፡ ኣብ ኤርትራ ኣብ1944 ቦታ ኣይነበሮን ሕጂ’ዉን ከምኡ'ዩ ዛሎ እቲ ወረ- ብወገን ኤረ! ኣይኾነን’ዶ ብመገዲ ኣዅሱመዛና ብመገዲ ሽመዛና’ዉን ከማኡ ዓይነት ሓሳባት እንተዚፍልፍል ብጥሙራት ደቂ ኤርትራ ዚወሃቦ መልሲ ብሓበራ “ኣይሰምዕ’የ” ዚብል ኢዩ። :mrgreen:

"ኣዅሱም ምቕማጡ ሕሱም!" ዚተባህለ መኣስ፧ ብመን፧ ስለምንታይ፧ ኢዩ ቢልና ንዝሓተትናዮ ሕቶ ሓቀኛ መልሲ ዛይሃብኩም ደቂ ኣዅሱመዛና ኮንኩም ተራ ካድራት ደቂ Hawzen ሓሳብኩም ሃቡ፡ ሃየ! - ታሪኽ ኣይምሕርን'ዩ!
Axumezana wrote:
10 Mar 2022, 20:10
Axumezana wrote:
09 Mar 2022, 00:57
Tigray was, is and will be the center, engine , soul and spirit of the Horn Africa specially Ethiopia and Eritrea. Eritrea foundation is Tigray and same is true for Ethiopia. . . .

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 15 Mar 2022, 18:02
by Axumezana
Axumezana wrote:
09 Mar 2022, 00:57
Tigray was, is and will be the center, engine , soul and spirit of the Horn Africa specially Ethiopia and Eritrea. Eritrea foundation is Tigray and same is true for Ethiopia.
Tigray is blessed by various natural resources specially with it's mighty people who have been the shakers and movers of the Horn Africa. Refer to Isaias chapter 18 for more information.

Re: Abiy & Isaias love affair is over !The Sea-Air agreement should have been done between Ethiopian and Eritrean Airli

Posted: 16 Mar 2022, 08:16
by Meleket
Meleket wrote:
11 Mar 2022, 04:46
ብምኽንያት እምነቶም ካብ ኣዅሱም ተሰዲዶም ኣብ ኤርትራና ብወገን ሰራዬ ‘ኣዛርና’ ኣብ ዝተባህለት ዓዲ ዕቝባ ዚሓተቱ ገለ ተጋሩ ዜጋታት ዝፈረዩዎም ኣቶ ወልደኣብ ወልደማርያም ዝተባህሉ ትግራዋይ ምሁር ኤርትራዊ ኬንሻ፣ ጸሓፊ፣ መምህር፣ ቦለቲከኛን ጋዜጠኛን፡ ብዕለት 3 ነሐሰ 1944 ዝተሓትመት “ናይ ኤርትራ ሰሙናዊ ጋዜጣ ቍጽሪ 101” ትግራይ-ትግርኚ ዲዩ ሃገረ ኣግኣዝያን ደልዮም ኔሮም መስልና ‘ሓደ ኤርትራዊ’ ብዚብል ጉልባብ ተሸፊኖም ከምዡይ ቢሎም ነቢሮም ያኢ ኪበሃል ንሰምዕ፡ ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን። :mrgreen:
ናይ ኤርትራ ሰሙናዊ ጋዜጣ ቍጽሪ 101 ዕለት 3 ነሐሰ 1944 wrote:“. . . እዙይን እቲ ኣብ ሰሜናዊት ኢትዮጵያ ዚቕመጥ ሕዝብን ብዓልየትን ብሃይማኖትን ብያታን ብዛንታን ብትምህርትን ብልማድን ሓደ ወገን ከም ዝኾነ ኣጸቢቑ እተፈልጠ ኢዩ። እቲ ትግራዋይ (ትግሬ) ዚበሃል ህዝቢ፡ እቲ ንምልእቲ ኢትዮጵያ ስልጣንን ጭውነትን ዕብየትን ስርዓትን ዝሃበ ሕዝቢ፡ ኣብ ክልተ ኪምቀል ከኣ ከቶ ዘይግባእ ኢዩ። . . .

ኣዅስም፡ እታ ናይ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ መናገሻ ዘልዓለማዊት ከተማ ናይ’ቲ ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ዚዛረብ ሕዝቢ፡ መንፈሳዊት መደበር ወይስ ብልጽቲ መዝገብ ኢያ። ናይ ምሉእ ሕዝቢ ትግርኛ፡ ሃይማኖታውን ፖለቲካውን ሃረርታን ናፍቖትን ከኣ ኣብኣ ኢዩ ተዓቝሩን ተዓቂቡን ዚነብር ዘሎ።

ሕዝቢ እስራኤል ትንሳኤ “ጽዮን” ከም ዚኣምንን ከም ዚጽበን፡ ሕዝቢ ትግርኛ’ውን ትንሳኤ ኣዅሱም ይኣምንን ይጽበን ኢዩ።

እምበአርከስ፡ እዛ ናይ ኢጣልያ ምስራቃዊት ሃገር እትብሃል ዝነበረት ክፍሊ፡ ካብዚ ዝብሎ ዘሎኹ ዚሓይሽ ካልእ ምምሕዳር እትረክብ ኮይኑ ኣይስመዓንን። እዚ ማለት፣ እቲ ደጋን ወይነ ደጋን ዚብሃል ክፍልታት ሃገር ኤርትራ፡ ምስ’ቲ ኣብ ሰሜናዊት ኢትዮጵያ ዚቕመጥ፡ ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ዚዛረብ ዘበለ ሕዝቢ ተጸንቢሩስ ሓደ ሕዝብን ሓንቲ መንግስትን ኪኸውን’ሞ ካብ ዓባይ-ብሪታኒያ ድማ ሓገዝን ረዲኤትን ኽቕበል። . . .”

ዓርኽና ኣዅሱመዛና ድማ ከምዡይ ኣብ ታሕቲ ዛምጻናዮ ዓይነት አተሓሳስባ፡ ካብቶም ወለድኻ ካብ ኣዅሱም ዘሳጐጉዎም፡ ካብ እንዳ ኣይተ ወልደማርያም ዲኻ ሰሚዕካዮ፧ :mrgreen: ወዳጄ Axumezana እዡይ ጊንጢ ዝዀነ ብህሎካ፡ ኣብ ኤርትራ ኣብ1944 ቦታ ኣይነበሮን ሕጂ’ዉን ከምኡ'ዩ ዛሎ እቲ ወረ- ብወገን ኤረ! ኣይኾነን’ዶ ብመገዲ ኣዅሱመዛና ብመገዲ ሽመዛና’ዉን ከማኡ ዓይነት ሓሳባት እንተዚፍልፍል ብጥሙራት ደቂ ኤርትራ ዚወሃቦ መልሲ ብሓበራ “ኣይሰምዕ’የ” ዚብል ኢዩ። :mrgreen:

"ኣዅሱም ምቕማጡ ሕሱም!" ዚተባህለ መኣስ፧ ብመን፧ ስለምንታይ፧ ኢዩ ቢልና ንዝሓተትናዮ ሕቶ ሓቀኛ መልሲ ዛይሃብኩም ደቂ ኣዅሱመዛና ኮንኩም ተራ ካድራት ደቂ Hawzen ሓሳብኩም ሃቡ፡ ሃየ! - ታሪኽ ኣይምሕርን'ዩ!
Axumezana wrote:
10 Mar 2022, 20:10
Axumezana wrote:
09 Mar 2022, 00:57
Tigray was, is and will be the center, engine , soul and spirit of the Horn Africa specially Ethiopia and Eritrea. Eritrea foundation is Tigray and same is true for Ethiopia. . . .