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US Congress Resolution 97: "kill TPLF softly"

Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 20:45
by Ghirmawi ... f58c2a7d30

(5) calls on the Government of Ethiopia to—

(A) ensure that any apprehensions of TPLF members are carried out with the least possible use of force and that the rights to which those detained are entitled under Ethiopian and international law are fully respected;
Finish them all, but do it quitely, will you?

Re: US Congress Resolution 97: "kill TPLF softly"

Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 20:59
by Abdisa
It's not that easy to kill them softly, especially when our soldiers still bear the scars from the tragic incident that had befallen the Northern Command forces. For God's sake, they mowed down our soldiers in their sleep and danced standing on top of their corpses, not to mention the way they treated our female soldiers. I mean, that's too much trauma for a person to cope with.

Re: US Congress Resolution 97: "kill TPLF softly"

Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 21:20
by quindibu
As low IQs and hopelessly delusionals, only Agames believe their lives matter to the ferenjis......In their defense though, these chimps have never figured out who they really are or what they've stood for let alone unpacking the complex world politics.

I would say let them wallow in their own misery......hoping someone would come to their rescue!

Re: US Congress Resolution 97: "kill TPLF softly"

Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 22:12
The fact that uncle Tom put tplf under the bus does give you a bit of satisfaction. Don't you think :mrgreen:
Abdisa wrote:
25 Mar 2021, 20:59
It's not that easy to kill them softly, especially when our soldiers still bear the scars from the tragic incident that had befallen the Northern Command forces. For God's sake, they mowed down our soldiers in their sleep and danced standing on top of their corpses, not to mention the way they treated our female soldiers. I mean, that's too much trauma for a person to cope with.

Re: US Congress Resolution 97: "kill TPLF softly"

Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 22:54
by Sam Ebalalehu
It is in the US best interest in East Africa a stable, peaceful Ethiopia exists. That to materialize, what Abiy had named the frozen minds, or something close to that, should go. For a long time the TPLF politicians used to their advantage the American politicians ignorance of Ethiopian politics. If we go said the Meles crowd, so does Ethiopia. The Americans somehow bought that fiction.
Now under Abiy Ethiopia is kicking and thriving. They noticed. Not only Ethiopia is thriving, but also her children have developed a national awakening in the last three years that was denied in the immediate earlier twenty-seven years. Yes, the Americans have noticed : Ethiopia is in the move. It is in the US best interest not to stand against a nation that is on a move. The American legislators seemed to have gotten the true picture of Ethiopia. That is good.

Re: US Congress Resolution 97: "kill TPLF softly"

Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 23:05
by Fed_Up
The country, the U.S. with the technologies that can pinpoint a drop of water on the ground from far space can’t be fooled by the lowest IQ folks on earth.

Actually woyanus aka TPLF is a terrorist organization in the U.S. world “terrorist data base.” And yet most of the “tenkebalay zer” don’t even know that their beloved TPLF listed as terrorist organization for the last 40 years. However, the idiots agamewoch still believe they are loved by their masta. They little know Americans are trying twisting Addis Ababa for their own interest in Middle East. Egypt is the one behind everything ....lobbying what to happened to Ethiopia.

Agamewoch are way behind in world politics. Who would blame the low IQs for that anyway?

Till it last let them make our daily laugh keep delivering uninterrupted before it last. .. :P

Agamewoch yemaygebachihu denqorowoch hono menoreee gin ayselechachihum?

Zere lemagnnnn

Re: US Congress Resolution 97: "kill TPLF softly"

Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 23:09
by The-lice head destroyer
Meles dream comes true. I remember saying "ፈረንጅ አያድናቹህም " :mrgreen: