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Time to shut down the terrorist TPLF Media!

Posted: 20 Dec 2019, 00:19
by Hameddibewoyane

Re: Time to shut down the terrorist TPLF Media!

Posted: 20 Dec 2019, 00:28
by Halafi Mengedi
Amhara brain is the true ye Walka chika Angol to talk about Tigray media. How come your ears became deaf and your eyes blind for all Amhara you tube media talking about Tigray24/7 for 27 years??? Why you guys even bother about religion when you are the mother of liar??? What are the ESATs, Media 360, Ahiya Suyoum Teshome, Ethio times, shukshukta, and many of them talking the samething Tigray this Tigray that???

Re: Time to shut down the terrorist TPLF Media!

Posted: 20 Dec 2019, 01:07
by Abdelaziz
Bedemariam aka seyum teshome the fa'gat dkmucher day-dreaming again.

Re: Time to shut down the terrorist TPLF Media!

Posted: 20 Dec 2019, 04:57
by aagirmay
Has this guy never seen the stuff ESAT puts on? They are the ones that should read this, not TMH. Which I donated to when it was first staying, Alula Solomon is such a humble and kind person.

Re: Time to shut down the terrorist TPLF Media!

Posted: 20 Dec 2019, 09:05
This should be pinned at the top. Tplf is a terrorist organisation and its mouthpiece tmh should be shut down.
Hameddibewoyane wrote:
20 Dec 2019, 00:19