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Here we go! Hermela Aregawi flashed her middle finger at Ethiopians

Posted: 07 Dec 2021, 23:15
by Thomas H

Re: Here we go! Hermela Aregawi flashed her middle finger at Ethiopians

Posted: 07 Dec 2021, 23:36
That is before she had the epiphany that what she had been feed was poison by weyane serpents. Then she turned around detoxed herself, now she is standing for truth. Since she is an army of one for truth, she will do her due delegance to know the history of Menilik and have a balanced view of history. Still, she is within her right to take whatever position she wants about Menilik or Yohannes.

Re: Here we go! Hermela Aregawi flashed her middle finger at Ethiopians

Posted: 08 Dec 2021, 05:10
by James Dahl
Like Candace Owens she is only famous for betraying her people, and she did it for money. Sad!

Re: Here we go! Hermela Aregawi flashed her middle finger at Ethiopians

Posted: 08 Dec 2021, 23:09
by Thomas H