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is helen hailu half ethiopian?

Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 09:20
by harari
hailu is i think not eritrean name
the smart gurage yared and helen know how to do entertainment...
they got the clicks

Re: is helen hailu half ethiopian?

Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 20:11
by xamar
yes she must be daughter of torserawit :lol: :mrgreen:

Re: is helen hailu half ethiopian?

Posted: 01 Jul 2021, 13:36
by harari
the making of in qafar

Re: is helen hailu half ethiopian?

Posted: 01 Jul 2021, 14:14
by Dawi
harari wrote:
01 Jul 2021, 13:36
the making of in qafar

Made in Afar, Ethiopia. Nice!

Admirable production! They've come a long way!
Off course, as both artists are talented & accomplished in their own rights, made things easier for the producers.

I don't know if the following dance was produced by same people but, bears a similar title.

Re: is helen hailu half ethiopian?

Posted: 01 Jul 2021, 15:26
by Horus
ታላቁ የፍቅር ንጉሥ ቴዲ አፍሮ የዉበትና የሴት አክብሮትን ጥበብና ደረጃ ሰማይ ላይ ሰቅሎት ቀጥለው ለሚመጡት አርቲስቶችና ቆነጃጅት ፈታኝ ባህል፣ ፈታኝ ህልም አስቀምጦባቸዋል! ዉቢት ሚለን ሃይሉ ቴዲን መሰል የህይወት ጓድ ነው ሚገባት ። እሷን መሰሎችኮ የዚህ ዘመን የዘር በሽተኞች ሃኪምና መድሃኒት ናቸው !!!