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BBC—— Gen Tsadkan Gebretensae: Ethiopia's Tigray rebel mastermind

Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 21:58
by dawwit

Re: BBC—— Gen Tsadkan Gebretensae: Ethiopia's Tigray rebel mastermind

Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 22:08
by Deqi-Arawit

But they managed to break out of the encirclement, surprising the Ethiopian and Eritrean forces with the ferocity of the counter-attack. Gen Tsadkan will not say how many TDF fighters were killed or injured.

For four months they were training, organising and fighting at the same time until, by May, Gen Tsadkan and the other commanders estimated that they had achieved parity with their adversaries.

Re: BBC—— Gen Tsadkan Gebretensae: Ethiopia's Tigray rebel mastermind

Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 22:42
Deqi-Arawit wrote:
30 Jun 2021, 22:08

But they managed to break out of the encirclement, surprising the Ethiopian and Eritrean forces with the ferocity of the counter-attack. Gen Tsadkan will not say how many TDF fighters were killed or injured.

For four months they were training, organising and fighting at the same time until, by May, Gen Tsadkan and the other commanders estimated that they had achieved parity with their adversaries.

When you have the war hardened Eritreans who have 20 years of experience, four months is a joke. Tigryans are really laughable society's. No wonder you cried, "Genocide" "Rape" when your Tigray @SSS is whooped :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: BBC—— Gen Tsadkan Gebretensae: Ethiopia's Tigray rebel mastermind

Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 23:04
by Axumezana
A selfless Tigrayan and Ethiopian who never betrayed the Tigray and the Ethiopian people.He always stood for the interest of Ethiopia and Tigray! He tried his best to avert the war until Abiy told him to stop bothering himself as he will solve the problem by Military and financial means.. Abiy missed the opportunity of listening to General Tsadkan and preferred to listen Isaias Afworki. It the same as the Jewish preference for release, during Jesus Christ time, preferring the murderer BBarabbas over Jesus Christ. We are witnessing the product of Abiy's choice

Re: BBC—— Gen Tsadkan Gebretensae: Ethiopia's Tigray rebel mastermind

Posted: 01 Jul 2021, 03:42
by Tiago
BBC resorted to glorifying a terrorist leader rather than reporting the efforts of the Ethiopian government to restore peace. not unexpected from BBC which is controlled by hypocrite English men.