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How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by justo » 21 Sep 2020, 08:59

Of course nobody can save a country single-handedly, especially a country like Eritrea which is full of Martys. But 22 years ago, when the woyane were smelling blood and a cacophony of demands started raining on him from his former colleagues, Isaias single-handedly saved Eritrea despite the efforts to the contrary of Susan Rice, Jendai Frazer, the woyane, the UN, the AU, the EU, the G-15, the whole world had turned against Eritrea and Gadaffi was our only friend, although we had nothing in common with him in terms of style or governance.

The G-15 would have been right, had woyane occupied Eritrea, then they could have claimed Isaias destroyed Eritrea. But Isaias stod steadfast and beat the crap out of woyane, out of G-15, the crap out of Susane Rice, the UN, the AU and he came out victorious on the other side of the tunnel. Once they saw that Isaias and Eritrea had survived their onslaught, the sympathisers of the G-15 supported by all of the above tried to create a false narrative of a failed-state Eritrea and worked hard to make that a reality

What are then the side-effects of Eritrea's victory over the past 22 years against all odds, yes it left us a number of defeated corpses and skeletons that have grown to hate Eritrea beyond belief.

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by justo » 21 Sep 2020, 10:48

This feat has gained Isaias so many irrational enemies, especially from his greatest victims - the woyane.

Isaias has mercilessly beat the crap out of the TPLF, and for this they will never forgive him

"President Isaias, beyzaKum qim beqel aytHazu, woyanena re'si'Ewo eyu, ersKUm dima y'resi'iwo beyzaKum"

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by eden » 21 Sep 2020, 11:10


Glorifying dictatorship is your hobby. Nothing new here. This has been human nature for ages. That's the very reason dictatorship exists. Whatever you claim here about your ruler exists in your head, not reality. Keep on keeping on so it reminds us how bad your condition is.

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by justo » 21 Sep 2020, 11:17

eden wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 11:10

Glorifying dictatorship is your hobby. Nothing new here. This has been human nature for ages. That's the very reason dictatorship exists. Whatever you claim here about your ruler exists in your head, not reality. Keep on keeping on so it reminds us how bad your condition is.
Edu shukor, I love you too!

By le way, I am not glorifying anybody, least of all Isaias, who is not a saint by any measure, I am simply stating facts. Nothing subjective about that. He is the last man standing among his peers. I don't expect you to like the fact, I only want you to swallow it.

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by eden » 21 Sep 2020, 11:47

justo wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 11:17
simply stating facts. Nothing subjective about that.
I would have said to you I really appreciate you giving us a window into the minds of hgdef followers but you are not saying anything
that is unique or different from subjects under any dictatorship

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by justo » 21 Sep 2020, 11:54

eden wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 11:47
justo wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 11:17
simply stating facts. Nothing subjective about that.
I would have said to you I really appreciate you giving us a window into the minds of hgdef followers but you are not saying anything
that is unique or different from subjects under any dictatorship
You cannot have a dictatorship in Eritrea, Edu shikor.
Eritrea is not a 100% society.
By le way, the other day I saw you call Abiy dictator, so in your mouth, a dictator is anybody that Tigray doesn't like. That is too subjective for my taste

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by Aurorae » 21 Sep 2020, 12:24


I am not going to argue or agree with you on your opinion. But, I don't think Isayas is capable making decisions with equal partners. He is my way or the highway. He may have used the weyanes to hold absolute grip on power. He is good at it. Eritrea finds itself at very dangerous status as a nation. Its soveregnity is quesionable right now. Let us say, you find out that your opinion on Isayas was wrong. What would you do to yourself for helping destroy the people and its nation. World opinion on Isayas is not very good, other than a few Arab dictators around the block. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Aurorae on 21 Sep 2020, 13:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by Zmeselo » 21 Sep 2020, 13:01

Brother Justo, the idea of starting with Sawa was his as well. I think that's the best decision of his, that saved Eritrea.

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by justo » 21 Sep 2020, 13:14

Zmeselo wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 13:01
Brother Justo, the idea of starting with Sawa was his as well. I think that's the best decision of his, that saved Eritrea.
Absolutely, brother Zmeselo.
We need to openly and objectively appreciate what Isaias did for Eritrea.
When you think of it, it is really unbelievable how he skilfully managed to guide the country out of that very very difficult period, and he did all that without begging for help and without compromising the dignity of the country.
We should not let Eritrea's enemies define Eritrea

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) » 21 Sep 2020, 13:14

የቀድሞው የኤርትራ መከላከያ ሰራዊት ጠቅላይ አዛዥ ጀኔራል ስብሓት ኤፍሬም እንዲህ ብሎ ተናግሮ ነበር፤
<<ወያኔ ኤርትራን ቢቆጣጠሩ ኖሮ ነብሰጡሮች ቁጥቋጦ ስር ነበር የሚወለዱት። ተመልከት ለአማራ ህዝብ እያደረጉት ያሉትን ግፍ። መልከመልካም ሚስቶቻቸዉን እየነጠቁ ያማግጧቸዋል። ልጆቻቸዉም እንደዚሁ። በኦጋዴን፤ በሶማሌ እየፈጸመ ያለዉን የዘር ማጥፋት ድርጊት በአልጀዚራ በቲቪ ያየነዉ ነው።>>
President Isaias prevented the agame from carrying out inferiority complex fueled genocide against the Eritrean people. He broke their back bones to never point their guns towards Eritrea ever again.
Last edited by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) on 21 Sep 2020, 13:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by sesame » 21 Sep 2020, 13:19

Hello Justo and others,

Isaias stood like a granite rock for the next 20 years defying the powerful masters of the dirty weyanes. Everyone remembers Isaias' speeches in which he clearly identified the US as the main enemy and the Weyane being just cheap servants. He defeated all anti Eritrean conspiracies. Today, it is the backstabbing dirty Agames who are dying. This song said it about the 20 year Eritrean tenacity and perseverance.

ወሪድዎ እዚ ኸዳሚ፥
ተጎርቢሱ ኢንድዩ ዓሚ
መዓስከ ንሩዎ ዓቕሚ
ኣጆና ደቂ ኤርትራ
ብዕራይ ናብ ዘበለ የብል
ዕርፊ የጽንዕ ቅልጽምና

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by justo » 21 Sep 2020, 13:34

sesame wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 13:19
Isaias stood like a granite rock for the next 20 years defying the powerful masters of the dirty weyanes.
Indeed, bother sesame!
And we have to start appreciating that unapologetically.
We have seen history as it was happening, and Isaias stood like a granite rock, as you beautifully put it

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by quindibu » 21 Sep 2020, 13:39

justo wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 11:54

By le way, the other day I saw you call Abiy dictator, so in your mouth, a dictator is anybody that Tigray doesn't like. That is too subjective for my taste
Any conversation or dialogue operates in a certain structure, is governed by some expectation, subordinated by a language of which words are presumed to have mutually understood meanings.....

In the absence of this mechanism? Well.....

When Edu tells us she just finished building a new house, we should be obliged to inquire if she means a house with a floor, walls and, a ceiling or some sort of cover on top.........

Perhaps I, for one, is willing to learn the Agame-speak to be on the same page with these maggots. Otherwise, the whole exercise of reasoning with them is futile and a waste of our precious time.

BTW, this applies to our useful idiots who scribble day in and day out their swill on every platform, they have been provided with, without saying anything valuable!
Last edited by quindibu on 21 Sep 2020, 13:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by Temt » 21 Sep 2020, 13:51

justo wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 13:34
sesame wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 13:19
Isaias stood like a granite rock for the next 20 years defying the powerful masters of the dirty weyanes.
Indeed, bother sesame!
And we have to start appreciating that unapologetically.
We have seen history as it was happening, and Isaias stood like a granite rock, as you beautifully put it
Another barometer/yardstick of the indefatigable gentleman success story is the fact that the ሓሳዳት Agames keep on wailing day and night how terrible PIA is! When your enemy utters bad things about one, he must have done a tone of Eritrean goodness with a permanent stain on their feeble memory.

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by eden » 21 Sep 2020, 13:57

Speaking of sawa - social engineering, it failed

Our society is more divided than even before we split from the union:

Stop the self deception hgdef boys
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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by Fed_Up » 21 Sep 2020, 14:11

justo wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 08:59
Of course nobody can save a country single-handedly, especially a country like Eritrea which is full of Martys. But 22 years ago, when the woyane were smelling blood and a cacophony of demands started raining on him from his former colleagues, Isaias single-handedly saved Eritrea despite the efforts to the contrary of Susan Rice, Jendai Frazer, the woyane, the UN, the AU, the EU, the G-15, the whole world had turned against Eritrea and Gadaffi was our only friend, although we had nothing in common with him in terms of style or governance.

The G-15 would have been right, had woyane occupied Eritrea, then they could have claimed Isaias destroyed Eritrea. But Isaias stod steadfast and beat the crap out of woyane, out of G-15, the crap out of Susane Rice, the UN, the AU and he came out victorious on the other side of the tunnel. Once they saw that Isaias and Eritrea had survived their onslaught, the sympathisers of the G-15 supported by all of the above tried to create a false narrative of a failed-state Eritrea and worked hard to make that a reality

What are then the side-effects of Eritrea's victory over the past 22 years against all odds, yes it left us a number of defeated corpses and skeletons that have grown to hate Eritrea beyond belief.
I have thinking hard and squeezes all my brain cells if I can add anything you might missed but no avail. Put it simple but highly condensed even the woyanus can understand.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ተፈፀመ~Game Over~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by quindibu » 21 Sep 2020, 14:33

Does this sound familiar? One 'genius' gentleman asked this question in 1989? Yes two years prior to the eviction of Ethiopian forces from Eritrea! And the expression in PIA's face priceless......trying hard not to laugh!
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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by Awash » 21 Sep 2020, 16:01

justo wrote:
21 Sep 2020, 08:59
Of course nobody can save a country single-handedly, especially a country like Eritrea which is full of Martys. But 22 years ago, when the woyane were smelling blood and a cacophony of demands started raining on him from his former colleagues, Isaias single-handedly saved Eritrea despite the efforts to the contrary of Susan Rice, Jendai Frazer, the woyane, the UN, the AU, the EU, the G-15, the whole world had turned against Eritrea and Gadaffi was our only friend, although we had nothing in common with him in terms of style or governance.

The G-15 would have been right, had woyane occupied Eritrea, then they could have claimed Isaias destroyed Eritrea. But Isaias stod steadfast and beat the crap out of woyane, out of G-15, the crap out of Susane Rice, the UN, the AU and he came out victorious on the other side of the tunnel. Once they saw that Isaias and Eritrea had survived their onslaught, the sympathisers of the G-15 supported by all of the above tried to create a false narrative of a failed-state Eritrea and worked hard to make that a reality

What are then the side-effects of Eritrea's victory over the past 22 years against all odds, yes it left us a number of defeated corpses and skeletons that have grown to hate Eritrea beyond belief.
Moron, the Eritrean people are still paying the price of the Agame tyrant's stupidity. He saved his Agame aszz and his Agame junta at the expense of Hidri Siwuatna. Idiot.

"The No.1 enemy of the Eritrean people is Isaias" Gen. Mesfin Hagos
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Re: How Isiaias saved Eritrea 20 years ago

Post by Awash » 21 Sep 2020, 16:03

The Eritrean people did not sacrifice so much for decades for a dictatorship and totalitarianism.
Eritrea Free Press #19 Stolen Years

September 19, 2020

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) September 19. 2020. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. 

People who haven’t experienced Eritrea’s descent into
totalitarianism first hand cannot truly understand what daily life looks like there. Even the infamous labels associated with the country – such as “most censored” country on Earth or the bottom-ranked nation on the Press Freedom Index for 10 consecutive years – do not help understand Eritrea’s day-to-day reality...

So let me share my first-hand experience.

Exactly 19 years ago, on September 18, 2001, Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and his clique banned seven independent newspapers and imprisoned 11 of the most senior government officials.

That “Black Tuesday” was the start of Eritrea’s transformation into the police state that it is today. Before this happened, despite various challenges, Eritrean independent media briefly had created space for open discussion, even providing a forum for dissident political leaders.

Crushing dissent

The first official response to the promising signs of a vibrant press and open political forums in Eritreacame in early September 2001 when President Afwerki appointed Naizghi Kiflu as minister of information. Kiflu had acquired a bad reputation for being a brutal and merciless commander during the struggle for independence. He had served as chief of the infamous military prison then called the Revolutionary Guard. Never shy about his dark past, in his first meeting with the ministry’s staff members and journalists, Kiflu reminded them that he had been “a cruel cadre and ex-chief of the Revolutionary Guard”.

After banning private newspapers and ordering a swift wave of arrests, the minister circulated an order to Eritrea’s printing houses to immediately cease printing any material, including wedding invitations and nightclub posters.

Thus, began the country’s steady descent into the abyss. ... olenyears/

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