Re: አይደለም በአማራ ክልል በመላ ኢትዮጲያ ቅማንትን መግደል ወንጀል አይደለም: አገው ሸንጎ
Thanks Hawey Axumawi for the link. It was indeed interesting speech by the Agew Chairperson.
His excellency Alamerew yerdaw:
"ለምን ክኣፄ ቴዎድሮስ ዘለው ኣፄ ዮሐንስ የሚሉት፣ አፄ ተክልጊዮርጊሥስ የሉም እንዴ"
It seems leaders of Amhara and Tirgaway behind is under fire.
His excellency Alamerew yerdaw:
"በኣማራ ክልል የታሪክ ወረራ እየተካሄደ ነው።"
I know elites from our Amhara brothers had a history of distorting and eliminating other Ethiopian nation and nationalities history. But I have never anticipated Tigrayan elites as well were taking a part in such awful act of hypocrisy.
Well at least from what we hear from ato Alamerew, he is accusing both Amhara and Tigre his neighbors to have subjugated them in every aspect. Nonetheless, we the people,nation and nationalities have to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Agew brother/sisters to show our solidarity in their quest to self determination. No single nationality will be left behind in enjoying the fruit of our federalism.
His excellency Alamerew yerdaw:
"ለምን ክኣፄ ቴዎድሮስ ዘለው ኣፄ ዮሐንስ የሚሉት፣ አፄ ተክልጊዮርጊሥስ የሉም እንዴ"
It seems leaders of Amhara and Tirgaway behind is under fire.
His excellency Alamerew yerdaw:
"በኣማራ ክልል የታሪክ ወረራ እየተካሄደ ነው።"
I know elites from our Amhara brothers had a history of distorting and eliminating other Ethiopian nation and nationalities history. But I have never anticipated Tigrayan elites as well were taking a part in such awful act of hypocrisy.
Well at least from what we hear from ato Alamerew, he is accusing both Amhara and Tigre his neighbors to have subjugated them in every aspect. Nonetheless, we the people,nation and nationalities have to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Agew brother/sisters to show our solidarity in their quest to self determination. No single nationality will be left behind in enjoying the fruit of our federalism.