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U. S Embassy in Eritrea said TPLF's spokesperson Getachew Reda is a lier. ' Booya

Posted: 17 Dec 2021, 01:53
by MatiT
Certain statements being attributed to Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) Spokesperson Getachew Reda on social media are false. The United States has never encouraged the TPLF in any way to expand its military operations or try to enter Addis Ababa. We have repeatedly made clear to all parties -- both publicly and privately -- the United States position that there is no military solution to the conflict in Ethiopia. As Special Envoy Feltman stated on November 23, we want to see a TPLF withdrawal and an end to the de facto humanitarian siege of Tigray. Our goal is to support diplomacy as the first, last, and only option to cease hostilities; end human rights abuses and violations; engage in negotiations without preconditions; allow and facilitate unhindered humanitarian access; and start an inclusive national dialogue.