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"There is no longer any doubt. Genocide is being perpetrated against Tigrayans in Ethiopia" Amb. Herman Cohen
Posted: 26 Feb 2022, 13:44
by sarcasm
There is no longer any doubt. Genocide is being perpetrated against Tigrayans in #Ethiopia.
Herman J. Cohen
Former Ambassador & Asst. Secretary of State.
Replying to @CohenOnAfricaThere was no doubt about #TigrayGenocide but
it's good that you finally woke up.
Re: "There is no longer any doubt. Genocide is being perpetrated against Tigrayans in Ethiopia" Amb. Herman Cohen
Posted: 26 Feb 2022, 14:01
by Lakeshore
So who cares about the agame [ deleted ] the priority is to the white Europeans you are in the back burner for the coming long time
Re: "There is no longer any doubt. Genocide is being perpetrated against Tigrayans in Ethiopia" Amb. Herman Cohen
Posted: 26 Feb 2022, 14:19
by sebdoyeley
Ante Banda Shabia lakeshore, Ethiopia was growing double-digit for the last 30 years when Tigrains were holding power.
Lakeshore wrote: ↑26 Feb 2022, 14:01
So who cares about the agame [ deleted ] the priority is to the white Europeans you are in the back burner for the coming long time
Re: "There is no longer any doubt. Genocide is being perpetrated against Tigrayans in Ethiopia" Amb. Herman Cohen
Posted: 26 Feb 2022, 14:24
by Sam Ebalalehu
I do think Cohen has mental issue. Rather than reading his post people should encourage him to see a psychiatrist. A week ago, he wrote TPLF should be dissolved. Compare that statement with that of now. Had he believed Tigreans were the target of genocide, he wouldn’t have wished TPLF to go. I have had long suspected the guy has been in TPLF’s payroll. His ever changing stance indeed emboldens my suspicion. His statements have never reflected reality rather opportunity he wanted to exploit. Yes, the guy is still on their payroll. Does that mean he is mentally sound ? Not necessarily.
Re: "There is no longer any doubt. Genocide is being perpetrated against Tigrayans in Ethiopia" Amb. Herman Cohen
Posted: 26 Feb 2022, 14:24
by Selam/
Kichamo - Kicking cursed woyane as$es is a sacred duty of every Ethiopian & Eritrean. No one gives a fvck to a retired Neanderthal. KIFFU!
sarcasm wrote: ↑26 Feb 2022, 13:44
There is no longer any doubt. Genocide is being perpetrated against Tigrayans in #Ethiopia.
Herman J. Cohen
Former Ambassador & Asst. Secretary of State.
Replying to @CohenOnAfricaThere was no doubt about #TigrayGenocide but
it's good that you finally woke up.
Re: "There is no longer any doubt. Genocide is being perpetrated against Tigrayans in Ethiopia" Amb. Herman Cohen
Posted: 26 Feb 2022, 14:46
by Abere
Yeah, genocide or Tigre on Tigre crime. TPLF committed genocide against the Tigre people. The issue is how can Ethiopia help on this? The answer is clear. Ethiopia has to deTPLFize Tigray. Unfortunately, the country currently does not have a determined and genuine leader.