Tigrayans Known for Famine and Begging!!!
Posted: 14 Feb 2021, 03:39
Mi monito del tribu de los weixos;
Monkeys are 1000% better than your permanently-starving relatives in tigray the by-word for abject poverty, incredible human degerdation & misery never experienced in the continent of DE LOS MONOS INUTILES [EL-IFRIQUIA].
Have you ever seen .. or heard about .. other types/species of baboons, chimps, gorillas, orangutans, etc, begging for food?? .. NO! .. I rest my case. [/color]
Monkeys are 1000% better than your permanently-starving relatives in tigray the by-word for abject poverty, incredible human degerdation & misery never experienced in the continent of DE LOS MONOS INUTILES [EL-IFRIQUIA].
Have you ever seen .. or heard about .. other types/species of baboons, chimps, gorillas, orangutans, etc, begging for food?? .. NO! .. I rest my case. [/color]