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Republic of Tigray is in the making - Tigray Defense Forces will be the main motor!

Post by EthioRedSea » 25 Feb 2021, 07:36

Bye ugly and primitive ethiopia - liars and falsifiers.
Republic of Tigray will be free and democratic.
It will have an assembly of 200-300 representatives
elections will take place every 5 years
It will have a bicameral parliament - House of representatives and Senate
It will have a president and a vice president
The President appoints ministers, the parliament will have to approve or reject all ministerial positions
The Senate appoints judges and ambassadors .
The Republic of Tigray shall have air force, ground and naval forces.
Any Tigrayan can have a gun for self defense.
National Military service lasting for 18 months is obligatory to all after age 18 years
Aksum shall be the capital city of The Republic of Tigray
Tigrigna will be the working language in Tigray.
English and Arabic shall be working languages too.
Children will attend nurseries, elementary and high schools for free. University education shall be provided to all who have the right qualification with a reasonable tuition fee. Loans and grants will be provided.
Health care will be provided for free to all who need it.A national insurance scheme will be introduced.
Tourism shall be developed so that there be major hospitality and road constructions.
Agriculture will be mechanized. Manufacturing shall be the main source of export.
Tigray will have it's own Patriarch and will be residing in Aksum

Etc, etc etc

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Joined: 07 Jun 2012, 05:03

Re: Republic of Tigray is in the making - Tigray Defense Forces will be the main motor!

Post by Hawzen » 25 Feb 2021, 08:32

I personally wish you Good luck, ተንከባላላይ ዘር ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF Junta

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Re: Republic of Tigray is in the making - Tigray Defense Forces will be the main motor!

Post by EthioRedSea » 25 Feb 2021, 09:17

You can cheat yourself and live in a day dream. Tigray is around 400000 square kilometers (1/3 of Current Ethiopia and all of Aretrra). All land north of Shoa Province is Tigrayan Region and will be the new Tigray country.

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Re: Republic of Tigray is in the making - Tigray Defense Forces will be the main motor!

Post by Afdeyu » 25 Feb 2021, 10:13

The problem with you is that you are so delusional and you will be super Ethiopian tomorrow :lol:
You flip flap so much :lol: no consistency and your personality changes depending on what you read first thing in the morning :lol:
Today you are Tigray nationalist and tomorrow you are super Ethiopian just like a chameleon 😳
EthioRedSea wrote:
25 Feb 2021, 07:36
Bye ugly and primitive ethiopia - liars and falsifiers.
Republic of Tigray will be free and democratic.
It will have an assembly of 200-300 representatives
elections will take place every 5 years
It will have a bicameral parliament - House of representatives and Senate
It will have a president and a vice president
The President appoints ministers, the parliament will have to approve or reject all ministerial positions
The Senate appoints judges and ambassadors .
The Republic of Tigray shall have air force, ground and naval forces.
Any Tigrayan can have a gun for self defense.
National Military service lasting for 18 months is obligatory to all after age 18 years
Aksum shall be the capital city of The Republic of Tigray
Tigrigna will be the working language in Tigray.
English and Arabic shall be working languages too.
Children will attend nurseries, elementary and high schools for free. University education shall be provided to all who have the right qualification with a reasonable tuition fee. Loans and grants will be provided.
Health care will be provided for free to all who need it.A national insurance scheme will be introduced.
Tourism shall be developed so that there be major hospitality and road constructions.
Agriculture will be mechanized. Manufacturing shall be the main source of export.
Tigray will have it's own Patriarch and will be residing in Aksum

Etc, etc etc

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Republic of Tigray is in the making - Tigray Defense Forces will be the main motor!

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 25 Feb 2021, 11:52

Tigray will destroy Hamassien and will control its belonging Bahri Tigray. No respect for Barya ugly face Hamassine Dembian settlers, this is the number one order of Tigray and the capital for north Tigray will be somewhere near by river reachable for water in Kele or Seraye or at their borders.

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Re: Republic of Tigray is in the making - Tigray Defense Forces will be the main motor!

Post by Cigar » 25 Feb 2021, 13:45

You filthy agames, you need to stop advertising your intention like you did when you said that you were more capable than the Ethiopian army and you will destroy it in 24 hours......heck you even said that you will go to Asmara and in 17 days you were no where to be found but wallowing in the streets of western countries like agames donkeys, and in one part if your mouth are telling yourself that you are capturing over 70 thousand Ethio, Amhara and Eritrean troops, shot over 10 fighter jets and 5 drones and destroyed over 100 tanks and from your other filthy mouth are saying that genocide is happening in tigray, the 60 thousand dead tigray militia are innocent agames and lying from left to right by posting unfortunate citizens of other countries pictures as are of your dirty people and now here you are again you are telling us that you will declare your independence. To eat what? Quenti and belles?
Man the ethiopians are not preventing you to go your own way. You are clinging to Ethiopia because you know that you can not survive a month being a little independent country.
Go declare your independence today.
Why the fu*ck are you making it as if the ethiopians or their govt is colonizing you.
They would be very happy if you get the hell out of their society just like a human being will be very happy if their hemorrhoids are removed from their a'ss holes.
Tigray is Ethiopia's hemorrhoid.
Stop making it as important as Beshangulit, Sidama, Oromo, Amhara and the rest of ethio resourceful regions.

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Re: Republic of Tigray is in the making - Tigray Defense Forces will be the main motor!

Post by tekeba » 25 Feb 2021, 14:25

A pipe dream, I am not surprised an illusions from Denkoro axgame

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