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shock! where did xabashi etihopia got all the fish? is ethiopia stealing from somali costs?

Posted: 13 Apr 2020, 17:23
by xamar
i saw this world bank data of fish production in africa and was shocked ethiopia produced more fish than somalia, ertrea and djibouti combined. where did the xabashi got all the fish? do they illegally fish from somali costs using amisom as a cover? ... by_country ... _desc=true

Re: shock! where did xabashi etihopia got all the fish? is ethiopia stealing from somali costs?

Posted: 13 Apr 2020, 17:31
by Mahlana

Do not forget the fact that the man made Tekezze river of Tigrai is flooding the entire xabasha country with fish. It is probably the biggest harvest in sub saharan africa.

Sabax wanagsan!!

Re: shock! where did xabashi etihopia got all the fish? is ethiopia stealing from somali costs?

Posted: 13 Apr 2020, 17:36
by Noble Amhara

No it’s the Fresh waters of Lake Tana that are supplying Ethiopia with fish, let alone Gojjam has the biggest fishes in the country, Tigrai is a dustbowl and has no water, In Eritrea it’s illegal to fish aswell in Djibouti Inland Ethiopians are more Productive with such Resources unlike her neighbors :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: shock! where did xabashi etihopia got all the fish? is ethiopia stealing from somali costs?

Posted: 13 Apr 2020, 18:51
by kebena05
present wrote:
13 Apr 2020, 18:33
Awasa is another big one, full of fish!!

But your beloved Tigray is Full of!!

Re: shock! where did xabashi etihopia got all the fish? is ethiopia stealing from somali costs?

Posted: 14 Apr 2020, 14:00
by xamar
are you all saying few rivers made you produce more fish than countries with see costs?

Re: shock! where did xabashi etihopia got all the fish? is ethiopia stealing from somali costs?

Posted: 14 Apr 2020, 14:02
by Fed_Up
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

kebena05 wrote:
13 Apr 2020, 18:51
present wrote:
13 Apr 2020, 18:33
Awasa is another big one, full of fish!!

But your beloved Tigray is Full of!!