Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
Just because she has Amhara name doesn't mean she is Amhara. As you can see in the video she is not Amhara but from south. Stop claiming everything with Amhara name. But why do many southerners have such typical Amhara names?
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
Actually her father has amara's name. Whatever it is agames are shintttttttam.
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
ራያን አማራ የምል
አጋዎን አማራ ነው የምል
ቅማንት አማራ ነው የምል
አበበቢቅላና ጥላሁን ገሰሰ አማራ ነበሩ የምሉ
ሃይለ ስላሴና መንግስቱ አማራ ነበሩ የምሉ ጉደኞች ይህ ይብዛባቸው?
አጋዎን አማራ ነው የምል
ቅማንት አማራ ነው የምል
አበበቢቅላና ጥላሁን ገሰሰ አማራ ነበሩ የምሉ
ሃይለ ስላሴና መንግስቱ አማራ ነበሩ የምሉ ጉደኞች ይህ ይብዛባቸው?
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
ተምበይን ትግሬ ነው የሚል
ኩናማን ትግሬ ነው የሚል
እሮብን ትግሬ ነው የሚል
አገውን ትግሬ ነው የሚል
የወልቃይትን አማራ ትግሬ ነው የሚል
የራያን አማራ ትግሬ ነው የሚል
የኤርትራን ሕዝብ ትግሬ ነው የሚል አጋሜ ባለበት አገር ጦርነት ሲያንሰው ነው::
የአማራን መሬት የጋላ ነው የሚል ባለበት
ደቡቦችን ጋላ ናቸው በሚባለበት አገር
ጋልኛ የሚናገሩ የሌላ ብሔሮች ሁሉም ጋላ ናቸው በሚባልበት አገር
ጋላ ውስጥ ያሉ ስፍር ቁጥር የሌላቸው ጎሳዎች ጋላ ናቸው በሚባልበት አገር: መሬት ለባለቤቱ እንዲመልስ መደረጉ ተገቢ ብቻ ሳይሆን ግዴታ ነው::
ኩናማን ትግሬ ነው የሚል
እሮብን ትግሬ ነው የሚል
አገውን ትግሬ ነው የሚል
የወልቃይትን አማራ ትግሬ ነው የሚል
የራያን አማራ ትግሬ ነው የሚል
የኤርትራን ሕዝብ ትግሬ ነው የሚል አጋሜ ባለበት አገር ጦርነት ሲያንሰው ነው::
የአማራን መሬት የጋላ ነው የሚል ባለበት
ደቡቦችን ጋላ ናቸው በሚባለበት አገር
ጋልኛ የሚናገሩ የሌላ ብሔሮች ሁሉም ጋላ ናቸው በሚባልበት አገር
ጋላ ውስጥ ያሉ ስፍር ቁጥር የሌላቸው ጎሳዎች ጋላ ናቸው በሚባልበት አገር: መሬት ለባለቤቱ እንዲመልስ መደረጉ ተገቢ ብቻ ሳይሆን ግዴታ ነው::
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
She could be from east gojam or somewhere Shewa.. Amhara comes in all shapes and colors..

BTW, when it comes to Itopiya, you can’t predict one’s ethnicity based on looks or colors..

Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
How about just say that she is an Ethiopian heroin?
I think the agames are attaching ethnicity to create friction amongst the Ethiopians. All the troops who are spanking these coward, filthy agames are wearing and fighting with the Ethiopian flag as their symbol.
And if she is not Amhara ethnic group why are the agames saying that the Amhara people are sodomizing them?
Listen ethiopians, you need to drop this crapy ethnicities, different flags and have one flag, one national anthem and be one heart one people, ofcourse less them agames like the unity of the Eritreans.
I think the agames are attaching ethnicity to create friction amongst the Ethiopians. All the troops who are spanking these coward, filthy agames are wearing and fighting with the Ethiopian flag as their symbol.
And if she is not Amhara ethnic group why are the agames saying that the Amhara people are sodomizing them?
Listen ethiopians, you need to drop this crapy ethnicities, different flags and have one flag, one national anthem and be one heart one people, ofcourse less them agames like the unity of the Eritreans.
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
"How about just say that she is an Ethiopian heroin?"
Very true.. but in this case, it’s nice to stress that she’s amara. For the reason that, tplf tried hard to crush ያማራ ወንድን ወኔ. She, this young amara girl, arrested and walked her tplf cadre boss barefoot

that’s a BIG story!
Very true.. but in this case, it’s nice to stress that she’s amara. For the reason that, tplf tried hard to crush ያማራ ወንድን ወኔ. She, this young amara girl, arrested and walked her tplf cadre boss barefoot
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
mitmitaye, glorifying certain ethiopians by their ethnicity in my opinion is what the filthy agames want you to do.
The Etiopians mind set needs to be to further the collective agenda except of the ungrateful tegarus.
After all, in wars, majore sports events all your people from every inch of your country do represent only one Ethiopia.
I don't know, I am just looking it through the prism of Eritrea.
Let the very small ethnic Ethiopian group be happy about their ethiopianism. The Amhara and Oromos might be large in number, but they need not exclude the sacrifice the minority group of Ethiopia. I am certain that there are beshangulits, ethio somalis, sideman and others in the operation apprehen woyane shiftas. No all of them have the chance to arrest or kill their enemies, but it is their support which helped this heroin to arrest a shifta.
It is just my opinion.
The Etiopians mind set needs to be to further the collective agenda except of the ungrateful tegarus.
After all, in wars, majore sports events all your people from every inch of your country do represent only one Ethiopia.
I don't know, I am just looking it through the prism of Eritrea.
Let the very small ethnic Ethiopian group be happy about their ethiopianism. The Amhara and Oromos might be large in number, but they need not exclude the sacrifice the minority group of Ethiopia. I am certain that there are beshangulits, ethio somalis, sideman and others in the operation apprehen woyane shiftas. No all of them have the chance to arrest or kill their enemies, but it is their support which helped this heroin to arrest a shifta.
It is just my opinion.
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
Agree 100%
But in this case, since tplf was bragging about how tplf “was a JEGINA than amaharaman’ I believe is right to emphasize. Just ‘to add injury to insult’..
Agree 100%
But in this case, since tplf was bragging about how tplf “was a JEGINA than amaharaman’ I believe is right to emphasize. Just ‘to add injury to insult’..

Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
mitmitaye did you hear this TPLF spokesperson? He said "We left Mekele few days ago and We are fighting around Mekele with "Eritrean army". Isn't he so funny?

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Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
Please stop dividing us, we are one Ethiopian. She is really really a heroine. She should be given the rank of Colonel right away.
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
These agames are funny.
They declare war against their own country and if as he said Eritrea is involved (which is not) why do they blame the ethiopian govt for a supposedly Eritrea's hand in crossing Ethio border to destroy them. Are they actually begging PMAA that tigray is being invaded by Eritrea and stop spanking their behind and fight the invisible Eritrean army?
Are they saying that they are shiftas who want to destabilize Ethiopia, but Ethiopia's priority should be to fight Eritrea and leave them alone, while he admittedly said that the PP army is almost none existant?
Wow and all this cry is after tplf and tegarus were telling us that Eritrea is deserted, has no army or if it has they will run with their tails tacked behind their legs.
Well we the Eritreans know that tplf is getting spanked by the Ethio and Amhara military.
And agames stop making it look like Eritrea is fighting Ethiopia, if it is in the region to begin with.
Ethiopia doesn't need any help from Eritrea to destroy you cowards, ungrateful scum bags.
But thanks for recognizing the SAWA generation ability be it only by their names and training.
They declare war against their own country and if as he said Eritrea is involved (which is not) why do they blame the ethiopian govt for a supposedly Eritrea's hand in crossing Ethio border to destroy them. Are they actually begging PMAA that tigray is being invaded by Eritrea and stop spanking their behind and fight the invisible Eritrean army?
Are they saying that they are shiftas who want to destabilize Ethiopia, but Ethiopia's priority should be to fight Eritrea and leave them alone, while he admittedly said that the PP army is almost none existant?
Wow and all this cry is after tplf and tegarus were telling us that Eritrea is deserted, has no army or if it has they will run with their tails tacked behind their legs.
Well we the Eritreans know that tplf is getting spanked by the Ethio and Amhara military.
And agames stop making it look like Eritrea is fighting Ethiopia, if it is in the region to begin with.
Ethiopia doesn't need any help from Eritrea to destroy you cowards, ungrateful scum bags.
But thanks for recognizing the SAWA generation ability be it only by their names and training.
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
Wedi, we do not need Eritrean army’s help. We are quite capable of crushing tplf mafia.. we have fought and squashed ‘the lion of nakifa’ in our last war.. ertra needs Ethiopia for her protection against aggressors. Not the other way around.. essayas didn’t attack back at tplf, b/c he knows that would be the end of ertra. No matter what, it’ll galvanize Ethiopians like me, and the national army. It’ll be Abiy’s demise by his own army. No, we will not sit idle and watch. No matter how much we hate tplf. Crossing our border to fight with tplf, will not be tolerated by majority Ethiopians. Tigray is officially Ethiopian territory!! Remember badame..then & now, ertrean soldiers will not be operating in Ethiopia to attack her northern people, including tplf. Tplf has to be fought and brought to justice by Ethiopians. That’s exactly what’s been happening.. so stop this delusion of ‘Eritrean army helping Ethiopia ’ wishy- washy lies.. there are no Eritrean army in Ethiopian soil, only hungry Eritrean refugees

Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
Cool down agame boy.. I understand your are angrymitmitaye wrote: ↑03 Dec 2020, 16:54Wedi, we do not need Eritrean army’s help. We are quite capable of crushing tplf mafia.. we have fought and squashed ‘the lion of nakifa’ in our last war.. ertra needs Ethiopia for her protection against aggressors. Not the other way around.. essayas didn’t attack back at tplf, b/c he knows that would be the end of ertra. No matter what, it’ll galvanize Ethiopians like me, and the national army. It’ll be Abiy’s demise by his own army. No, we will not sit idle and watch. No matter how much we hate tplf. Crossing our border to fight with tplf, will not be tolerated by majority Ethiopians. Tigray is officially Ethiopian territory!! Remember badame..then & now, ertrean soldiers will not be operating in Ethiopia to attack her northern people, including tplf. Tplf has to be fought and brought to justice by Ethiopians. That’s exactly what’s been happening.. so stop this delusion of ‘Eritrean army helping Ethiopia ’ wishy- washy lies.. there are no Eritrean army in Ethiopian soil, only hungry Eritrean refugees

The Amhara militia warriors made history. It took them only 25 days to reclaim every inch of their fertile land and make your terara yanQneTeQeTe tiwlid history

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
Hawzen, I’m kuru Ethiopian.. what are you??
Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
Yeah, that is why we are fighting Neftegnas. We have been colonized, we lost our idedntity, culture, our unique communial value since the invasion of Menilllik.
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Re: Exposed! Amharas stop claiming this heroine who captured the Tigray Colonel
exactly! these evil subhumans are crying about eritrea in hopes to internationalize the war but, as weird as it sounds, also to get sympathy from the federal army and the wider ethiopian population so that the very army they backstabbed and the eritrean government helped reorganize protect them from a supposedly attacking ertirean army in the name of "ethiopian territory is being invaded by a foreign army". even in their last dying days they have tried to instigate war between ethiopia and eritrea and this after all of their efforts of the last 3 years to sabotage the peace process failed. these people are really not from this planet. they know no shame and no truth in their genes.Cigar wrote: ↑03 Dec 2020, 16:43These agames are funny.
They declare war against their own country and if as he said Eritrea is involved (which is not) why do they blame the ethiopian govt for a supposedly Eritrea's hand in crossing Ethio border to destroy them. Are they actually begging PMAA that tigray is being invaded by Eritrea and stop spanking their behind and fight the invisible Eritrean army?
Are they saying that they are shiftas who want to destabilize Ethiopia, but Ethiopia's priority should be to fight Eritrea and leave them alone, while he admittedly said that the PP army is almost none existant?
Wow and all this cry is after tplf and tegarus were telling us that Eritrea is deserted, has no army or if it has they will run with their tails tacked behind their legs.
Well we the Eritreans know that tplf is getting spanked by the Ethio and Amhara military.
And agames stop making it look like Eritrea is fighting Ethiopia, if it is in the region to begin with.
Ethiopia doesn't need any help from Eritrea to destroy you cowards, ungrateful scum bags.
But thanks for recognizing the SAWA generation ability be it only by their names and training.