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Who is the enemy of the Tigray People?
Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 01:15
by Ejersa
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Re: Who is the enemy of the Tigray People?
Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 01:35
by Halafi Mengedi
Without any ambiguity Amhara is the mortal chronic enemy of Tigray. Amharu are real fools, don't you know what you have been doing to Tigray???
Re: Who is the enemy of the Tigray People?
Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 01:41
by Degnet
Ejersa, yerasehen astewatseo adreg negerochen Egziabher endemimeleketew adregeh eye.Halafi Mengedi ye sew lij telat mehonun ewek. You are defending a system or your own ideals.Yehe degmo ke 6 amet befit aychew neber