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Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans into submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by Axumezana » 08 Mar 2022, 16:17

Abiy's blockage of Tigray from humanitarian assistance is illegal, war crime, cruel, and is sin as it is against the biblical principles Abiy claims to draw his inspiration and convictions. Abiy has proved again and again that his prime and only obsession is to stay in power at any cost even if millions of Ethiopian are killed, starved and live under poverty under hyper inflation economy. He should be ready to lose his power, if Ethiopians does not want him otherwise he will be dragged out of Arat killo by the allied federalist forces.
Last edited by Axumezana on 08 Mar 2022, 17:44, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans in to submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by sebdoyeley » 08 Mar 2022, 16:22

Yeah, I would say so if I haven't seen this Agame riding 50,000 bikes,while his Agame clan are starved to death. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans in to submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by tarik » 08 Mar 2022, 16:45

Axumezana wrote:
08 Mar 2022, 16:17
Abiy's blockage of Tigray from humanitarian assistance is illegal, war crime, cruel, and is sin as it is against the biblical principles Abiy claims to draw his inspiration and convictions. Abiy has proved again and again that his prime and only obsession is to stay in power at any cost even millions of Ethiopia are killed, starved and live under poverty under hyper inflation economy. He should be ready to lose his power, if Ethiopians does not want him otherwise he will be dragged out of Arat killo by the allied federalist forces.
Moran, that happens when u lose a war or Defeated, ur Cursed-Land-Tigray Useless ppl r paying z price 4 ur stupid Terrorist-Tplf Leaders war loses. Now u and ur sister sarcasm stop crying daily here like a bunch of babies and deal with it. Qimmmalam agame 8) :mrgreen:

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Re: Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans into submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 08 Mar 2022, 18:50

Look where you guys go when the going gets tough.. :mrgreen: What do you think the "timoNa gize" is all about? Your beloved strategic partner knows how to slowly kill the TPLF mad dogs while you point your finger else where. I kinda wonder why the Tigre politics is devoid of strategic thinking and fixated only on a made up emotional drama.

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Re: Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans into submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by Axumezana » 10 Mar 2022, 20:48

Axumezana wrote:
08 Mar 2022, 16:17
Abiy's blockage of Tigray from humanitarian assistance is illegal, war crime, cruel, and is sin as it is against the biblical principles Abiy claims to draw his inspiration and convictions. Abiy has proved again and again that his prime and only obsession is to stay in power at any cost even if millions of Ethiopian are killed, starved and live under poverty under hyper inflation economy. He should be ready to lose his power, if Ethiopians does not want him otherwise he will be dragged out of Arat killo by the allied federalist forces.

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Re: Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans into submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by Axumezana » 16 Mar 2022, 12:44

Axumezana wrote:
08 Mar 2022, 16:17
Abiy's blockage of Tigray from humanitarian assistance is illegal, war crime, cruel, and is sin as it is against the biblical principles Abiy claims to draw his inspiration and convictions. Abiy has proved again and again that his prime and only obsession is to stay in power at any cost even if millions of Ethiopian are killed, starved and live under poverty under hyper inflation economy. He should be ready to lose his power, if Ethiopians does not want him otherwise he will be dragged out of Arat killo by the allied federalist forces.

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Re: Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans into submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by Abere » 16 Mar 2022, 12:55


Why did not you denounce TPLF and call for its demise? You liken TPLF as an angel and Abiy Ahmed (OLF-PP) as devil. This is pure hypocrisy to me. If your dream is peace for Tigray, you should first call for the demise of TPLF/Woyane. When TPLF is done, OLF-PP is out through the window. I honestly tell you, your call right now is falling on deaf ears because people are totally bored and lost the appetite to hear about TPLF - which more Satan than Satan naturally itself. If you are saying TPLF is a more beautiful Satan than Satan OLF-PP, we don't want watch that contest that drama can only happen in hell.

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Re: Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans into submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by Axumezana » 18 Mar 2022, 00:03

Axumezana wrote:
08 Mar 2022, 16:17
Abiy's blockage of Tigray from humanitarian assistance is illegal, war crime, cruel, and is sin as it is against the biblical principles Abiy claims to draw his inspiration and convictions. Abiy has proved again and again that his prime and only obsession is to stay in power at any cost even if millions of Ethiopian are killed, starved and live under poverty under hyper inflation economy. He should be ready to lose his power, if Ethiopians does not want him otherwise he will be dragged out of Arat killo by the allied federalist forces.

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Re: Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans into submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by Axumezana » 20 Mar 2022, 16:32

Axumezana wrote:
08 Mar 2022, 16:17
Abiy's blockage of Tigray from humanitarian assistance is illegal, war crime, cruel, and is sin as it is against the biblical principles Abiy claims to draw his inspiration and convictions. Abiy has proved again and again that his prime and only obsession is to stay in power at any cost even if millions of Ethiopian are killed, starved and live under poverty under hyper inflation economy. He should be ready to lose his power, if Ethiopians does not want him otherwise he will be dragged out of Arat killo by the allied federalist forces.

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Re: Abiy's strategy to starve Tigrayans into submission is illegal, war crime, cruel and sin!

Post by Cigar » 20 Mar 2022, 17:01

Axumamenzra you stupid, idiot, liar funfun agame, answer the pressing question people are asking you instead of posting, copying and pasting your own stupid posts again and again and again.
You admit that your shermu’tta mom, snotty, dirty agames siblings and the rest of 5 million funfunat, deserving agames are starving and a million of them are dead and rotting with your ugly midget meles 6 feet under or eaten by hyenas and rather than advocating the easiest way to relieve your freaking miseries, you still are accusing the Ethiopian govt for the effect you are experiencing and waiting the same govt troops you committed genocide up on and started the war to come to your aide.
Are you stupid?
The ethio govt told you that it won’t stop its mission no matter how tough your dirty population face until the shifta woyane’s are killed or arrested.
So knowing that are you willing until the whole agame tribe starved to death. Well as an Eritrean, that is I want to see and keep it up.

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