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The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 11:14
by Kuasmeda
May your soul rest in peace! Condolences to your family :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 11:15
by pushkin

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 11:41
by Kuasmeda

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 12:03
by tarik
R.I.P. our Eritrean brother Tesfay Gebreab.ሓውና አርትራዊ ደራሳይ ተስፋይ ገብርኣብ መንግስቲ ሰማይ የዋርሶ።ንስድርኡን ንመላአ ህዝቢ አርትራን ጽንዓት ይሃብ/ና።ሓርበኛ ኣይነብርን ኢዩ ታሪኹ ኢዩ ዝውረስ :cry: ።ዓወት ንሓፋሽ!!!

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 12:14
by Abe Abraham
It is a great loss. ናይ ኣምላኽ ጉዳይ ኮይኑ እምበር ተዘሚትና ። ተስፋይ ገብረ-ኣብ ሓውና ብሰላም ዕረፍ ። ጽንዓት ንቤተ-ሰብካን ፈተውትኻን ብሰፊሑ ድማ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ።

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 13:03
by Hameddibewoyane
RIP Tesfay Gebreab & Condolence to his family & friends!!!
Kuasmeda wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 11:14
May your soul rest in peace! Condolences to your family :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 13:09
by Deqi-Arawit
He was too young to depart early.

Rest in peace!!!

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 13:38
by Cigar
Life is a bit*ch. When there are cone heads, deki qosal mitren, good for nothing funfunat agames like deki arawit yes it sad that he a very inspiring gentleman departed at a young age than you mother fu*cker wedi arawit.
Why don't you go to tigray and jacket up with the low IQed agames militia which you been supporting before the inevitable demise of them, and die by a dron or something.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 13:53
by Zmeselo

Book Launch for Nurenebi File


Dec 25, 2021 ... nebi-file/

Editor’s Note: It is to be recalled that we have published a review of the translated version of the book Nurenebi File by Tesfaye Gebreab, on the December 15 issue of our Newspaper. Following is Alemseged Tesfai’s speech during the Book Launch event at Hotel Emba Soira, on 14 December.

On behalf of the author, Tesfaye Gebreab, his wife Haben and their lovely children, I would like to thank you all for honoring our invitation. Tesfaye, who has been looking forward to this occasion with great anticipation, cannot be here with us tonight as he is undergoing medical treatment in Kenya. The good news is that he is doing well and that he will soon be back amongst us to continue to do what he does best – produce good books.

Before Yenurenebi Mahder, I had read several of Tesfaye’s books – The Silence of Burka, The Writer’s Notebook, The Journalist’s Notebook, The Exile’s Notebook and Jemila’s Mother; all in Amharic. Like many readers, I was amazed by the beauty of his prose, the conciseness and clarity of his language usage; and his superb storytelling technique. But I was also intrigued by his curiosity and the adventures in literature that his natural inquisitiveness, often leads him to. Here is a writer who cannot resist the urge to delve deep into an interesting story, uncover its source and essence, spice it with his imagination; and go ahead and publish it. From Emperor Haile Selassie’s birthrights or wrongs, however, one may see it, in Jemila’s Mother; to some shocking details within the officialdom of the former EPRDF Government in Ethiopia, in his Notebooks … and more, Tesfaye’s books often unravel the stories untold; and the tales and memories that royal chronicles and public records choose to ignore or conceal. He therefore seeks and thrives in controversy.

The Silence of Burka, which established him as a historical novelist, exposes the plight of the Oromo peoples under successive Ethiopian regimes. With that work, he has placed himself on the frontlines of the movement that has been rocking the very foundations of the dominant narrative put in place by old Imperial Ethiopia with the question,
Whose history should prevail?
It is the age-old controversy that begins with the hunt –
until the lion tells its version,
goes the old saying,
the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
Through an intricate interaction between known and imagined facts and events, historical figures and created characters from the past and present; and a crafty and engaging narration, Tesfaye told the story, not of the hunter, but that of the hunted; thereby turning Burka into a virtual manifesto for many Oromo activists. For this contribution, he and the other Eritrean student of Oromo culture, Professor Asmerom Legesse, were invested with the title of “Abbo.” “Abbo,” I believe, is equivalent to a knighthood in Britain; Sir Tesfaye, therefore, to many an Oromo.

But, inevitably, Burka has also earned Tesfaye the ire and resentment of the other side who have accused him of everything from highhandedness with his treatment of history to malicious prejudice against the old Amhara establishment and the then ruling TPLF/EPRDF. A cursory look at his Facebook account even today will show messages of support and adulation, being rivaled by vitriolic attacks on his person and character. Sometimes, I feel that Tesfaye is himself a hunted man who, unlike the lion, does get to tell his side of the story.

It is with this general background that I read Yenurenebi Mahder in 2017, in the Amharic original. I had, at the time, just published the third of my trilogy of books on Eritrean history. For almost two decades, I had been leafing through old and dump newspapers, public documents and private correspondence; interviewing scores of knowledgeable people, many of whom had forgotten important events; checking on the accuracy of dates and information; authenticating and footnoting every statement that I was making … in short, going through the drudgery of history writing, which must be only surpassed by the drudgery of lexicography.

I read Nurenebi with a great deal of interest, often getting amused by how historical events and personalities that I had written about were being placed in imagined frameworks and interacting with fictitious characters, all in a relaxing and enjoyable manner. I read it, I must also admit, with a tinge of envy at the space and freedom available to the historical novelist, a luxury that the historian cannot afford. I may also have paused a couple of times to ask myself why I had shifted from law to history, instead of the novel. I suspect that my legal background, which allows no room for digressions from facts and evidence, may have had a lot to do with my attraction to the demands of historical accuracy.

Sometime in early 2018, I agreed to translate Nurenebi from Amharic to English and, when I turned from a casual reader to a translator, my perception of the story changed accordingly. The freedom of the historical novelist that I had been envying a while back, was now an issue I had to come to terms with. Tesfaye had suggested that, as a historian and a storyteller, I go for a liberal translation, free to alter and edit, where necessary, both the style and content of his novel. That would have meant rewriting parts of the book and compromising its original form, flow and force. I declined the offer. If I were to translate, I would go for a literal version that would sound as if I had written myself as an English original.

But I did paint over the issue of whether, as a historian, I should be translating a work of fiction that deals with my own subject matter. I was even briefly tempted to reconsider my earlier decision. But I felt deep inside that, despite my doubts and hesitation, The Nurenebi File was an important book, a landmark in the history of the novel on Eritrea, that should not be confined to the Amharic original or a Tigrinya translation. I reasoned that it was a boost to the Eritrean narrative that I had been, and still am, toiling to help establish over the past three or more decades.

That narrative tries to tell the story of Eritrea through the words, actions and experiences of Eritreans themselves. It tries to trace that line of history that led to the growth of Eritrean nationalism and the birth of independent Eritrea, without losing sight of the historical connections between Eritrea and Ethiopia; and why, instead of creating a common identity, those connections pulled the two peoples asunder.

In a region dominated by the Ethiopian narrative, complete with its myths, imperial exploits and religious benediction, it has been a hard act to follow. The Ethiopian narrative, bolstered by major treatises by an array of national and international historians and scholars, had attained a level of spiritual unassailability until the Eritrean challenge of the 1940s. This domination, especially in the mass of written literature on the Horn, has been of such magnitude that Eritrean historians are yet to make a significant dent into that formidable structure. For me, writing in that atmosphere of established historiography sometimes feels like swimming in turbulent waters against the tide.

But a people’s right to tell its own story, to develop its historiography, is a human right. In the 1940s, the fate of Eritrea was decided, not by Eritreans, but by a group of Western nations led by the US and Great Britain. Eritreans had not been privy to that decision over their fate. Their previous history, stuffed inside the Ethiopian narrative had not been put into any consideration or studied in any meaningful way. The sacrifices that they were forced to pay to right that wrong, form a part of the history that has made Eritrea. This story, with all the ugly things done unto Eritreans, including, by the way, whatever Eritreans might have done unto each other, forms the Eritrean narrative; and it needs to be told. Eritreans need to tell their own story. This is where Tesfaye and I come together and that is why I have translated The Nurenebi File.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 14:03
by Misraq
Rot In Hell

I am rejoicing the death of this scumbag. The best christmass gift ever interms of politics.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 14:37
by Abe Abraham
Misraq wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 14:03
Rot In Hell

I am rejoicing the death of this scumbag. The best christmass gift ever interms of politics.
  • This is a condolences thread. People are grieving for the great loss of a great man. Behave yourself. We do not want to lose you as a friend. If you have any thing to say about his journalistic and literary works you are free to do so in a separate thread of your own. We, Eritreans, respect Ethiopian people of culture. For instance we do not condemn an Ethiopian artist who has just died because he once paid a visit to the front to sing a song or two to the army. We would see him as an individual as a whole and appreciate his contribution to culture.

    The Eritrean Tv, TV ERE , paid respect to Tilaun Gessesse. It didn't matter whether there was peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea because the great artist was part of our collective memory both in Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 14:55
by Kuasmeda

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 15:03
by Abere
if this guy, ተስፋዬ ገብረእባብ, were alive and in Eritrea we would ask the Eritrean government to extradite him to Bahir-Dar so that he could be sentenced to death by hanging at public square. He had the millions Amhara blood on his hands. As we have many good Eritrean brothers and sisters, we also have scorpion TPLF like evils who have our blood on their hands, like the today's deceased ተስፋዬ ገብረ-እባብ. I don't decide which room good booked/rested him, hell or heaven, but the Amhara people are gracious to God for He has called this እባብ. This is called God's perfect time.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 15:12
by sebdoyeley
I think you have misunderstood us, You are talking with Eritreans not with beggars tribe Agame here. you should change your altitude when talking to us.
If I am correct you are receiving monthly rust wheat for a living day to day from the white man, yeah? so stop writing nonsense before we go deep.
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:03
if this guy, ተስፋዬ ገብረእባብ, were alive and in Eritrea we would ask the Eritrean government to extradite him to Bahir-Dar so that he could be sentenced to death by hanging at public square. He had the millions Amhara blood on his hands. As we have many good Eritrean brothers and sisters, we also have scorpion TPLF like evils who have our blood on their hands, like the today's deceased ተስፋዬ ገብረ-እባብ. I don't decide which room good booked/rested him, hell or heaven, but the Amhara people are gracious to God for He has called this እባብ. This is called God's perfect time.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 15:21
by Abere
ምን ለማለት ፈልገህ ነው? ወንጀለኛ አሳልፈን አንሰጥም ነው? ወይስ የተስፈዬ ገብረእባብ ደጋፊነኝ ለማለት ነው? የመለስ ዜናዊ እኮ መናገሪያ ኮንዶም አፍ ነበር። መለስ የሚለውን ይጽፍ የነበረ ነው። ይህን ያህል ከዚህ ግባ የሚባል ሰው አይደለም። የሰራው ወንጀል ግን ከምድር እስከ ሰማይ ተከትሎት ሄዷል በእርሱ ጥርጥር የለንም።እከካም ነህ።ጥገኛ! በሜዳ ላይ ትምበጣረቃለህ::
sebdoyeley wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:12
I think you have misunderstood us, You are talking with Eritreans not with beggars tribe Agame here. you should change your altitude when talking to us.
If I am correct you are receiving monthly rust wheat for a living day to day from the white man, yeah? so stop writing nonsense before we go deep.
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:03
if this guy, ተስፋዬ ገብረእባብ, were alive and in Eritrea we would ask the Eritrean government to extradite him to Bahir-Dar so that he could be sentenced to death by hanging at public square. He had the millions Amhara blood on his hands. As we have many good Eritrean brothers and sisters, we also have scorpion TPLF like evils who have our blood on their hands, like the today's deceased ተስፋዬ ገብረ-እባብ. I don't decide which room good booked/rested him, hell or heaven, but the Amhara people are gracious to God for He has called this እባብ. This is called God's perfect time.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 15:34
by pushkin
ምነው አንበሳ ልሁን ኣልክሳ ኣይጥ! እዚህ ላይ ውድ የሆነውን ኤርትራዊ ደራሲ ተስፋየ ገብረኣብን ሓዘን የምንገልጽበት፣ ቤተሰቡን የምናጽናናበት መድረክ ስለሆነ ኣይመለከትህም። ከዛ በተረፈ ስድብህን ኪስህ ውስጥ ከተህ ሊላ መድረክ ላይ ሄደህ ተሳደብ። ደንቆሮ
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:21
ምን ለማለት ፈልገህ ነው? ወንጀለኛ አሳልፈን አንሰጥም ነው? ወይስ የተስፈዬ ገብረእባብ ደጋፊነኝ ለማለት ነው? የመለስ ዜናዊ እኮ መናገሪያ ኮንዶም አፍ ነበር። መለስ የሚለውን ይጽፍ የነበረ ነው። ይህን ያህል ከዚህ ግባ የሚባል ሰው አይደለም። የሰራው ወንጀል ግን ከምድር እስከ ሰማይ ተከትሎት ሄዷል በእርሱ ጥርጥር የለንም።እከካም ነህ።ጥገኛ! በሜዳ ላይ ትምበጣረቃለህ::
sebdoyeley wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:12
I think you have misunderstood us, You are talking with Eritreans not with beggars tribe Agame here. you should change your altitude when talking to us.
If I am correct you are receiving monthly rust wheat for a living day to day from the white man, yeah? so stop writing nonsense before we go deep.
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:03
if this guy, ተስፋዬ ገብረእባብ, were alive and in Eritrea we would ask the Eritrean government to extradite him to Bahir-Dar so that he could be sentenced to death by hanging at public square. He had the millions Amhara blood on his hands. As we have many good Eritrean brothers and sisters, we also have scorpion TPLF like evils who have our blood on their hands, like the today's deceased ተስፋዬ ገብረ-እባብ. I don't decide which room good booked/rested him, hell or heaven, but the Amhara people are gracious to God for He has called this እባብ. This is called God's perfect time.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 15:36
by sebdoyeley
How many Ethiopians committed atrocities in Eritrea, living now in Ethiopia from the Derg Era?
do you think the Ethiopian authority simply extradite, if we Ask? what would the Ethiopian say for this action.?
Brother Tesfaye may have said some bad thing but he didn't kill any Ethiopian in his lifetime.
Meles was drilling you all until his death time, now after his death to open your mouth is really low.
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:21
ምን ለማለት ፈልገህ ነው? ወንጀለኛ አሳልፈን አንሰጥም ነው? ወይስ የተስፈዬ ገብረእባብ ደጋፊነኝ ለማለት ነው? የመለስ ዜናዊ እኮ መናገሪያ ኮንዶም አፍ ነበር። መለስ የሚለውን ይጽፍ የነበረ ነው። ይህን ያህል ከዚህ ግባ የሚባል ሰው አይደለም። የሰራው ወንጀል ግን ከምድር እስከ ሰማይ ተከትሎት ሄዷል በእርሱ ጥርጥር የለንም።እከካም ነህ።ጥገኛ! በሜዳ ላይ ትምበጣረቃለህ::
sebdoyeley wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:12
I think you have misunderstood us, You are talking with Eritreans not with beggars tribe Agame here. you should change your altitude when talking to us.
If I am correct you are receiving monthly rust wheat for a living day to day from the white man, yeah? so stop writing nonsense before we go deep.
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:03
if this guy, ተስፋዬ ገብረእባብ, were alive and in Eritrea we would ask the Eritrean government to extradite him to Bahir-Dar so that he could be sentenced to death by hanging at public square. He had the millions Amhara blood on his hands. As we have many good Eritrean brothers and sisters, we also have scorpion TPLF like evils who have our blood on their hands, like the today's deceased ተስፋዬ ገብረ-እባብ. I don't decide which room good booked/rested him, hell or heaven, but the Amhara people are gracious to God for He has called this እባብ. This is called God's perfect time.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 18:28
by Kuasmeda
Sebdoyeley! Forget those bunch of idiots, they are remnants of the Derg regime who are hiding under the Amhara mask. What they don't know is the strategic interest of Eritrea & Ethiopia. They are Morones who think we forgot all the evil crimes against the Eritrean society with the proverb of "እምቢ ላለ ሰው ጥይት አጉርሰው" "ኤርትራ መሬቷ እንጂ ህዝቧ አያስፈልገንም". Anyhow, better to forget these bunch of idiots who were our enemies & forcefully driven out of Eritrea. Tesfaye Gebreab is our all-time Hero
sebdoyeley wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:36
How many Ethiopians committed atrocities in Eritrea, living now in Ethiopia from the Derg Era?
do you think the Ethiopian authority simply extradite, if we Ask? what would the Ethiopian say for this action.?
Brother Tesfaye may have said some bad thing but he didn't kill any Ethiopian in his lifetime.
Meles was drilling you all until his death time, now after his death to open your mouth is really low.
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:21
ምን ለማለት ፈልገህ ነው? ወንጀለኛ አሳልፈን አንሰጥም ነው? ወይስ የተስፈዬ ገብረእባብ ደጋፊነኝ ለማለት ነው? የመለስ ዜናዊ እኮ መናገሪያ ኮንዶም አፍ ነበር። መለስ የሚለውን ይጽፍ የነበረ ነው። ይህን ያህል ከዚህ ግባ የሚባል ሰው አይደለም። የሰራው ወንጀል ግን ከምድር እስከ ሰማይ ተከትሎት ሄዷል በእርሱ ጥርጥር የለንም።እከካም ነህ።ጥገኛ! በሜዳ ላይ ትምበጣረቃለህ::
sebdoyeley wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:12
I think you have misunderstood us, You are talking with Eritreans not with beggars tribe Agame here. you should change your altitude when talking to us.
If I am correct you are receiving monthly rust wheat for a living day to day from the white man, yeah? so stop writing nonsense before we go deep.
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:03
if this guy, ተስፋዬ ገብረእባብ, were alive and in Eritrea we would ask the Eritrean government to extradite him to Bahir-Dar so that he could be sentenced to death by hanging at public square. He had the millions Amhara blood on his hands. As we have many good Eritrean brothers and sisters, we also have scorpion TPLF like evils who have our blood on their hands, like the today's deceased ተስፋዬ ገብረ-እባብ. I don't decide which room good booked/rested him, hell or heaven, but the Amhara people are gracious to God for He has called this እባብ. This is called God's perfect time.

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 18:46
by Ejersa
Rest in Peace Geda Gebreab,

Re: The popular Eritrean writer has passed away!

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 19:21
by Fed_Up
ዝም በላቸው እየታዘብን ነው:: 500,000 ወታደር ልከው ሚሊዬን ንጹሃን ኤርትራውያንንየገደሉ አውሬዎች ... ያለፈውን ይቅር ብለን ብናልፋቸው የረሳነው መሏቸው አንድን ግለሰብ ያአውም አንድ ኢትጵያዊን ያልገደለን ሰው እንዲሁም እመካከላቸው ያአደገ ሰው አሳበው በጂምላ ኤርትራዊን እየሰደቡን ነው አይደል:: ምነው እናንተ መሃል እየኖረ አልነበር .. ለምን ያአኔ አልገደላችሁትም? ወንድ ጠፋ? ስልብ ሁላ

በተለይ በተለይ የሸርሙጣ ልጂ ፈሳም ምስራቅ ተብየው.....ስርአት ያዝ :: ወንድ ከሆንክ እዚህ ዘራፍ ከማለት ሂድና አማራን የሚገል ሸኔን ግጠም:: ቅራንቅቧም .. እዚህ አትንዠርዠር

ወላይታም እኮ ነፍጠኛ ምኒሊክ ገድሎናል እያለ ነው:: ይህንን ካንሰር አቲቲዩድ ካቀየርክ የኣማራ ሰላም ብቻ ሳይሆን የመኖር ህልውናው ጥያቄ ውስጥ ይገባል::ብልጥ ሰው በዘዴ ጠላት ቀንሶ ወዳጂ ያበዛ:: ዛሬ የአማራ ወዳጂ የቀረው ኤርትራዊያን ብቻ ናቸው

አጋሜ -- አማራን ለማጥፋት ምሏል
ኦሮሞ-- አማራን ለማጥፋ ምሏል
ሶማሌ-- አማራን አይወዱም
ሲዳማ-- አማራን አይወዱም
ወላይታ-- አማራን አይወዱም
ሱዳን-- አማራን አይወዱም
አሜሪካም-- አክ እንቱፍ ብላለች አማራን ወደ ስልጣን አጠገብ ድርሽ እድትሉ አትፈልግም

ይህ በርገር ያሰባውን ጭንቅላታችሁ አሰሩት -- አንድ ያአለፈውን እንርሳ ብላ ከጎንህ የቆመችውን ኤርትራ የተጣላህ እለታ ግን መኖርህ ያበቃል::

Kuasmeda wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 18:28
Sebdoyeley! Forget those bunch of idiots, they are remnants of the Derg regime who are hiding under the Amhara mask. What they don't know is the strategic interest of Eritrea & Ethiopia. They are Morones who think we forgot all the evil crimes against the Eritrean society with the proverb of "እምቢ ላለ ሰው ጥይት አጉርሰው" "ኤርትራ መሬቷ እንጂ ህዝቧ አያስፈልገንም". Anyhow, better to forget these bunch of idiots who were our enemies & forcefully driven out of Eritrea. Tesfaye Gebreab is our all-time Hero
sebdoyeley wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:36
How many Ethiopians committed atrocities in Eritrea, living now in Ethiopia from the Derg Era?
do you think the Ethiopian authority simply extradite, if we Ask? what would the Ethiopian say for this action.?
Brother Tesfaye may have said some bad thing but he didn't kill any Ethiopian in his lifetime.
Meles was drilling you all until his death time, now after his death to open your mouth is really low.
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:21
ምን ለማለት ፈልገህ ነው? ወንጀለኛ አሳልፈን አንሰጥም ነው? ወይስ የተስፈዬ ገብረእባብ ደጋፊነኝ ለማለት ነው? የመለስ ዜናዊ እኮ መናገሪያ ኮንዶም አፍ ነበር። መለስ የሚለውን ይጽፍ የነበረ ነው። ይህን ያህል ከዚህ ግባ የሚባል ሰው አይደለም። የሰራው ወንጀል ግን ከምድር እስከ ሰማይ ተከትሎት ሄዷል በእርሱ ጥርጥር የለንም።እከካም ነህ።ጥገኛ! በሜዳ ላይ ትምበጣረቃለህ::
sebdoyeley wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:12
I think you have misunderstood us, You are talking with Eritreans not with beggars tribe Agame here. you should change your altitude when talking to us.
If I am correct you are receiving monthly rust wheat for a living day to day from the white man, yeah? so stop writing nonsense before we go deep.
Abere wrote:
25 Dec 2021, 15:03
if this guy, ተስፋዬ ገብረእባብ, were alive and in Eritrea we would ask the Eritrean government to extradite him to Bahir-Dar so that he could be sentenced to death by hanging at public square. He had the millions Amhara blood on his hands. As we have many good Eritrean brothers and sisters, we also have scorpion TPLF like evils who have our blood on their hands, like the today's deceased ተስፋዬ ገብረ-እባብ. I don't decide which room good booked/rested him, hell or heaven, but the Amhara people are gracious to God for He has called this እባብ. This is called God's perfect time.