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Addis Ababa Should not be under Oromo Regional State - it belongs to heroic people of Amhara!

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 06:20
by EthioRedSea
Ethiopians should say no to the demands of the Galla or Oromo (their protestant name). Allowing Addis Ababa to be the capital city of Ethiopia is politically and historically incorrect.

We should force the Galla to accept historical facts. We will need to discuss with the different political groups standing for Galla tribe. They are many. some of them do not support the idea of Addis Ababa being part of Oromo Regional State.

The current internal boundary of Oromo Regional State has no historical basis. We should not accept such territory which has not existed before.

We need to pay the necessary sacrifices to reverse the attack on Ethiopia. This gives a good opportunity to displace the Galla or Oromo out of Ethiopia. We should embrace this opportunity and thank good for giving us this golden chance to rearrange Ethiopia's internal boundaries.

The problem is Ethnic Federalism and should be abolished. A new federal arrangement will replace the current ethnic federalism.

Re: Addis Ababa Should not be under Oromo Regional State - it belongs to heroic people of Amhara!

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 06:23
by odaa1
Useless agame ..hung up yourself.
Qeerroo is coming to Mekelle 2 [deleted] out woreda azewunit leba woyanes.

Re: Addis Ababa Should not be under Oromo Regional State - it belongs to heroic people of Amhara!

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 06:40
by EthioRedSea
I am not from Agame! Agame is one the origins of Ethiopia's civilisation. Ethiopia should be proud of Agame!

Querro is Qorqoro.

We will trash you. We will come where your are and displace you to Kenya, Sudan and Tanzania or The Congo or To Rwanda!

Addis Ababa to Amhara, Guraghe and Tigrayans. I do not support Amhara, but the historical fact Addis Ababa belongs to Abyssinians (Amhara and Tigray, Guraghe, Gafat etc)

Re: Addis Ababa Should not be under Oromo Regional State - it belongs to heroic people of Amhara!

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 10:46
by odaa1
Do you want someone fvcking off you?
Lefachem woreda,
You are bvushit person no bodt give a place rather than wasting ur idiotic time.
Ye gered leji

Re: Addis Ababa Should not be under Oromo Regional State - it belongs to heroic people of Amhara!

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 11:00
by EthioRedSea
Galla! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Gallichu!

Leave Ethiopia to Ethiopians!
Go back to where you came from!

Re: Addis Ababa Should not be under Oromo Regional State - it belongs to heroic people of Amhara!

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 11:17
by odaa1
Lice ridden agame go back to Yemen.
You are seeking dicck for ur annus
[deleted] agame :lol: :lol: :lol: