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Busting the Eritrean self reliance myth: Eritrea has been one of the 5 most indebted nation in the world since 2000

Post by sarcasm » 06 May 2021, 19:42

The self reliance myth is the biggest lie that has ever been told on the Eritrean people. Eritrea has been one of the 5 most indebted nation since 2000-2019. In 2008 Eritrea actually was the 1 most indebted nation in the world. See the video

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Re: Busting the Eritrean self reliance myth: Eritrea has been one of the 5 most indebted nation in the world since 2000

Post by Cartmann » 06 May 2021, 20:32

Mr. stateless ኣራይ ኩዕንቲ፣ with all due respect this subject is beyond the capacity of residents of ክልል።
Debt consist of all liabilities and securities by government. It also includes internal debt in a form of bond and obligations. Japan is the most indebted coutry in the world, but 90% of the debt is held by Japanese in form of liabilities and securites. Yet it doesn't mean that Japan is poor or dependent.

Leave economics to owners of a country. This economics is not the kind of economics you know, like safety-net and 25 kilos of USAID wheat.

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Re: Busting the Eritrean self reliance myth: Eritrea has been one of the 5 most indebted nation in the world since 2000

Post by Temt » 06 May 2021, 20:57

Cartmann wrote:
06 May 2021, 20:32
Mr. stateless ኣራይ ኩዕንቲ፣ with all due respect this subject is beyond the capacity of residents of ክልል።
Debt consist of all liabilities and securities by government. It also includes internal debt in a form of bond and obligations. Japan is the most indebted coutry in the world, but 90% of the debt is held by Japanese in form of liabilities and securites. Yet it doesn't mean that Japan is poor or dependent.

Leave economics to owners of a country. This economics is not the kind of economics you know, like safety-net and 25 kilos of USAID wheat.
"Ouch"!That must hurt, to put it mildly!

"ኣድጊ ዘይብሉስ፡ በቕሊ ይንዕቕ"!

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Re: Busting the Eritrean self reliance myth: Eritrea has been one of the 5 most indebted nation in the world since 2000

Post by Aba » 07 May 2021, 01:26

Temt wrote:
06 May 2021, 20:57
Cartmann wrote:
06 May 2021, 20:32
Mr. stateless ኣራይ ኩዕንቲ፣ with all due respect this subject is beyond the capacity of residents of ክልል።
Debt consist of all liabilities and securities by government. It also includes internal debt in a form of bond and obligations. Japan is the most indebted coutry in the world, but 90% of the debt is held by Japanese in form of liabilities and securites. Yet it doesn't mean that Japan is poor or dependent.

Leave economics to owners of a country. This economics is not the kind of economics you know, like safety-net and 25 kilos of USAID wheat.
"Ouch"!That must hurt, to put it mildly!

"ኣድጊ ዘይብሉስ፡ በቕሊ ይንዕቕ"!
While the Eritrean people are waiting in cue for water holding looted jerrycan, the monster has their money stashed in offshore bank all over, from India to Dubai, to Switzerland.

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Re: Busting the Eritrean self reliance myth: Eritrea has been one of the 5 most indebted nation in the world since 2000

Post by sarcasm » 11 Aug 2021, 18:21

Check out this link. It is time for busting the self reliance myth.
Abere wrote:
11 Aug 2021, 16:27
But, the reality on ground:

Eritrea is a none aid recipient country in Africa. It is role model to be emulated by the rest of African countries. Beggary breeds beggary. To end the vicious circle of beggary, stop it and try to stand on your own feet. Foreign aid can not be a sustained source of national revenue. The truth is there is no free aid as there is no free lunch. The cost of foreign aid is 100x heavier - it is not only an intergenerational debt of slavery but will be generational curse. I think Eritrea is doing that. Survival of the fittest, if you can not survive own your own, foreign aid quickens your fall. These guys should really worry and pray for Tigray province. There appears no light seen at the end of the tunnel for Tigray, given Debretsion et al is put their boots on the necks of ordinary Tigre now.

lil kogne
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Re: Busting the Eritrean self reliance myth: Eritrea has been one of the 5 most indebted nation in the world since 2000

Post by lil kogne » 11 Aug 2021, 19:42

Wey AbaQ Agame!!! I for once AAAgree with you. Eritreans are dirt poor living the last 5 decades on safety net... Eritreans are been helped by USAid and EU NGOs for hunger and famine. Eritreans are crying on the street of Washington, NY and other world major cities for help. True Abiq Agame . I did not know eating Kuenti would affect human growth this bad. What a chicken brain !

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Re: Busting the Eritrean self reliance myth: Eritrea has been one of the 5 most indebted nation in the world since 2000

Post by Aba » 11 Aug 2021, 21:28

lil kogne wrote:
11 Aug 2021, 19:42
Wey AbaQ Agame!!! I for once AAAgree with you. Eritreans are dirt poor living the last 5 decades on safety net... Eritreans are been helped by USAid and EU NGOs for hunger and famine. Eritreans are crying on the street of Washington, NY and other world major cities for help. True Abiq Agame . I did not know eating Kuenti would affect human growth this bad. What a chicken brain !
Moron wedi komarit,
Thanks to your vicious animal, Eritrean refugees were in 4 refugee camps in Tigray and Afar 100K strong. More have been languishing in Sudan, Libya, Lampasas, Israel etc.etc. Thousands scattered all over Europe, all since independence.
Just last week, hundreds were crying in Addis Ababa streets concerned about their fellow refugees in the war zone. Your socalled "self-reliant" North Korean tyrant could care less. He likes to see them suffer or
die fighting his wars. Idiot

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Re: Busting the Eritrean self reliance myth: Eritrea has been one of the 5 most indebted nation in the world since 2000

Post by ENTEL KORACH » 11 Aug 2021, 22:09

Cartmann wrote:
06 May 2021, 20:32
Mr. stateless ኣራይ ኩዕንቲ፣ with all due respect this subject is beyond the capacity of residents of ክልል።
Debt consist of all liabilities and securities by government. It also includes internal debt in a form of bond and obligations. Japan is the most indebted coutry in the world, but 90% of the debt is held by Japanese in form of liabilities and securites. Yet it doesn't mean that Japan is poor or dependent.

Leave economics to owners of a country. This economics is not the kind of economics you know, like safety-net and 25 kilos of USAID wheat.

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