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SAWA.......don't ever try to fu*ck around with the Eritreans.

Posted: 16 Aug 2021, 08:23
by Cigar
34th round SAWA graduates...this week.
Do you realize that every and each Eritrean, males and females are trained either in the field during our freedom struggle or then after through SAWA how to shoot enemies between the eyes amongst the regular education which is drafted on what expertise the country needs and not none sense professions like woyane curriculum which resulted in the millions of unemployment.
Look how disciplined these kids are in the video.
Oh by the way if you don't watch it to the end you will miss the sentiment of every single Eritrean by a beautiful young SAWA graduate proud Eritrean young lady.

Re: SAWA.......don't ever try to fu*ck around with the Eritreans.

Posted: 16 Aug 2021, 08:34
by Hawdian
Nice job Dr Isaias, the Lion of Adigrat

Maybe the Somali forces (5100) amongst this group. Somalis who managed to escape say it's tough conditions

Re: SAWA.......don't ever try to fu*ck around with the Eritreans.

Posted: 16 Aug 2021, 08:50
by manna
Proud to say that Eritrea under its forward thinking leadership managed to keep not only its territorial integrity safe but also kept the balance of powe in the hands of the people of the Horn of Africa. Had it not been for SAWA Eritrea would have struggled like Ethiopia now to get able men and women to be conscripted urgently. Eritrea have been doing it quietly. Every one is waiting and ready to be deployed. SAWA is the Savour of the Horn of Africa

Re: SAWA.......don't ever try to fu*ck around with the Eritreans.

Posted: 16 Aug 2021, 09:07
by Somaliman
Having a large number of soldiers in an army is no longer the game in town. We're in an era in which countries are cutting the size of their armies, opting for smaller but more high-tech armed forces, spending on drones, robots, and a new cyber force.

This is not about demeaning the Eritrean Army at all, but reminding current facts.