Breaking your heart, chest & back bone: ትግራይን ወደ ዘመነ አክሱም ገናና ስልጣኔ እንመልሳታለን" ፕሬዚዳንት ደብረፂዮን???
Posted: 25 Sep 2020, 17:57
Ethiopian News & Opinion
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑25 Sep 2020, 17:57[/quote
"We (tplf) will turn tigray far back in to the long past Axumite shining civilization era" ~Halafi Mengedi
I am not a politician and you have the right to your opinion but yet this "tplf declaration" clearly tells it and forecasts it as it is, meaning that they want the society and the country back to the dark medieval primitive dark days of cave dwelling communities where there is no clean drinking water, no electricity, no mechanized agriculture, no trains and no railroads, no banks and banking to deposit money and conduct modern trading and money transferring practices, no air or land transportation, no telecommunications, no hospitals and taking care of the sick and the weak, no airplanes and no flights where communities and families think that their country is just an isolated small piece of land being surrounded by aliens descending and making fires and cooking appetizing foods by night times and enjoy it between themselves in silence.
How can such backward looking lonely marches to the long past, the medieval Mongol empire era break other very strong forward looking and future oriented people's and communities chests and backs, for heavens sake, when it may not be able to break even the chests and backs of modern mountain goats and roof top Mamma and Papa hens?![]()
All the best anyway for dreaming back to the long past where scarcity, misery and per-industrial back breaking hard and harsh physical jobs may reappear and inflict all the pains for no gains. If I were them I would have said that we are going to take our country and communities fast in to the future where mechanization, digitization, robotisations, space sciences, communication sciences, etc, may become so normal and wide spread in order to make our communities, country and the world a very comfortable, wealthy, healthy and happy place to live in harmony and with justice and equality for all.
Fandiya find your bone somewhere else???
9 days to go Qoshasha Ethiopia to be the lawless and spitted ex country by the new nations, welcome Atse Tewedrose???