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FACT: eritrea was much better under amhara king than hamassien junta

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 20:23
by free-tembien
no amount of fake victimhood history can change the fact that eritrea was much better under amhara king than today :lol:

ok, i admit derg was brutal and stupid but under the king eritrea was much better than today :lol:


don’t come up with your fake victimhood history. during haile selassie the struggle for independence was dominated by muslims. majority highlanders were never part of the struggle including the current hammassien king. it’s the brutality and stupidity of derg that forced majority christans to join the struggle

JUST FACTS ask your parents :lol:

Re: FACT: eritrea was much better under amhara king than hamassien junta

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 20:30
by sesame

Just try to free your Temben from the dirty hands of Adwa thugs. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: FACT: eritrea was much better under amhara king than hamassien junta

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 20:34
by TesfaNews
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: FACT: eritrea was much better under amhara king than hamassien junta

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 20:52
by Cigar
There is no money inn the world to make Eritreans lives the best in the world, if we are going to be any other country's citizens (sell our Eritreanism) let alone the midget, cobwebbed, snotty, ugly sellassie or any Ethiopian potential 'saint' leader.
Stop worrying about our 'miserable' lives when indirectly you are telling is that you wish you were called Eritrean or are a part of Eritrea.
If that is not, the shut the fu*ck up and sit your as*s down and watch we do our things on our own ways with out being distracted by your freaking evils and coward past leaders.
I bet your mom was working in a civilized Eritrean household in Addis just like most of you ungrateful scum bags.
If you have sense you should have sent a thank you note to every Eritrean for our forefathers were systematically relocated in side Ethiopia to bring what civilization means to you 🐒.

Re: FACT: eritrea was much better under amhara king than hamassien junta

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 21:03
by James Dahl
Eritreans love being slaves of Afwerki, it is their greatest joy in life. Look how Eritreans will protest anyone who suggests perhaps Afwerki should behave differently

Re: FACT: eritrea was much better under amhara king than hamassien junta

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 21:09
by Fed_Up
free-tembien wrote:
26 Dec 2021, 20:23
no amount of fake victimhood history can change the fact that eritrea was much better under amhara king than today :lol:

ok, i admit derg was brutal and stupid but under the king eritrea was much better than today :lol:


don’t come up with your fake victimhood history. during haile selassie the struggle for independence was dominated by muslims. majority highlanders were never part of the struggle including the current hammassien king. it’s the brutality and stupidity of derg that forced majority christans to join the struggle

JUST FACTS ask your parents :lol:


Are you seeking our attention? Nah go fàk yourself. ሓሞተ ቢስ አፍ ብቻ ...ፈስ...

Re: FACT: eritrea was much better under amhara king than hamassien junta

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 21:13
by sun
free-tembien wrote:
26 Dec 2021, 20:23
no amount of fake victimhood history can change the fact that eritrea was much better under amhara king than today :lol:

ok, i admit derg was brutal and stupid but under the king eritrea was much better than today :lol:


don’t come up with your fake victimhood history. during haile selassie the struggle for independence was dominated by muslims. majority highlanders were never part of the struggle including the current hammassien king. it’s the brutality and stupidity of derg that forced majority christans to join the struggle

JUST FACTS ask your parents :lol:
That is what it looks like to you after smoking and sniffing too much, getting hallucinated and feeling paranoid to the extent that even your own feet got numb feeling as if it does not belong to you anymore. That is the FACT! :lol:

Re: FACT: eritrea was much better under amhara king than hamassien junta

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 21:21
by euroland
Yeah, it looks like you missing the Eritrean Di$&k. Like you ho mama, you are desperately seeking the Eritrean men attention; some may ignore you saying this b)&@ch isn’t worth my time, but I won’t! I am going to spank your Agame/Amare Shene a’ss. Poor malnourished Starv’n Marvin, a lack of nutrition while growing up has dense your little brain, those GMO wheat don’t come loaded with vitamins :lol: :lol:

Now, tell us why you chose “free-temben” nickname, Ms. Belaynesh?….yeah i sensing you are none other than the confused Amara wannbe “Nobel Amara” aka Belaynesh herself.

free-tembien wrote:
26 Dec 2021, 20:23
no amount of fake victimhood history can change the fact that eritrea was much better under amhara king than today :lol:

ok, i admit derg was brutal and stupid but under the king eritrea was much better than today :lol:


don’t come up with your fake victimhood history. during haile selassie the struggle for independence was dominated by muslims. majority highlanders were never part of the struggle including the current hammassien king. it’s the brutality and stupidity of derg that forced majority christans to join the struggle

JUST FACTS ask your parents :lol:

Re: FACT: eritrea was much better under amhara king than hamassien junta

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 22:01
by tarik
TembenLiberation aka free-temben.Shut z fkkk up u baztard from temben,cursed-land-tigray.I know u r dying inside because all of ur terrorist-tplf leaders r dead and r dying.Dumb idiot.Hammassien r ur masters 4 ever u baztard tembenay wedi sh@rmuta qomal begad.