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Is Hawzen the Conquistador a part-time Matador?

Posted: 14 Mar 2021, 22:44
by almaze
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Is Hawzen the Conquistador a part-time Matador?

Posted: 14 Mar 2021, 22:58
by Aurorae Borealis
Is it a coincidence that Misraq and you love Maritu and Mahlet !!

Almaze wrote,
Misraq aka Almaze , you love to play games. :lol: :lol: You are good at it too.

Re: Is Hawzen the Conquistador a part-time Matador?

Posted: 14 Mar 2021, 23:12
by almaze
You Are Soooo Dumb Or You Are Playing As One :lol: :lol: :lol:

Aurorae Borealis wrote:
14 Mar 2021, 22:58
Is it a coincidence that Misraq and you love Maritu and Mahlet !!

Almaze wrote,
Misraq aka Almaze , you love to play games. :lol: :lol: You are good at it too.

Re: Is Hawzen the Conquistador a part-time Matador?

Posted: 14 Mar 2021, 23:25
by Aurorae Borealis

I am not stupid, I just play one on TV. :lol: :lol: Abel Almaz !!! What kind of name is that ? :shock: BTW, your taste of music is ...... questionable You really must be an oldie Are you a fa_g. :lol: BTW, are you his fatha :lol: :lol: ? He really is ugly. 8) :lol:

Re: Is Hawzen the Conquistador a part-time Matador?

Posted: 14 Mar 2021, 23:38
by almaze
"What kinda name" Go ask him :lol: :lol:

Aurorae Borealis wrote:
14 Mar 2021, 23:25

I am not stupid, I just play one on TV. :lol: :lol: Abel Almaz !!! What kind of name is that ? BTW, your taste of music is ...... questionable You really must be an oldie Are you a fa_g.??? :lol: :lol: :lol: BTW, are you his fatha :lol: ? He really is ugly. :lol:

Re: Is Hawzen the Conquistador a part-time Matador?

Posted: 15 Mar 2021, 19:05
by Hawzen

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sister Almazewa,

Nope!!! Majesty Hawzen is a full time ተንከባላላይ ዘር nightmare and I enjoy every bit of it!!! :lol: :oops: :mrgreen:

By the way, I can tell either you have crush on me or I must be your nightmare even though it is not my intention :lol: :mrgreen: :oops:

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF Junta Sigbgb

Re: Is Hawzen the Conquistador a part-time Matador?

Posted: 16 Mar 2021, 11:10
by Misraq
Honorable Hawzen,

Wiezero Almaz certainly have a huge crush on you. Please allow her to መንከባለል on top of you. She is a light weighted bare chested lady with a skinny pair of legs. She has a great sense of humor though. Lately, she was sifting through the forum posts trying to find one of yours that may give her some indication that you would like to fiddle her ቂንጥር.

Jimmy the conquistador

Re: Is Hawzen the Conquistador a part-time Matador?

Posted: 16 Mar 2021, 18:28
by Hawzen
Misraq wrote:
16 Mar 2021, 11:10
Honorable Hawzen,

Wiezero Almaz certainly have a huge crush on you. Please allow her to መንከባለል on top of you. She is a light weighted bare chested lady with a skinny pair of legs. She has a great sense of humor though. Lately, she was sifting through the forum posts trying to find one of yours that may give her some indication that you would like to fiddle her ቂንጥር.

Jimmy the conquistador

Yes, Sir! I have realized that.

Lucky me, sister Almazewa dreams to be my voluntary bi@tch :lol: :lol: :lol: . I think I need your help though. I have learned you are really good at handling the freak sister Aziza aka Abi-gail. Your advice is very important because you have great experience how to roll agame bi@tches right, left, up and down :lol: :lol: .

By the way, did you know your bi@tch sister Abi-gail performed really well in the መንከባለል drama/campaigns in DC and New York :lol: :lol: ??

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF Junta

Re: Is Hawzen the Conquistador a part-time Matador?

Posted: 04 Jun 2021, 18:25
by TesfaNews
Hawzen aka Misraq aka Almaze aka ANTICO get a life stup!d agame gojame