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I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by Mahlana » 21 Aug 2019, 18:12

The previous week was an eye opening to me.

Why? Because the Amhara mass media of hatred and genocide including the nazist ETHSAT were talking about hisdden missiles on the hands of Tigrai. I bluffed it. However, Mr. Andargachew Tsige( He happens to be probably the only man I respect from the opposition camp for his real revolutionary spirit) repeated what the Amhara camp was saying and in fact he said that Tigrai has indeed bought special weapons not even owned by the federal forces. This made me dig more into the matter and now I am convinced that Tigrai is one of the most heavily armed entities on earth. Survival instinct baby!!

Last edited by Mahlana on 21 Aug 2019, 18:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by sesame » 21 Aug 2019, 18:16

I also heard that Agames have also nuclear weapons. Wow, you dirty parasites are so scared, you will soon be sheeting in your pants. There are no weapons on this plant that are going to save you qomalat.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 21 Aug 2019, 18:22

Yet the leadership is auction the last Tigray asset that is Ashenda to the Amharu. Per the Dembia Amhara TV in Tigray Ashenda will be displayed in Addis Ababa. Last week when we call for boycott this year Asheda, two Tigrayan ladies came out said Ashenda is exclusively Tigray culture and will be held only in Tigray with assertiveness.

BTW, your last post you said you are sure Tigray is freely independent and economic assured. I saw and posted a video Diaspora Tigrayans tour of Tigray and show the different landscapes of Tigay and the people sentiments about the future of Tigray. That video reminded us all is all the looted lands of Tigray from north Gonder are very rich and can feed the entire Tigray but our leadership is very weak right now. We must seek our lands Qobo and all northern Gonder from Metema Yohannes to Beida. Abraha Jira, Abdel rafee and Tahtay Armachiho would be more than enough Tigray needs but do we want it???

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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by Mahlana » 21 Aug 2019, 18:23

sesame wrote:
21 Aug 2019, 18:16
I also heard that Agames have also nuclear weapons. Wow, you dirty parasites are so scared, you will soon be sheeting in your pants. There are no weapons on this plant that are going to save you qomalat.

ፈሪሕካ ዲኻ? ኣጆኻ ናብ ህልው እምበር ናብ ምዉት ኣይትኩሱን ተጋሩ። ንስኻ ደኣ ቀደም ዝሞትካ!

ደንቆሮ ፉንፉን!!

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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by tarik » 21 Aug 2019, 18:23

Mahlana aka mahla nay telemti deqi mai telamit agame

Good Day Sir

Weey beroqroq. 80% of ur cursed-land-tigray ppl r still living on USAID and here u r bragging about weapons. NIGGGGGER PLEASE GO FEED UR HUNGRY QIMMMMALAM Tigray ppl first. GURRA BICHAAA AGAMES. Check out agames with an AK-47 Monkey heads. :lol:

Good Day Sir

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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by sesame » 21 Aug 2019, 18:30

Agame. we decimated the TPLF when you agames had the full Ethiopian military and people behind you. We killed 50,000 agames most of them TPLF fighters. Divisions like Alula, Hayelom and Hawzen were evaporated. The only reason we haven't kicked your [deleted] now is because of consideration for Ethiopia of which you are still a part. But if Dr. Abiy gives the ggreen light, then we will make sure that you agames never rise again to be the cancer of the neighbourhood.

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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by Mahlana » 21 Aug 2019, 18:38

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
21 Aug 2019, 18:22
Yet the leadership is auction the last Tigray asset that is Ashenda to the Amharu. Per the Dembia Amhara TV in Tigray Ashenda will be displayed in Addis Ababa. Last week when we call for boycott this year Asheda, two Tigrayan ladies came out said Ashenda is exclusively Tigray culture and will be held only in Tigray with assertiveness.

BTW, your last post you said you are sure Tigray is freely independent and economic assured. I saw and posted a video Diaspora Tigrayans tour of Tigray and show the different landscapes of Tigay and the people sentiments about the future of Tigray. That video reminded us all is all the looted lands of Tigray from north Gonder are very rich and can feed the entire Tigray but our leadership is very weak right now. We must seek our lands Qobo and all northern Gonder from Metema Yohannes to Beida. Abraha Jira, Abdel rafee and Tahtay Armachiho would be more than enough Tigray needs but do we want it???

You mentioned two important things. The Amhara theft and the development issues in Tigrai.

About the Amhara theft, they steal literally everything!! Land, cultures and traditions, religion, history, heroes, legends e.t.c. and with an unbelievable audacity, they later claim that it is their own. Well, you and I know that the Amharas have no any religious traditions, festivities, holidays including Ashenda e.t.c of their own. NOTHING!! They just learnt everything from Tigrai, Axum. Solution? Just wait. Lasting solution is coming from the Amhara region. Just patience.

About the development issue: well, Tigrai cities have become real paradise to even Gojjamie labour workers. Mekelle now is full of tens of thousands of Gojjamie labourers, construction workers (ሚነዋለ). This is something completely new. Not to mention the other tribes coming all the way from even southern Ethiopia and Oromia. The entire Asmara population is either in Adigrat or Mekelle for jobs and business opportunities. Tigrai is moving!! Ironically, the biggest threat for this amazing momentum happens to be the TPLF leadership. It's shocking to see how insensitive and stupid almost the entire leadership is! ኣደን ጓልን ነንበይኑ ፀሎተን! But there is hope: The Tigrai youth is there to defend it's interests and check and balance the power of the dormant political elite!!

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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by Mahlana » 21 Aug 2019, 18:43

tarik wrote:
21 Aug 2019, 18:23
Mahlana aka mahla nay telemti deqi mai telamit agame

Good Day Sir

Weey beroqroq. 80% of ur cursed-land-tigray ppl r still living on USAID and here u r bragging about weapons. NIGGGGGER PLEASE GO FEED UR HUNGRY QIMMMMALAM Tigray ppl first. GURRA BICHAAA AGAMES. Check out agames with an AK-47 Monkey heads. :lol:

Good Day Sir

ክኒናኻ ውሒጥካ ሸይንካ ደቅስ ኣንታ [deleted] ኣረጊት!

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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by gagi » 21 Aug 2019, 19:22

If wishes were horses, idiots like Mahalna would have ridden them!

If the Amhara were people without culture and tradition why then blaming them for national oppression? If the Amhara have stolen your language, your religion, your culture, and your way of life, why then hating instead of joining them? If the Amharas were such desperate and barren people that they wanted to speak your language, practice your religion and culture, why then blame them for their position on the unity of Ethiopia which would have spread your identity not theirs?

Last edited by gagi on 21 Aug 2019, 19:29, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by Follower » 21 Aug 2019, 19:27

ዓጋመ ምስቲ ኩኡኡኡኡኡሉ ቶንኮሎም የ ቀን ጂቦች ዝፍንወሎም ፕሮፖጋንዳ ብቀሊሉ እዮም ልሽወዱይ፡
ኣንስ, እቲ ጉርሖም ንኤርትራውያን ንምህሳይ ጥራሕ ዝፈጠነ እዩ ዝመስለኒ፡እምበር ንብጥምየትን ሕሰም መነባብሮን ዝሳቀ ዘለዉ ቆንዳፍ ህዝቢስ ኑክለር ቦምብ ክንውንን ኣለና ኢልካ ይጽወ እዩ,ተስፋ ምሃብ ዶ ኾን ይኸውን?حلاوة روح?!!!ወይ ጉኡኡኡኡድ፡
ጮጓር ከልብስ(ዓጋመs) ኣሎ እንዳበልዎ ሞተ፡እዩ ነገሩ፡

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Re: I am convinced that Tigrai is certainly armed to the teeth with even some of the heaviest modern weapons

Post by Selam/ » 21 Aug 2019, 22:48

qqqqqqqqq....Dumb and dumber talking to each other. Woorigat!
Mahlana wrote:
21 Aug 2019, 18:38
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
21 Aug 2019, 18:22
Yet the leadership is auction the last Tigray asset that is Ashenda to the Amharu. Per the Dembia Amhara TV in Tigray Ashenda will be displayed in Addis Ababa. Last week when we call for boycott this year Asheda, two Tigrayan ladies came out said Ashenda is exclusively Tigray culture and will be held only in Tigray with assertiveness.

BTW, your last post you said you are sure Tigray is freely independent and economic assured. I saw and posted a video Diaspora Tigrayans tour of Tigray and show the different landscapes of Tigay and the people sentiments about the future of Tigray. That video reminded us all is all the looted lands of Tigray from north Gonder are very rich and can feed the entire Tigray but our leadership is very weak right now. We must seek our lands Qobo and all northern Gonder from Metema Yohannes to Beida. Abraha Jira, Abdel rafee and Tahtay Armachiho would be more than enough Tigray needs but do we want it???

You mentioned two important things. The Amhara theft and the development issues in Tigrai.

About the Amhara theft, they steal literally everything!! Land, cultures and traditions, religion, history, heroes, legends e.t.c. and with an unbelievable audacity, they later claim that it is their own. Well, you and I know that the Amharas have no any religious traditions, festivities, holidays including Ashenda e.t.c of their own. NOTHING!! They just learnt everything from Tigrai, Axum. Solution? Just wait. Lasting solution is coming from the Amhara region. Just patience.

About the development issue: well, Tigrai cities have become real paradise to even Gojjamie labour workers. Mekelle now is full of tens of thousands of Gojjamie labourers, construction workers (ሚነዋለ). This is something completely new. Not to mention the other tribes coming all the way from even southern Ethiopia and Oromia. The entire Asmara population is either in Adigrat or Mekelle for jobs and business opportunities. Tigrai is moving!! Ironically, the biggest threat for this amazing momentum happens to be the TPLF leadership. It's shocking to see how insensitive and stupid almost the entire leadership is! ኣደን ጓልን ነንበይኑ ፀሎተን! But there is hope: The Tigrai youth is there to defend it's interests and check and balance the power of the dormant political elite!!

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