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The Bible was translated into Tigrinya in 1892!

Posted: 05 Mar 2022, 17:17
by Kuasmeda
The Bible was translated in Tigrinya under the supervision of Dr. Winqvist & by Eritreans. The first copies were printed in 1892. Those sitting on the right are Dr. Elsie Winqvist and Michael Holmer.

On the left: Bairu Uqbit - wearing white (assistant to Winqvist), Embaye Habte-Egzy - in the middle (a young teacher responsible for proofreading), & Keshi Girma-Tsion Gebre - close to the wall (responsible for the final wording in the translated text). (K.J. Lundstrom and E. Gebremedhin.

Re: The Bible was translated into Tigrinya in 1892!

Posted: 05 Mar 2022, 23:55
by Axumezana
What we know is a team of Tigrayans from North and South of Mereb under the supervision the Swedish did the translation over long years. ... in_Eritrea

Re: The Bible was translated into Tigrinya in 1892!

Posted: 06 Mar 2022, 00:08
by Ayamaru44
Almost 130 years since the Bible was translated into Tigrigna.
It was in Geez originally
How many people red and live accordingly with the Bible ? God knows.Especially this generation

Re: The Bible was translated into Tigrinya in 1892!

Posted: 06 Mar 2022, 01:46
by Fiyameta
The agame Meleket said he's translating the Holy Bible into his own Tigray's language and will give it the title ቅዱስ መፅሓፍ, as opposed to መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Re: The Bible was translated into Tigrinya in 1892!

Posted: 06 Mar 2022, 02:49
by pushkin
History reveals that the Tigray people have no written languages. The orthodox believers of Tigray are yet using the Amharic translated Bible. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Axumezana wrote:
05 Mar 2022, 23:55
What we know is a team of Tigrayans from North and South of Mereb under the supervision the Swedish did the translation over long years. ... in_Eritrea

Re: The Bible was translated into Tigrinya in 1892!

Posted: 06 Mar 2022, 14:52
by Temt
Fiyameta wrote:
06 Mar 2022, 01:46
The agame Meleket said he's translating the Holy Bible into his own Tigray's language and will give it the title ቅዱስ መፅሓፍ, as opposed to መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ. :oops: :oops: :oops:
So true, Fiyameta. Since they really don't know the Tigrinya language, I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote like this ቅዱስ መፅ
pushkin wrote:
06 Mar 2022, 02:49
History reveals that the Tigray people have no written languages. The orthodox believers of Tigray are yet using the Amharic translated Bible. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Pushkin, I know that from a personal experience when I was at Addis Ababa University. A Tigrean cohabitant in our hostel was surprised to see one of our Eritrean roommate reading a letter sent from Eritrea written in Tigrinya! :lol: :lol:

Re: The Bible was translated into Tigrinya in 1892!

Posted: 06 Mar 2022, 15:46
by Axumezana
Your problem is you live in the past! Those who live in the past are most likely unable to make it to the future!

Re: The Bible was translated into Tigrinya in 1892!

Posted: 06 Mar 2022, 16:07
by pushkin
Brother Temt! You are right, no Agame can read & write in Tigrigna except for a few who learned from Eritrea. Creativity is the game of Eritreans whose daily menu is fish & Agames who eat kunti copy what is created by Eritreans.
Temt wrote:
06 Mar 2022, 14:52
Fiyameta wrote:
06 Mar 2022, 01:46
The agame Meleket said he's translating the Holy Bible into his own Tigray's language and will give it the title ቅዱስ መፅሓፍ, as opposed to መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ. :oops: :oops: :oops:
So true, Fiyameta. Since they really don't know the Tigrinya language, I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote like this ቅዱስ መፅ
pushkin wrote:
06 Mar 2022, 02:49
History reveals that the Tigray people have no written languages. The orthodox believers of Tigray are yet using the Amharic translated Bible. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Pushkin, I know that from a personal experience when I was at Addis Ababa University. A Tigrean cohabitant in our hostel was surprised to see one of our Eritrean roommate reading a letter sent from Eritrea written in Tigrinya! :lol: :lol:

Re: The Bible was translated into Tigrinya in 1892!

Posted: 07 Mar 2022, 04:00
by Meleket
ስዋስው-ትግርኛ’ ደኣ ተኪአ ተስፋይ ብቲቪ-ኤረ ኪምህረና ከድልየና ኢዩ። :mrgreen:

ቅጽል፣ ስም፣ ግስ እያልን ኣሁን ተራ የሰዋስው ህግ እዚህ በመዘርዘር አናደክማችሁም የኛ ተራ ካድሬዎች፡ ለዛሬ ለራሳችሁ “የጥሞና ግዜ” በመመደብ እነዚህን ጥያቄዎች እንድትመልሱ ነው የምንጠይቃችሁ።
በአማርኛም ይሁን በትግርኛ . . .
ሚካኤል ቅዱስ ነው የሚባለው ወይስ ቅዱስ ሚካኤል?
ገብርኤል ቅዱስ ነው የሚባለዉ ወይስ ቅዱስ ገብርኤል?
ሃገር ትልቅ ነው የሚባለው ወይስ ትልቅ ሃገር?
ሃገር ቅድስት ነው የሚለው ወይስ ቅድስት ሃገር?
ጴጥሮስ ቅዱስ ነው የሚባለው ወይስ ቅዱስ ጴጥሮስ?
ማርቆስ ቅዱስ ነው የሚባለው ወይስ ቅዱስ ማርቆስ?
መጸሓፍ ትልቅ ነው የሚባለው ወይስ ትልቅ መጸሓፍ?

'መጸሓፍ ቅዱስ' ነው መባል የሚገባዉ ወይስ 'ቅዱስ መጽሓፍ'?

መልሱን ለናንተው ትተነዋል “የዛሬ ተማሪዎች የነገ አስተማሪዎች፣ ደህና ሁኑ ልጆች ደህና ሁኑ!” :mrgreen:

"የፎቶሾፗ ንግሥት" Fiyameta እንዲህ ሲባል ሰምተሻል? “ኣመን. . ስታረጅ ኣቃጣሪ ትሆናለች!” እዉነትም ይህ ትንቢት ፍጻሜዉን ባንቺ ኣግኝቷል ማለት ነው ብለን እንገምታለን፡ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች።

ብሓፈሻ ን'ጀጋኑና' ነዡኣ “ተመሃሩ ደቀዬ ተማሃሩ” እትብል ዜማ ኣቦና ዶ/ር በረኸት መንግሥተኣብ እናጋበዝና’ና።

ንግሥቲ ፎቶሾፕ Fiyameta ክብረትኪ እንተዘይሃሊኺ፡ ጕልባብኺ እናተቐልዐ ባዕልኺ ከምትፈዅሲ ክትፈልጢ ይግባእ፡ ንብለኪ ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን፣ ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነት:mrgreen:
Fiyameta wrote:
06 Mar 2022, 01:46
The agame Meleket said he's translating the Holy Bible into his own Tigray's language and will give it the title ቅዱስ መፅሓፍ, as opposed to መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ. :oops: :oops: :oops: