መኳንንት ፌደራሊስቶቹን አስጨፈራቸው not Neftoch night???
Posted: 05 Dec 2019, 14:43
Ethiopian News & Opinion
Ye denkoro sebseb new ene melk balew menged kehone rasachenn benchel tefat yelewm ene yetelahut weshet new,it is like the Nazis who cheated the German people.Sam Ebalalehu wrote: ↑05 Dec 2019, 15:03Halafi, I do not know what he is saying in his singing. But I know one thing: the ethnic politicians effort to rally the clueless with emotion, using music as a backup is and will never work anymore. Halafi, your uncles could buy as many “ kebero” as they wish to build up emotion in the Tigreans youth as they had done two scores years ago, but hardly will they found the young blood who respond to their “kebero” drumbeat. Time is changing. And those who are stuck with the past will have no bright future.
Sam Ebalalehu wrote: ↑05 Dec 2019, 15:03Halafi, I do not know what he is saying in his singing. But I know one thing: the ethnic politicians effort to rally the clueless with emotion, using music as a backup is and will never work anymore. Halafi, your uncles could buy as many “ kebero” as they wish to build up emotion in the Tigreans youth as they had done two scores years ago, but hardly will they found the young blood who respond to their “kebero” drumbeat. Time is changing. And those who are stuck with the past will have no bright future.
Listen also at their amharic kuankuawn bedemb kalchalkew tewewu,ye Tigray hezb tesekaye,enezih tarik yelelachew.Take Halafi Mengedi ye Tigray hezb yesekayal,esu Supersonoc alen yelenalHalafi Mengedi wrote: ↑05 Dec 2019, 15:14Sam Ebalalehu wrote: ↑05 Dec 2019, 15:03Halafi, I do not know what he is saying in his singing. But I know one thing: the ethnic politicians effort to rally the clueless with emotion, using music as a backup is and will never work anymore. Halafi, your uncles could buy as many “ kebero” as they wish to build up emotion in the Tigreans youth as they had done two scores years ago, but hardly will they found the young blood who respond to their “kebero” drumbeat. Time is changing. And those who are stuck with the past will have no bright future.
Za-Ilmaknun wrote: ↑05 Dec 2019, 15:36I heard Ayele Chamisso has been cut from the TPLF payroll.He must have been too archaic even by TPLF standard...or is it that he wasn't able to dance with the drumbeats of the Axum Hotel residents? In any case what one can observe is how far 500 birr a day for a couple of days could take the belly ups in to going against their own long term interest. However, OLF and ONLF rejected the invitation outright shoving it to the already burned TPLF ars.