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whats happening in tigray? too many tigray beggars in addis ababa these days
Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 18:54
by xamar
is there drought or something? wollahi addis ababans are meskeen. they give them money after 27 years of tplf brutality.
Re: whats happening in tigray? too many tigray beggars in addis ababa these days
Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 19:03
by xamar
they are everywhere. can't miss them. look how this youtuber is trying hard to avoid them
Re: whats happening in tigray? too many tigray beggars in addis ababa these days
Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 19:09
by xamar
even visitors like this beautiful eritrean youtuber are not spared. whats up tigray?
Re: whats happening in tigray? too many tigray beggars in addis ababa these days
Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 19:20
by Za-Ilmaknun
Re: whats happening in tigray? too many tigray beggars in addis ababa these days
Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 19:30
by tarik
xamar wrote: ↑30 Sep 2019, 18:54
is there drought or something? wollahi addis ababans are meskeen. they give them money after 27 years of tplf brutality.
xamar aka axumai aka agame pretending 2 be Somalian:lol:
Good Day Sir
These cursed-land-tigray ppl r sent by their masters z adwans aka terrorst-tigray-tplf 2 steal or claim z Amhara ashenda and make it agames ashenda, they r just trying 2 fool z World. It's a trick, WORIYA.
Good Day Sir
Re: whats happening in tigray? too many tigray beggars in addis ababa these days
Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 22:35
by Cigar
Go back and google what I been saying since these filthy agame start to f**k around with Eritrea and Eritreans.
I was saying that we made the tplf and we will unmake it. And we did that surgically.
I said that like their forefathers and foremothers they will go back to the lives they were living in Eritrea.
Begging, doing the menial jobs, prostituting, slaving and maide*ing.
Yes I also said that this time their begging and prostituting won't be in Eritrea, but in ethiopia. And this is just the start. It is going to be worse to be a filthy. back stabbing, hasad agame.
If you see them nowadays they already started to look like they are made of dirty clay.
That is exactly how they looked like when they were flooding Eritrea with no gun pointed at them.
Unlike them claiming we were Italians slave under the fascist gun, these filthy agames were willing slave in Eritrea.
But they refuse to differentiate what is a victim and who is a willing slave just to score cheap points.
Re: whats happening in tigray? too many tigray beggars in addis ababa these days
Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 22:59
by Digital Weyane
There is nothing wrong with begging in the streets to raise money for Salsay Weyane. That is our game and we're going to play it our way. You see beggars, and we Digital Weyanes see Dancing Freedom Fighters. We have one million Tegaru Freedom Fighters roaming the streets of Addis Ababa!
Re: whats happening in tigray? too many tigray beggars in addis ababa these days
Posted: 01 Oct 2019, 00:56
by Digital Weyane
"Begging is not begging when it's done to liberate your country." --- (Awash the Great of Adwa, Tigray)
Re: whats happening in tigray? too many tigray beggars in addis ababa these days
Posted: 01 Oct 2019, 07:35
by AbyssiniaLady
Sleep deprived Digital Weyane leave these little cute girls alone!!