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ትግሬ ነፃ የሚመስርታት ሀገረ-ትግራይ ፤ ትግሬ ዐልባ አገር ነች።

Post by Abere » 11 Aug 2021, 10:49

ትግሬ ነፃ የሚመስርታት ሀገረ-ትግራይ ፤ ትግሬ ዐልባ አገር ነች። In mathematics it is referred to as a null set. A set with no population element in it. It is valid in name, but it does not exist. የወደፊቷ ትግሬ ዐልባ ሀገረ-ትግራይ የሙታን መናፍስት አገር (ghost country) እነ ደብረሲዖል የሚመሰርቷት
ትሆናለች::እጃቸውን ለዐማራ ፋኖ በሰላም የሰጡ የትግሬዎች የኖህ መርከብ ተሳፍረው የጥፋቱን ውሃ እያለፉ በመሆናቸ ዕድለኞች ናቸው። የፋኖን የኖህ መርከብ እንጅ ነፍጥ እንዳትጠጡ - መስሚያ ጆሮ ያላችሁ ትግሬዎች።

Senior Member
Posts: 12940
Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 20:52

Re: ትግሬ ነፃ የሚመስርታት ሀገረ-ትግራይ ፤ ትግሬ ዐልባ አገር ነች።

Post by Abere » 11 Aug 2021, 12:03

Counting the Cost: ትግሬ ዐልባዋ ሀገረ-ትግራይ

Before the War:
[1] Model city of Mekele, heavy industries, Strong Economy, Well developed infrastructure
[2] Strong Army of 300,000, Missile, huge number of Generals, full TPLF cabinet and core TPLF pioneers
[3] Tigray inhabited by 3 million Tigres; larger fertile lands

After the War and going forward:
[1] City, industry, economy, infrastructure shuttered/collapsed
[2] Army dead and now littering all rug terrains; almost all generals eaten up by drone, TPLF cores members killed or arrested
[3] About 1.5 million Tigres flee from Tigray and the remaining 1 million are fighting in the war dying like flies; the remining 500,000 are on WFP food aid, mostly lactating mothers, babies in their arms; all fertile lands taken away by their rightful owner, Amhara

Result: Zero
-- Before war - After war = Zero, or ትግሬ ዐልባ ሀገረ-ትግራይ

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