Hermon from Midribahri is one of the thousands who are ignoring wedimedhin and comin to Tigray to celebrate Ashenda. Tizita of Addis, is a proud Amhara lady, who ignored the ANTI-Tigray PLOT OF THE werada LOOTIEW KahaDIT DEMEKECH AND THE FA'GAT GONDERAM SON OF BI'TCH ABIOT MADIAT.
Genuine Amharas and genuine deqimidribaHro consider Tigray as their Jerusalem, they are now entering Tigray 4 Ashenda
Helen Weldeyohannes, one of dynamic and articulate reporters in Tigray mass media Agency(Amharic Department), looks fabulous in her beautiful Ashenda attire.
Hermon from Midribahri is one of the thousands who are ignoring wedimedhin and comin to Tigray to celebrate Ashenda. Tizita of Addis, is a proud Amhara lady, who ignored the ANTI-Tigray PLOT OF THE werada LOOTIEW KahaDIT DEMEKECH AND THE FA'GAT GONDERAM SON OF BI'TCH ABIOT MADIAT.
Hermon from Midribahri is one of the thousands who are ignoring wedimedhin and comin to Tigray to celebrate Ashenda. Tizita of Addis, is a proud Amhara lady, who ignored the ANTI-Tigray PLOT OF THE werada LOOTIEW KahaDIT DEMEKECH AND THE FA'GAT GONDERAM SON OF BI'TCH ABIOT MADIAT.