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Hey the 4th Awraja of Tigrigna speakers Amiche, if Issayas your president dies by anything I will throw huge party???

Posted: 26 Jan 2020, 19:29
by Halafi Mengedi
For those who do not know north Tigray has four Awraja Tigrigna speakers from the mainland Tigray ethnic. These are Seraye, Hamassien, Akele Guzay and Amiche. Seraye, Hamassien and Akele do not have presidents yet but the Amiche has his name is the Lion of Nakfa the human flash eater Issayas.

Remember, any maid does not have any kind of entitlement if the owner of slave maids dies, the maid is entitle only Agoza, Tilqit and Wahyo. So, if you do not believe yourself Tigray ethnic but Eritrea ethnic then you have the right to take the above three properties and leave to Bologna if you are not already there???

Re: Hey the 4th Awraja of Tigrigna speakers Amiche, if Issayas your president dies by anything I will throw huge party??

Posted: 26 Jan 2020, 19:41
by Halafi Mengedi
If you ask me where is Amiche Awraja located in north Tigray, the answer is in the internet and historians identified them as the best warriors in the Horn of Africa, they stretch from Australia to all over Africa, Europe and north America. The only time they get together is when they hear Kebero or drum or Guala.

Re: Hey the 4th Awraja of Tigrigna speakers Amiche, if Issayas your president dies by anything I will throw huge party??

Posted: 26 Jan 2020, 19:53
by Halafi Mengedi
Do you know that the savage animal Muslim, when they divorce, the woman entitle her blanket only or Agoza regardless how filthy rich her husband is yet the Muslim women are proud of who they are as less than pets in the household. Do you defend that and talk about it as you have the moral ground???

Re: Hey the 4th Awraja of Tigrigna speakers Amiche, if Issayas your president dies by anything I will throw huge party??

Posted: 26 Jan 2020, 20:00
by Halafi Mengedi
Kab Ztili'ee Buzuh Amawiti Koynuwo Alo, Ezu menhus Tela'ee. Why they are singing in Arabic or something it is not his Awuraja Amiche music???

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Re: Hey the 4th Awraja of Tigrigna speakers Amiche, if Issayas your president dies by anything I will throw huge party??

Posted: 26 Jan 2020, 21:06
by Follower
ኣታዮ ኣቦይ ስብሓት ዶ ኣልጊብልካ ከይ ሃረስካ ምህላም?በንቅሖም ምስ ኣይተ መለስ ይጽውዩ ነሮም፡ወይ ውይ ልስኻ ደሞ መትሃዚ ለይግነዮ ኣርእስቲ መሊእካዮ፡
መድሃኒትካ ወሲድካ ስኽ ኢልካ ሃርስ ሃሳስ።
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Re: Hey the 4th Awraja of Tigrigna speakers Amiche, if Issayas your president dies by anything I will throw huge party??

Posted: 26 Jan 2020, 22:09
by Halafi Mengedi
Follower wrote:
26 Jan 2020, 21:06
ኣታዮ ኣቦይ ስብሓት ዶ ኣልጊብልካ ከይ ሃረስካ ምህላም?በንቅሖም ምስ ኣይተ መለስ ይጽውዩ ነሮም፡ወይ ውይ ልስኻ ደሞ መትሃዚ ለይግነዮ ኣርእስቲ መሊእካዮ፡
መድሃኒትካ ወሲድካ ስኽ ኢልካ ሃርስ ሃሳስ።
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Do you guy have some kind of investment activities in your Amiche Awraja, Issayas your president is good Gold digger???

Re: Hey the 4th Awraja of Tigrigna speakers Amiche, if Issayas your president dies by anything I will throw huge party??

Posted: 27 Jan 2020, 04:37
by xamar
inferior agame let me give you a lecture freely. this is eritrean not arabic music.

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
26 Jan 2020, 20:00
Kab Ztili'ee Buzuh Amawiti Koynuwo Alo, Ezu menhus Tela'ee. Why they are singing in Arabic or something it is not his Awuraja Amiche music???

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Re: Hey the 4th Awraja of Tigrigna speakers Amiche, if Issayas your president dies by anything I will throw huge party??

Posted: 27 Jan 2020, 04:44
by Degnet
xamar wrote:
27 Jan 2020, 04:37
inferior agame let me give you a lecture freely. this is eritrean not arabic music.

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
26 Jan 2020, 20:00
Kab Ztili'ee Buzuh Amawiti Koynuwo Alo, Ezu menhus Tela'ee. Why they are singing in Arabic or something it is not his Awuraja Amiche music???

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Great people talk about ideas,simple people talk about people,he is a shame to Tigrians.Zeagome enkuakuho

Re: Hey the 4th Awraja of Tigrigna speakers Amiche, if Issayas your president dies by anything I will throw huge party??

Posted: 27 Jan 2020, 05:19
by Zmeselo
Harii mengedi, Qdmi'u gaH entebeki KHe?