I, DefendTheTruth, hereby co-sign the statement of this brave man in the video and found nothing logically wrong in his view, declare that Ethoash the Ashtray, another forumer of this site, is an enemy of Ethiopia unless he comes forward and prove the righteousness of his logic to us why Emperor Menelik's Statue should be shipped to Gonder. If Meles' statue may have to be shipped, it is because he built an ethnic enclave of the different people of the country and his enclave is precisely in Tigray, according to his own logic and I don't see any wrong with that. Menelik on the other hand declared divided we fail, united we will get strong and led us to an historic victory over white supremacists that came to colonize us, as such a hero of the black race, a pioneer of today's global "Black Lives Matter" movment.
Our people are fed-up of the none sense of the mob headed by Jaanjoo Mohammed and determined to defend ourselves, as soon as they may take a slightly misstep towards harming our country hence after!
Political actors from Wollega conspired against Tulema Oromo with their counterparts in Tigray and set for themselves the goal to demoralize Showa Oromo and make thme kneeled down before the latter set their footsteps in the central part of the country as liberation fronts. For that purpse alone they tried to create a name called Gobena to mean a traitor, when they are the true traitors.
Now, people are raising the why?
Stop the traitors trying to demonize the true patriots!