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Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 15 May 2021, 21:26
by Zmeselo
What he doesn't realize is that it makes him look like the Pharisee that he is and PIA & PMAA, Christ- like.

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 15 May 2021, 21:57
by Temt
Zmeselo wrote:
15 May 2021, 21:26
What he doesn't realize is that it makes him look like the Pharisee that he is and PIA & PMAA, Christ- like.

I guess I am not surprised that some supposed pious people would act like the Devil himself on one of the holiest of days of the Christian world for Agames are evils. PERIOD. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 15 May 2021, 22:30
Tplf only have their tongues left :mrgreen:

ዓቕሚ እንትሓፅር ሓሻዊት መልሓስ ትነውሕ !!!
Credits due to digital weyane
Zmeselo wrote:
15 May 2021, 21:26
What he doesn't realize is that it makes him look like the Pharisee that he is and PIA & PMAA, Christ- like.

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 15 May 2021, 22:36
by Jaegol
😳 terrorist tplf virus is everywhere including churches
🤦🏽‍♂️😳🤦🏽‍♂️ OMG

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 16 May 2021, 00:11
by The-lice head destroyer
What is new? Tigryans Priests are BUSHTIS hom@osexuals. I feel sorry for those who take the Tigryan Priests seriously.

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 16 May 2021, 02:38
by Aba
Don't worry, Satan himself will save your tigrawai tyrant :lol: :lol:

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 16 May 2021, 03:43
by Fiyameta
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Zmeselo wrote:
15 May 2021, 21:26
What he doesn't realize is that it makes him look like the Pharisee that he is and PIA & PMAA, Christ- like.

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 16 May 2021, 03:58
by Fiyameta

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 16 May 2021, 13:35
by Digital Weyane
ኡንዴት በቤተ ክርስትያን ውስጥ ለዛውም በእለተ አርብ የጌታችን የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ስቅለት የሚታሰብበት ቀን ላይ የሰይጣንን ሥራ ይሰራሉ? :roll: ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ማፈርያዎች! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 16 May 2021, 15:03
by Abdisa
Devil-worshiping terrorist agame !

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 16 May 2021, 15:15
by Fed_Up
The more this evils wish evil things upon good people, they will have more መንከብላል for so many years to come. Their evil deed will hunt them for life.

The good agamieee is the dead agamieee. Strvin marvins sobs. We all know most this sobs agamewoch passports might have born in Eritrea because came to the USA under Eritreans identities. We should start exposing and sue the sobs of their lie to the homeland security office to come to the USA.

Eritreans , my brothers and sisters we have an obligation to do something about it.

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 16 May 2021, 16:23
by Abe Abraham
He is being tempted by the devil. Remember : kab fetena adHnena ( lead us not into temptation...)

Re: Priest from hell, wants to kill on ዓርቢ ስቕለት

Posted: 17 May 2021, 02:20
by Fiyameta
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: