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Woyane propaganda machines are down !

Posted: 06 Jul 2020, 15:38
by horn fighter
*The notorious Tigrai TV and Dimxi woyane TV are off from their satellite transmission frequency.

*Amara regional state put sanctions in place against killil Tigray.

*Woyane is labeled a terrorist organization and is banned from the Ethiopian political landscape.

*Ethiopian electoral commission is about to erase and deny recognition TPLF as a political party.

Re: Woyane propaganda machines are down !

Posted: 06 Jul 2020, 15:40
by Noble Amhara
Amara Region also shut down the highway between Amhara and Tigray for the last two years :mrgreen:

Re: Woyane propaganda machines are down !

Posted: 06 Jul 2020, 15:42
by Hameddibewoyane
elel bel ethiopia :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
horn fighter wrote:
06 Jul 2020, 15:38
*The notorious Tigrai TV and Dimxi woyane TV are off from their satellite transmission frequency.

*Amara regional state put sanctions in place against killil Tigray.

*Woyane is labeled a terrorist organization and is banned from the Ethiopian political landscape.

*Ethiopian electoral commission is about to erase and deny recognition TPLF as a political party.