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WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Horus » 31 Dec 2021, 01:53

I am Horus, Happy 2022 to you all በያላችሁበት! Happy 2022 to Ethiopia, our people, our nation, our government & our armed forces!

Here is my new idea for the new year!


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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Asmara » 31 Dec 2021, 07:48

My new idea for 2022 is for some Ethiopians to respect Eritrean sovereignty and to never think about interfering in each other's affairs. Joint military or so and so is out of the equation. There won't be a single Eritrean who would support such an evil idea. Eritrea didn't sacrifice upto100k of its daughters and sons to end up in that situation. The sooner these expansionist ideas are buried the better for the peace and tranquility of our region.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Asmara » 31 Dec 2021, 08:13

How about Eritrea and Ethiopia jointly manage the Hidase Gidib starting from 2022? Ethiopia may find it a little bit difficult to manage the Hidase Gidib on its own considering the antagonism that may come from Egypt and Sudan. Eritrea can decide, together with Ethiopia, when the dam should be filled to the full and how long that should take and other technicalities. Fair game, isn't it?

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Guest1 » 31 Dec 2021, 08:46

ይህ ፕሮጀክት ተጀምሯል ሲባል ነበር። አሁን እንደ አዲስ የቀረበው ለምን? ኤርትራ የአሰብ ወደብን መጠቀም ፈቅዳለች። ስለወዳጅነቷና ትብብሯ በኢትዮ ብር ቀረጥ ትቀበላለች ተብሎ የለ?
አንድ ኔቪ ለኤርትራ ያሰጋታል የተባለው የውሸት ስጋት ነው። ወደብ የሌላት ኢትዮ እንዴት ባህር ሃይል መገንባት እንደማትችል ግልጽ ነው። ለአሰብና ለማሳዋም ቀረጥ እየከፈለች። ለወደቡም ኪራይ እየከፈለች የበለጠ ተጠቃሚ ኤርትራ ናት። አይደረግም! የለም! የለም!
በሚቀጥለው አመት የሚቻል ከሆነ አሰብን ገቢ ማድረግ። ሁለቱ አፋሮችም ይቀላቀሉ። የሚገርም ነገር ቢኖር የኤርትራ አፋሮች ከዘመዶቻቸው ከኢትዮጵያ አፋሮች ጋር በጦርነቱ አልተካፈሉም እንዴ? ለነገሩ ምስራቅ አፍሪካ መሬትም ወደብም ሳይጠፋ ተቆራርጣማ ማንን ልትጠቅም? ተሸናፊዋ ኢትዮ መገበር አለባት ለምን አንደኛህን አትልም? ስወዬው! ክክክክክክክ

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Cigar » 31 Dec 2021, 08:51

Good point Asmara.
Now let's see if Horus will honestly respond to that question.
While he is at it, I want to add another one too.
We all know some gullible or stupid Ethiopians also sketch a map of Ethiopia which incorporate Eritrea's territory with their flag as if they are one country, right?
Now, let's reverse that and we Eritreans also sketch the same map with all Ethiopia and Eritrea and call it Eritrea flanked by Eritrean flag, the whole country being led only by Eritrean leadership, all the Ambassadors being Eritreans, Asmara being the capital city, making tigrigna or Arabic the official language of all the 'supposedly' new Eritrea which incorporate the whole Ethiopia, except the funfunat agames.....would the likes of Horus go for that?
Man, this stupid crap needs to stop.
We are two different countries. What is inside Eritrea is Eritrean and what is inside Ethiopia is Ethiopian. Our motto was always "we don't seek what is not ours and we don't give what is ours".
What is good for the region is the economic integration, honest relationship, respect the territorial integrity of the region's countries and may be military pact to help one another incase of terrorists like woyane, like we have now.
But Red Sea belongs to Eritrea, the Sudan, Yemen, Saudi, Egypt, the white people puppet Djibouti and to some extent Somalia and if any naval cooperation should be done is with those countries, even though Eritrea is more than capable to shoulder and protect its own shore lines and seas.
And now I wait for the answer for Asmara's and my suggestions from Horus and from some other idiots who have the same stupid mindsets.
Man, we want honest friendships with our neighbors, doesn't mean, it is Eritrea is free for all and come grap what you can.
Stop this bull sh*it and don't lose what is under your arm pit to try to grap some thing out of your reach.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by sesame » 31 Dec 2021, 09:02


Don't you think Ethiopia has enough problems on its plate. Thousands of schools and health centers in the Afar and Amhara regions have been destroyed by TPLF. Millions of people have been displaced by the war. All these problems will require enormous resources to tackle. Yet, in 2022, you vision is to have a navy? What exactly does it do for Ethiopia to have a navy? And why should Eritrea have a joint naval force with Ethiopia? In short, don't hallucinate. It is such uncontrolled hallucinations that got the TPLF thugs into the trouble they are in. The best Ethiopia can do for 2022 is to finish the TPLF and then concentrate on recovery. It is a huge task that will keep Ethiopians busy for years!

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Asmara » 31 Dec 2021, 09:08

Well done Cigar. You have put it eloquently. I don't think Horus is honest enough to answer the questions raised by both of us. The good news is majority of Ethiopians have long moved on, accepted and learned to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Eritrea wholeheartedly.
People like Horus, Andargachew Tsiege and others are exceptions and they are just empty vessels making loud noises. But then how are these people different from Tsadkan who openly declares that Ethiopia (I am sure he meant Abay Tigray) should have a sea outlet? እሞኸ እቲ ኤርትራዊኸ ደቂሱዶ ይሓድር?
Last edited by Asmara on 31 Dec 2021, 09:35, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Meleket » 31 Dec 2021, 09:19

ግዙፉንና ገናናውን የጦቢያ ባህር ኃይልን እንዳልነበረ አድርጎ ያደባየው ፈጣኑንና ቅልብጭብጭ ያለዉን የኤርትራችንን ባህር ኃይል ለማንቋሸሽ መሞከር ደርጋዊ ወይም ደርግኛ ወይም ጠቅልኛ ኣስተሳሰብ ነው። :lol:

በዓፋሩ ጀግና በጄነራል ካሪካሬ፣ በነ ታጋሹና አስተዋዩ ተጋይ ተወልደ ቀላቲ እና በባህሩ ቀበሮ በነ ታጋይ ስውእ ፍስሃና በርካታ መሰል ጓዶቻቸው
በትጋት የተደራጀውና የተመለመለው ሞት ኣይፈሬ የኤርትራ ባህር ኃይል፡ የሃገሩን የባህር ቀጠናና ክልል ከማንኛውም ኃይል ለመታደግ ከዝግጁ በላይ ነው።ይህ ማለት ይበልጥ በትጥቅና በስንቅ መደራጀት አያስፈልገውም ማለት ኣይደለም።

የቀይ ባህራችን ይዞታነት በምንም ዓይነት ስሌት የማይመለከታት ኢትዮጵያ ደግሞ፡ ሰከን ብላ የውስጥ ችግሮቿን ትፍታ እንጂ፡ ከኛው ባህር ኃይል እኩል ልደራጅ ምናምን ማለት ኣያዋጣትም። የኛዎቹ እነ ሞት አይፈሬ የባህር አንበሶች፡ ለአካባቢያችንና ለቀጠናችን ሰላም ከበቂ በላይ የትግል ተሞክሮ ያካበቱ ባህረኞቻችንን ለማንቋሸሽ መሞከር “ምትለብሰው ነጠላ የሌላት ምትከናነበው ኩታ አማራት” ነው የሚያስብል። :lol:

ከዛሬ አስር አመት ገደማ በፊት እንግሊዞች ነን የሚሉ የኃያላን ሃገሮች ኃይሎችንም፡ በባህራችን ቀጠና በማን አለብኝነት ሊሽሎከለኩ ሲሞክሩ ቀፍድደው ሁለተኛ የኤርትራን ባህር ያለ ህጋዊ መንገድ አንገባበትም አስብለው በህሊናና በሓቅ በፍትህ አለንጋ ገርፈው የለቀቁ ናቸው፡ እነ ሞት አይፈሬ ኤርትራዉያን ባህረኞቻችን። ይህን ሓቅ ደግሞ ለማንኛውም ኣቅሙን ለማያውቅ ተስፋፊ አመለካከት ላለው ነጭም ይሁን ጥቁር ኃይል ማስገንዘብ የኛ የኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች ኃላፊነት ነው።

እንዲህ ኣድርገው የተወጣጠሩ የእንግሊዝ ተስፋፊዎችን እታች እንዳስቀመጥነው አድርገው ቀፍድደዋቸዋል የኛዎቹ የባህር ቀበሮዎች! ... ll-report/

ኤርትራዊው የአዲሱ ዓመት እቅዳችን በእያንዳንዷ የኤርትራ ደሴት ላይ የብሄራዊ አገልግሎት የሚፈጽሙ ዜጎቻችንን በማስፈር የተስፋፊዎችን ዕጢ በደንብ አድርጎ መቁረጥ ነው። :mrgreen:

መልካም አዲስ የፈረንጆች አዲስ አመት፡ ኢትዮጵያ በመሬትሽንና በሰማይሽ! ኤርትራም በመሬትሽ በሰማይሽና በባሕርሽ!!!!

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Selam/ » 31 Dec 2021, 10:38

Asmara - The Red Sea will be the East-West battleground in the near future. It has already become a magnet for non-regional powers vying to control the waterway and resources. The coastline of Somalia is also controlled by Europeans in the name of Anti-Piracy when in fact they are only interested in dumping their waste and controlling the enormous amount of fisheries. Europeans, Americans, Asians & Gulf States are establishing extensive naval and Air Force bases. And that’s not because they want to help us, it’s because they want to control the area by all means. So, given the presence of non-regional actors in the area, I don’t see any harm with collaboration of HOA countries to build their own strong naval base & protect and safeguard the continent’s coastline & resources.
Asmara wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 07:48
My new idea for 2022 is for some Ethiopians to respect Eritrean sovereignty and to never think about interfering in each other's affairs. Joint military or so and so is out of the equation. There won't be a single Eritrean who would support such an evil idea. Eritrea didn't sacrifice upto100k of its daughters and sons to end up in that situation. The sooner these expansionist ideas are buried the better for the peace and tranquility of our region.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Asmara » 31 Dec 2021, 11:47


With all due respect, who said Eritrea is incapable of safeguarding its coastal line? Would it also be appropriate to offer the Sudan the same package, as you are suggesting to Eritrea. If Eritrea was able to secure its part of the Red Sea in the last 30 years under harsh conditions (wars, sanctions etc) on its own, why does it need a hand now? Eritrea can only get stronger as time progresses and as its nemesis (mainly TPLF) are decisively defeated and vanished from the Horn. Rest assured Eritrea is well versed and strong enough to protect its territory and beyond. After all, lets not have short memories, isn't Eritrea the sole contributor for the near collapse of TPLF as we see it today? If Ethio needs help lets know (lol).
We are all for cooperation in many spheres of the economy including trade, tourism, education, transportation etc, but sovereignty and territorial integrity of our respective nations should be non-negotiable. We don't want to repeat the same mistake our clean-hearted forefathers made by ushering Haileselasie into Eritrea and what followed after.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by kibramlak » 31 Dec 2021, 12:42

Asmera, calm down. No Ethiopians has any appetite in the internal affairs of Eritrea. I think Horus is pointing out about possible cooperation to counter foreign enemies. You are hypocritical that you seem comfortable by the presence of distant countries. ግን የሸባሪው የአጋሜ ውላጅ ሳትሆን አትቀርም

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by quindibu » 31 Dec 2021, 13:06

kibramlak wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 12:42
Asmera, calm down. No Ethiopians has any appetite in the internal affairs of Eritrea. I think Horus is pointing out about possible cooperation to counter foreign enemies. You are hypocritical that you seem comfortable by the presence of distant countries. ግን የሸባሪው የአጋሜ ውላጅ ሳትሆን አትቀርም
:roll: :roll:

Why don't you tell us first which part of the Red Sea you own and we talk about the possibility of that 'cooperation' you seek, and at the same time help the 'hypocrite' Asmara 'to calm down'?

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by simbe11 » 31 Dec 2021, 13:27

The question of access/ownership of port in the red sea is one of the biggest problems Ethiopia has. This question has been shunned by the Ethio-Eritrean governments for long time. It should be resolved. Ethiopia has every right with no precondition to get Asab back.
Eritrean brothers,
It's not inciting hate towards you but fearing what's coming.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Asmara » 31 Dec 2021, 13:30

kibramlak wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 12:42
Asmera, calm down. No Ethiopians has any appetite in the internal affairs of Eritrea. I think Horus is pointing out about possible cooperation to counter foreign enemies. You are hypocritical that you seem comfortable by the presence of distant countries. ግን የሸባሪው የአጋሜ ውላጅ ሳትሆን አትቀርም
Horus - why are you using your second/third nickname to reply? Is it to avoid answering the questions we put forward to you? Or are you a spokesperson for Horus ? :lol:
Can you find a single Eritrean in this forum alone who would agree with your "noble" idea? Thank you for your concern but Eritrea is well prepared to safeguard its territory, be it the land, air or sea. All we need in the Horn is mutual respect, neighbourly co-existance and harmony. ከዚህ ፈንከት ማለት ወደ ሰላስ ኣመቱን ቀውስ መመልስ ማለት ነው። ገባህ ክብረኣምላክ?

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by quindibu » 31 Dec 2021, 13:36

simbe11 wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 13:27
The question of access/ownership of port in the red sea is one of the biggest problems Ethiopia has. This question has been shunned by the Ethio-Eritrean governments for long time. It should be resolved. Ethiopia has every right with no precondition to get Asab back.
Eritrean brothers,
It's not inciting hate towards you but fearing what's coming.
:lol: :lol:

Yes, Agame boy!

I never had the delusion that you are capable of learning from your past mistakes.

Here is an idea: why don't you worry where your next Oxfam lunch would come from, rather than wallowing in your usual demented delusion/illusion.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Asmara » 31 Dec 2021, 13:44

simbe11 wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 13:27
The question of access/ownership of port in the red sea is one of the biggest problems Ethiopia has. This question has been shunned by the Ethio-Eritrean governments for long time. It should be resolved. Ethiopia has every right with no precondition to get Asab back.
Eritrean brothers,
It's not inciting hate towards you but fearing what's coming.
ጁንታውስ እንዴት ነው? ጻድቃን ርዱን እያለ ነው ሰማሁ፥ ሃቅ ነው?

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Horus » 31 Dec 2021, 13:50

እንኳን ለፈረንጅ አዲስ አመት አደረሰን!

እኔ ይህን አዲስ ሃሳብ ያቀረብኩት ልክ አሁን ያለውን አይነት ውይይትና ክርክር እንዲካሄድ ነው። የአፍሪካ ቀንድ አንድ ጂኦግራፊ ነው፤ አንድ ምድር ነው። ቀይ ባህር፣ ህንድ ውቅያኖስም አንድ ዉሃ ነው። አየሩም ዛናቡም ሁሉ ነገሩ አንድ ነው ። እነዚህ ለብዙ መቶ ሺ፣ ምናልባትም ለሚሊዮን አመታት አይለወጡም ።

በዚህ ምድርና ዉሃ ላይ የሚኖሩት ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያዊ፣ ሱዳናዊ፣ ኤርትራዊ፣ ሱማሌ፣ ጂቡቲ፣ የሚባሉት ህዝቦች ባንድ በኩል እጅግ በቁጥር ይበዛሉ፣ እጅግ ከቦታ ቦታ እየተዘዋወሩ ይሰፍራሉ፣ ይጋባሉ፣ ይደባለቃሉ ። ይህም ልክ እንደ መሬቱና ዉሃው ለዘመናት የሚቀጥል የማይቀር እውነታ ነው ።

ከላይ ካሉት ሁለት የማይቀሩ እውነቶች የሚለየው የሰዎች ፐርሰፕሽንና ካርታ ነው ። አው ዛሬ ባለነው ሰዎች አንጎል ውስጥ ያለው ምስል በነዚህ ሕዝቦችና አገሮች መሃል የሚታይ የሚዳሰስ የተፈጥሮ ድምበርና ግምብ ያለ መስሎ ይታየናል ። ግን ልብ በሉ የምናየው ባይምሮአችን ውስጥ ያለ የእምነት ምስል ነው፣ ፐርሰፕሽን ነው ። ይህን እምነት ነው በካርታ በወረቀት ላይ የሚታይ ምስል የሰራነው ። የተከፋፈለው የሰዎች እምነትና የወረቀት ላይ ካርታ እንጂ መድሩ፣ ዉሃው፣ ህዝቡ አይደለም ።

ይህም ማለት የሚቀጥሉት ትውልዶች የራሳቸው እምነትና ካርታ ሰርተው አዲስ አይነት ፐርሰፕሽን ያሰፍናሉ። ይህ የተፈጥሮ ሕግ ነው ። ከዚህ ተነስቼ የከባቢውን ሕዝብ ጥቅም ስመለከት ጥቅምና ሃይላቸውን እጅግ በከፍተኛ ደራጃ የሚያሳድጉበትና የሚያይሉበት አንዱ ዘዴ ጠንካራ የባህር ሃይል ሲገነቡ ነው ብዬ አምናለሁ ።

አሁን ብዞቹን ያሳሰባቸው አንዱ የልዕልነት መጣስ ፍርሃት ፣ ሌላው አንዱ አንዱን የመቀማት ማለትም የሪሶርስ ባለቤትነት ፍርሃት ነው ። እነዚህ ቴክኒካል ችግሮች ናቸው። ልክ እንደ አባይ ግድብ የፕሮጀክቱ ባለቤቶች በጋራ የሚስማሙባቸው የሚወስኑት ነገሮች ናቸው ። በፋክት ደረጃ ያፍሪካ ቀንድ ለዘላለም የሃያላን ትግልና ያለም ንግድ በር ሆና ስለምትኖር እዚያ ላሉት ህዝቦች ይህን መሰል የጋራ ባህር ሃይል ጠቃሚ ብቻ ሳይሆን ያስፈልጋቸዋል።

እርግጥ እንደዚህ ያለ ፕሮጀክት ያስተሳሰብ ፓራዳይም ለውጥ ይጠይቃል!
Last edited by Horus on 31 Dec 2021, 15:22, edited 1 time in total.

Digital Weyane
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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Digital Weyane » 31 Dec 2021, 14:27

ኢትዮጵያና ኤርትራ የጋራ የባህር ሃይል ካቆሙ፣ ሕወሓትና አሜሪካ በተከዜ ወንዝ ላይ ኒዩክሌር ሳብማሪን ያካተተ በዓይነቱ የመጀመሪያ የሆነ መጠነ ሰፊ የጋራ የባህር ሃይል ልምምድና ሥልጠና ማድረግ ኡንደሚችሉ ካሁኑኑ ቢገነዘቡት መልካም ነዉ ኡላለሁ። :roll: :roll:

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by kerenite » 31 Dec 2021, 15:16

As an eritrean, here is my take and observation regarding the incidents which transpired in the last days:

It may sound ridicules to some but it is the reality on ground and I prefer to put it in tigrigna.

Here we go.....

Qidmi Qurub semunat tegaru addis ababa nimietaw debre birhan betsiHom addis ababa nay 200 km riHQet iya neyra kihziwa. ShuEu izom amaharu nab demamu teQyirom nabana nab eritrawian miskin miskin yiblu neyrom. In other words adHinuna yiblu neyrom. Hijji gin men kemom. Salla nay turkey drones teAwitom Haf kof yiblu allewu. In other words eritrawian aytedlyunan ikhum yiblu allewu.
Case in point, Hijji assab..Qeyih baHri zbil hateftet tarikawi Hilmom jemirom and which was their second phase. Recall, their elites publicly told us that once we are done with the agames, you are next.

So we eris are ending up as a used condom here.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Selam/ » 31 Dec 2021, 15:16

Asmara - No question Eritrea is capable of securing its borders. But that’s not enough. The west will turn every stone on earth to destabilize HOA and create a proxy war using our own people & neighbors. The case of Somalia for example will not only affect Mogadishu, but also Addis Ababa. They will do everything to support insurgency from every angle & install a puppet government whether it’s in Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan or Eritrea. Do you think a destabilization in Ogaden would affect only Ethiopia? It will affect Djibouti & Eritrea as well. So, if Eritrea & Ethiopia are able to cooperate military to destroy TPLF thugs, they can equally collaborate with other HOA countries to protect the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. I don’t understand why you are okay with accommodating non-regional powers but not your immediate neighbors? If US has a joint naval base with South Korea in Mainland Asia to counter China & North Korea, I don’t see a reason why East Africans can’t collaborate?

You asked about GERD. Yes, if Eritrea is getting electricity from the dam or has any other interest on it, a military alliance with Ethiopia makes sense to me in order to protect the dam from terrorists.
Asmara wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 11:47

With all due respect, who said Eritrea is incapable of safeguarding its coastal line? Would it also be appropriate to offer the Sudan the same package, as you are suggesting to Eritrea. If Eritrea was able to secure its part of the Red Sea in the last 30 years under harsh conditions (wars, sanctions etc) on its own, why does it need a hand now? Eritrea can only get stronger as time progresses and as its nemesis (mainly TPLF) are decisively defeated and vanished from the Horn. Rest assured Eritrea is well versed and strong enough to protect its territory and beyond. After all, lets not have short memories, isn't Eritrea the sole contributor for the near collapse of TPLF as we see it today? If Ethio needs help lets know (lol).
We are all for cooperation in many spheres of the economy including trade, tourism, education, transportation etc, but sovereignty and territorial integrity of our respective nations should be non-negotiable. We don't want to repeat the same mistake our clean-hearted forefathers made by ushering Haileselasie into Eritrea and what followed after.

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